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The Ageless look

Michael Wentz

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We all know that Aes Sedai are recognizable by their "ageless" look, and that various characters throughout the entire series mention that it takes 3-5 years for the Ageless look to kick in.  We also saw that when Siuan and Leane were stilled, the Ageless effect was lost fairly quickly.  Same for the women that Rand accidentally stilled at Dumai's Well.  So, I would assume that being released from the Oath Rod means that you immediately lose the Ageless effect.

But later in the series, we see the BA Hunters unswear the Oaths to no loss of the Ageless effect, and then we see the entire White Tower unswear the Oaths, and no mention is made of any loss of the Ageless effect.

Is this just an oversight on RJ's part?  Does the loss of the Ageless effect have something to do with the loss of channelling?


The Ageless look is directly caused by the Oath Rod. being released from the oaths will cause the look to fade over time. In cases of severe trauma (i.e., siuan's and Leane's interrogation, or the sisters who were beat and violently stilled by rand at dumai's wells) the ageless can fade that much quicker. The assumption is that when the oaths are removed, then replaced right away, the ageless look doesn't change [significantly]. 

For example, when a sister joins the Black Ajah, her 3 Oaths are replaced by oaths to the DO. The look doesn't fade noticeably.


I believe it is Severing form the Source that produces the rapid loss of the ageless face, not just trauma. Aes Sedai have been traumatized before, and it doesn't affect the ageless face. 


The fact that they are Severed from the Source so quickly and forcefully means the Oaths are cut dramatically as well. The exact mechanics of how it works aren't clear, but however it works, it is the fact that they are Severed. 


If it was just trauma, Cabriana should have had the face of a child before she died. 


I believe it is Severing form the Source that produces the rapid loss of the ageless face, not just trauma. Aes Sedai have been traumatized before, and it doesn't affect the ageless face. 


The fact that they are Severed from the Source so quickly and forcefully means the Oaths are cut dramatically as well. The exact mechanics of how it works aren't clear, but however it works, it is the fact that they are Severed. 


If it was just trauma, Cabriana should have had the face of a child before she died. 

It was trauma PLUS the oaths being removed - in Siuan's case by stilling plus interrogation. I don't believe that Cabriana was stilled or had her oaths removed before being killed by Semhirage. 

Whether it was the Severing itself that caused the ageless look to fade so quickly is unclear - that being severed removes the oaths is a given - but the stilled sisters at Dumai's Wells took some time to lose the ageless look.


I believe Jordan was a little inconsistent in this matter.

not so. all our information on the ageless look comes from first person POV's. So its all highly subjective to begin with, some inconsistencies are natural.

(besides, what DOES the ageless look actually look like?)



I believe Jordan was a little inconsistent in this matter.

not so. all our information on the ageless look comes from first person POV's. So its all highly subjective to begin with, some inconsistencies are natural.

(besides, what DOES the ageless look actually look like?)





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