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Welcome Gudrean to the BT!

Mrs. Cindy Gill

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Aww yeah. *hi5 Gud*


Welcome to the madness. Our Lady Dragon should be along shortly to make it official and kick an admin to let you into the private boards. Until then, there's still much strangeness and spam to be had. :laugh:


Oooooooh is Gudrean and she has a NEW avi!


I likes it :biggrin:


Welcome to the BT. I'll be your captain on this journey. The emergency exits don't exist but you really won't mind.


We have a trolley service :wink:


And yes, once our lovely Lady Dragon spots you - hop on over to the Farmhouse for Saidin Class and sign up in the village for the 100 question.


We have the Mafia Goodness and would love to share - and other fun Games too.


And please ensure you DON'T keep your Threads inside the car at all times.


Smile for the camera



*sudden drop*




Gateways are so much fun.


Bailey´s brownies?! Yes, please!



Welcome to the Black Tower, Gudrean! Eat the brownies slowly or the taint might knock you out. You will soon get used to it. 


You will soon get access to our private boards. 


See? i was right. Ithi just likes to see us work.


*doffs his shirt, stretches, flexes, puts himself in the traces and straps in. shakes it for Ithi* ;)


If I'm the conductor does that mean ...










I said DRIVER lol


Lemme go find a more betterer Driver - then I can sit back and enjoy the view.


*adjusts mirror*


Working hard there Mills?


WOWzers y'all is gunna be soooooo much fun, I'm laughing my, hmmm can I say arse in here, off already!!!  Baileys brownies oh my goodness, errr taint?


hehe Hiya all, Ithi, Mills, Tina, Kitteh, Ayla, ummm am I missin anyone? Well so glad to be here. I've been missing all this fun? why didn't one of yas smack the hellloutta me and send me this way sooner  :laugh:


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