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Gleeman's Month: Nanofiction


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Nanofiction" is a word used by game designer Andrew Looney to describe very short stories -- 55 words or less.



All stories have at least four elements: character(s), setting, conflict, and resolution.



Here is how we're going to play this online. I will give you a numbered list for each of the first three elements (I'll let you figure out your own resolution!). You hit a random number generator that will select each element for you. YOU write a nanofiction piece about the elements you rolled! :) 



Now, in the name of online comraderie, I'm going to trust you to be random with these and not pick the ones you like the most. Have some fun with it! :) 





1. Ghandi

2. President of the United States

3. Moiraine

4. Santa's Elf

5. A dog

6. a dragon

7. King Arthur

8. Chinese Emperor

9. Prince William

10. an admin at DM




1. your house

2. Randland

3. On top of a mountain

4. under the sea

5. Paris, France

6. The court of Henry VIII

7. a Renaissance Fair

8. JordanCon (or any fantasy convention)

9. a classroom

10. in a fish tank



1. Just ate a bug

2. About to jump off a building

3. credit card declined

4. a flood destroyed their home

5. they are afraid of the spider crawling on the wall

6. can't decide what to eat for dinner

7. car tire is flat

8. significant other isn't speaking to them

9. has to study for a big test

10. is being bullied by Atilla the Hun.



*grins* Have some fun, folks! 

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even better, you let a random number generator (like this one) tell you which numbers you have to write using! 



I got: 


Character: 7- 

Setting- 10

Conflict- 4



So, I have to write a 55 word story about Santa's Elf in a fish tank with a flood destroying their home. LOL 

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"Unacceptable!" Henry thundered, striding through the hall, his courtiers hiding. "Empty cupboards!"


"Blame not the kitchens," Thomas More sighed, longsuffering. "Tis not their fault your credit card was declined."


"I have endless credit!” boomed Henry. “Fix this!”

The windows shattered like diamonds, rent by an emerald-hided beast that, starving, swallowed Henry whole. 

(Fun with The Court of Henry VIII, a dragon, and a credit card being declined. At least Henry's problem is solved. He is no longer hungry. ;) ) 

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That was sooo much harder than I expected it to be! I had to cut about 50% of what I had originally.


The President ran to reach the helicopter as fire consumed the halls. Approaching the rooftop the ceiling crashed down blocking their path. She turned to the window to jump. Someone pulled her toward the wall, twisting loose wallpaper until a door opened. As they stepped into the Ways the White House went up in flames.

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The castle was unlike any that King Arthur had seen and the banner proclaiming "JordanCon" was even more unusual. "My good sir, might I ask where I could find your masons to request their assistance in repairing my flooded castle." The student in the knight costume looked completely stunned and pointed to the event host.




That was deceptively hard. Whew!

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LMAO ya'll are awesome! 




“Just call Santa, alright?” Demitri shouted into the phone. He was pretty sure it came out garbled, but he didn’t have much time to waste with clarification. Whoever had dumped his house into this fish tank was going to get it! So was the idiot filling the tank up! 

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"This is odd." Perhaps the understatement of the Age.

"The food or the faire?" the vendor asked.

"It's nutty," Moiraine commented, not clarifying which. This world was quite strange. What was a Texas Renaissance Faire? At least no one looked askance at her attire. “What is it?”

“A fried bug.”

Moraine swallowed. “I see.” 



((A second one! Moiraine, a Renaissance Faire, and she swallowed a bug. :wink: )) 

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