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WoT character ability scores


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Hi all, first post.  I figured this had likely been done before but searches turned up nothing.  I love making lists and rankings things, so I thought it would be fun to assign D&D style ability scores to the characters in Wheel of Time.


A quick note about the numbers for those unfamiliar with D&D.  10-11 represents the average human range, 3 represents the lower limit of human capacity.  12-13 is good, better than the average human.  14-15 is very good, with maybe 2-5% of people exhibiting this level of ability.  16-17 is exceptional and easily places one in the 99th or 99.9th percentile.  An 18 is the highest unaugmented (magic, technology) human level for a particularly ability, think Einstein with 18 intelligence, Churchill with 18 charisma, Michael Jordan or Barry Sanders with 18 dexterity.


A couple disclaimers:  First, these are based on the characters at the end of Book 13, ToM.  Many characters would receive drastically different scores during AMoL, and similarly, many have undergone drastic changes from 1-13.  Second, I've tried to mostly leave willpower out of consideration.  It is typically tied to Wisdom, and sometimes Constitution, but since, for story purposes, nearly every character exhibits periods of supernatural willpower, I mostly try to ignore those in the rankings.


Sorry for the long preamble... here is what I came up with.



Strength - 17
Dexterity - 17
Constitution - 18
Intelligence - 14
Wisdom - 13
Charisma - 20*
A few things make Rand special here (duh).  First, his intelligence is hard to gauge because of his memories of LTT, which clearly make him vastly more knowledgeable.  Second, his wisdom varies perhaps more wildly than any other character.  I believe it settles at this level after the Dragonmount incident.  Third, his charisma is clearly a supernatural score, thanks to being ta'veren and everything else.  His natural CHA would be 18, and it ranges higher based on how much his ta'veren is at work at the time.
STR - 18
DEX - 14
CON - 16
INT - 10
WIS - 9
CHA - 15
I wasn't exactly sure how to judge his CON, because I couldn't remember as many scenes with him ignoring or quickly recovering from exhaustion, pain, injury, poison, etc.  So 16 is an educated guess.  His CHA of 15 includes his ta'veren nature, though the CHA, like Rand, can spike when that is working strongly.  Perrin is one of the few characters whose wisdom actually declines throughout the series.  9 is probably being generous.
STR - 15
DEX - 20
CON - 17
INT - 15
WIS - 12
CHA – 18
Mat's superhuman ability is obviously his luck.  While this (usually) helps him in pretty much every aspect of his life, the only ability score it really has a quantitative impact on is his dexterity - evidenced by his uncanny ability to dodge, catch, throw, etc - whereas he would have an 18 naturally.  His 18 CHA is largely natural, but does include being ta'veren and his luck.  Mat has his moments, but overall his judgement is actually quite good, earning him 12 wisdom.
STR - 9
DEX - 14
CON - 16
INT - 15
WIS - 11
CHA - 18
In those who don't do much physical fighting, STR and DEX scores are mostly guesstimates based on what I know of their body-type.  I give Elayne slightly higher STR than many other female characters because she is as tall as most men.  Her 18 CHA is natural, and her 16 CON comes from numerous demonstrations of her ability to endure pain, exhaustion, etc, like many of the other characters.
STR - 8
DEX - 13
CON - 17
INT - 16
WIS - 10
CHA - 14
Egwene makes up for a lot with her 16 INT, the highest of the main characters.  Her cleverness and shrewdness replaces natural leadership in dealing with the White Tower, hence her merely above average charisma.  10 WIS is almost a gift, at many points she demonstrates lower.  Her 13 DEX and 17 CON reflect her training with the Aiel and pain tolerance.
STR - 8
DEX - 11
CON - 18
INT - 13
WIS - 15
CHA - 10
Nynaeve, I'm sure many agree, demonstrated more growth in the series than almost any character.  This is reflected in her 15 wisdom, which is a cut above the other superboys and supergirls.  She never seems to accrue followers or attain much leadership, and combined with her abrasive manners, this gives her a barely average charisma.  Almost all the main characters demonstrate incredible constitution, but Nynaeve, like Rand, earns an 18 because of the extraordinary severity of the ordeals she has been able to endure.
STR - 13
DEX - 17
CON - 17
INT - 11
WIS - 13
CHA - 13
Obviously, Aviendha's combat training gives her outstanding STR and DEX.  I'm not biased against Aviendha, but she never seems to demonstrate extraordinary Int, Wis, or Cha.  She does manage a higher Wis than the other supergirls aside from Nynaeve, though.  Charisma doesn't translate well across cultures, but she is undeniably above average regardless, her sometimes harsh demeanor notwithstanding.
STR - 8
DEX - 17
CON - 13
INT - 15
WIS - 14
CHA - 14
While Min's knife tricks earn her a 17 DEX, her CON is only a guesstimate.  From what I remember, we don't really ever see her physically strained or tested much.  She doesn't give as many opportunities as some characters to display her wisdom or intelligence, but she does enough to earn a place near Nynaeve's.
STR - 6
DEX - 11
CON - 17
INT - 15
WIS - 18
CHA - 17
It's probably no surprise that I've given Moiraine the highest wisdom score, and among the highest scores in intelligence and charisma.  While I do like Moiraine, I don't think I'm biased towards her, but it's hard to deny that her judgment, insight, perceptiveness, and overall decision-making is basically without peer in the WoT world.
STR - 6
DEX - 9
CON - 15
INT - 16
WIS - 13
CHA - 15
Typical of so many Aes Sedai, her wisdom isn't as high as she'd like others to think, but her superior intelligence gives her abundant tools to make up for/mask that.  Her charisma is undoubtedly boosted by her reputation, and it's hard to judge her personal magnetism when so much of her influence is based on bullying and reputation.  Nevertheless, it's hard to deny her a high level of charisma.
STR - 17
DEX - 18
CON - 18
INT - 13
WIS - 16
CHA - 12
This should mostly go without saying...
Here are a bunch more I've really just guessed at since in many cases there isn't enough information to know.  Will put them in spoilers.







STR - 17

DEX - 15

CON - 17

INT - 14

WIS - 14

CHA - 17





STR - 8

DEX - 13

CON - 12

INT - 17

WIS - 12

CHA – 18



Gareth Bryne


STR - 16

DEX - 15

CON - 15

INT - 14

WIS - 15

CHA - 16





STR - 20

DEX - 11

CON - 16

INT - 16

WIS - 17

CHA - 10





STR - 8

DEX - 14

CON - 12

INT - 14

WIS - 11

CHA – 17





STR - 15

DEX - 18

CON - 16

INT - 12

WIS - 8

CHA – 14





STR - 7

DEX - 12

CON - 16

INT - 16

WIS - 13

CHA – 19





STR - 10

DEX - 18

CON - 13

INT - 14

WIS - 12

CHA – 12






I had considered doing a Pathfinder RPG since none of my mates have read the books and they might like the world buidling. I even considered giving them the option to play as the characters from Emonds Fields and seeing what they did to the story. Unfortunately, my RP groups are the sort who would have tried (and failed) to kill Moiraine and Lan coz shes tellin them what to do n they don't like that. :) 


Plus, I wasn't sure how to represent the taint and some of the magic. The One Power and channelers simply are vastly stronger than non magic people in WoT whilst there is an effort at balance in Pathfinder or D&D.


Cool idea.  Not sure why you have put Nynaeve's strength as lower than Egwenes - Nynaeve is taller and older than Egwene.  I would also not rank Rand's charisma so high.  Of the three ta'veren Mat is much better at actually just getting on with people based on his normal personality, as Perrin's ta'veren nature manifests as a form of charisma.  For large parts of the series most people find Rand terrifying rather than charismatic, and even post VoG he is more distant.


You have Lan's strength as less than Rand's.  I call BS

They are both 17.  Only Perrin is higher, and I would put people like Gaul, Rolan, Luca's strongman, etc at 18 as well.



Cool idea.  Not sure why you have put Nynaeve's strength as lower than Egwenes - Nynaeve is taller and older than Egwene.  I would also not rank Rand's charisma so high.  Of the three ta'veren Mat is much better at actually just getting on with people based on his normal personality, as Perrin's ta'veren nature manifests as a form of charisma.  For large parts of the series most people find Rand terrifying rather than charismatic, and even post VoG he is more distant.

I had actually thought Nynaeve was shorter when I made this.  Rather, I didn't realize Egwene was so short.  Egwene did have training with the Aiel, which would probably have been enough to bring her strength up to Nynaeve's level despite being a bit more diminutive.  But you're right, Nyn probably shouldn't be lower.


As to Rand's charisma, remember that this is a snapshot at the end of ToM.  Around that time I recall a lot of comments that were something like "Wow, Rand really is a King now... more than a King", and in general a lot of commentary about how charismatic he is.  As False Dragon1991 said above, charisma isn't only being agreeable and getting on well with people, though that is important.  It's personal magnetism, appearance, force of will, persuasiveness.   In my book, Rand is an 18 before even opening his mouth to speak, and that's not considering what happens when his taveren stuff kicks in.  Also consider that someone like Moridin or Demandred would also have incredibly high charisma despite being rather less than like-able.


I had to laugh at Gawyn's wisdom score. However as Logain does not score 20 in all categories, this list is void of validity.

I think 8 is a bit on the generous side.


 Interesting stuff. One suggestion, even though I am not an expert on D&D at all.


 I think Elayne's DEX should be higher. She was doing backflips and cartwheels on a high rope without the Power assisting her with only a few weeks of training.


 Interesting stuff. One suggestion, even though I am not an expert on D&D at all.


 I think Elayne's DEX should be higher. She was doing backflips and cartwheels on a high rope without the Power assisting her with only a few weeks of training.

Thanks for bringing that up.  I hadn't remembered that bit.  I edited it upwards.


Also made a couple more changes... gave Logain a bit more thought and boosted his wis and cha.


If anyone cares to give it a shot I'd be interested to see some more characters stat'd out.  The Forsaken would be interesting, some more Aes Sedai, Faile, etc.


Looking through these again, for all magically enhanced abilities, I think your numbers are spot on. However for non-magically enhancement abilities like strength or constitution, I'd knock them all back one or two points. For example, Perrin is strong but I think he's more 99th percentile rather than strongest in TWOT. Also I'd have Rand at around 15 for strength. Mat should also have a much higher, albeit magically enhanced, wisdom.


Perrin's wisdom should also be higher.  It is never insinuated that he is anything less than quite smart.  And his tactics later on prove that his mind is quite keen, even if he is slow to voice his thoughts.

  • 2 weeks later...

I would Perrin would have 19 strength, Lan 18/00 and Rand slightly below.  I believe at 18/00, able to lift 400 pounds. Perrin can likely lift 500-600 pounds straight up. In the real world, men have lifted far more.


Dex, both Lan and Mat 19.


Rand's intelligence score far too low. Rand 18 (Wisdom 18 after LTT integration), Egwene should be 17. Rand had to learn on the fly, adapt like crazy, mass manipulations, in the end he manipulated Egwene et al very well..out fox all the Forsaken (now and AoL), beat Shai'tan...


Someone like Einstein would be 19, highest human IQ is probably Leonardo Da Vinci...INT of 20.


Lan is the best fighter in the series, STR, DEX, CON: 18, 19, 18, would be a level 20-25 fighter in D&D.


Rand with all of LTT's knowlege and Dragon/Creator like powers: Level 50 mage, +10 CR for Dragon powers = 60 CR character. With the Choden Kal, Greater Diety.


Not that I hold this up as the greatest method of determination ever, but the Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game book (it's official stuff, with a Foreword from Robert Jordan, who also later wrote an article for Dragon magazine providing more creatures for the setting) does give out attributes (and in fact entire stat blocks) for a number of important characters. A potentially important note before I share them here is that in the game system, channelling power is based somewhat off of the mental ability scores (Initiates, that is trained channelers, use INT and WIS; Wilders use WIS and CHA). Another note: it was published back in 2001 (working under 3.0 edition rules), meaning after Winter's Heart was published but before Crossroads of Twilight.


Rand: STR 13, DEX 15, CON 14, INT 16, WIS 19, CHA 22.

Mat: STR 13, DEX 20, CON 12, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 16.

Perrin: STR 16, DEX 12, CON 18, INT 10, WIS 16, CHA 18.


Egwene: STR 8, DEX 13, CON 12, INT 17, WIS 20, CHA 18.

Nynaeve: STR 11, DEX 15, CON 13, INT 14, WIS 20, CHA 19.

Elayne: STR 8, DEX 13, CON 12, INT 20, WIS 18, CHA 18.

Aviendha: STR 12, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 14, WIS 15, CHA 16.

Moiraine: STR 9, DEX 15, CON 14, INT 20, WIS 16, CHA 17.

Min: STR 10, DEX 19, CON 11, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 12.


Loial: STR 20, DEX 10, CON 16, INT 18, WIS 12, CHA 10.

Lan: STR 17, DEX 16, CON 15, INT 12, WIS 14, CHA 20.

Thom: STR 10, DEX 16, CON 8, INT 18, WIS 15, CHA 16.

Dain: STR 14, DEX 12, CON 13, INT 10, WIS 8, CHA 16.

Fain: STR 14, DEX 18, CON 11, INT 16, WIS 12, CHA 13.


There's quite a few issues and quibbles to be found here to be sure. One that jumped out at me is non-channeler Lan having a 20 (!) Charisma--higher than anyone except Rand. I mean, Lan's great and all, but wow what. Also I do not 100% know why Dain Bornhald got a stat block while lots of other people didn't: I seem to recall he was involved in the "starter" adventure plot somehow, so that's my best guess. Still, it didn't actively annoy me to the degree that the Star Wars d20 gamebook did in this area...


ETA: Oh yes, and in terms of level, Rand is 19th (with like five different classes), Lan and Fain are 16th, Mat, Perrin, Egwene, Nynaeve, and Moiraine are 15th, Thom is 14th, Aviendha and Elayne are 13th, Dain is 10th, and finally Min and Loial are 9th level (and the only single-classed folks aside from Fain: all three are "Wanderer" class characters--who are kind of like Rogues, with lots of skills in-class, 8+INT points per level, good REF saves, and a Sneak Attack feature, albeit a muuuch weaker version of the 3.X Rogue's).


It's not a bad book at all IMO, though obviously it would require some amount of translation for use in 3.5 or PF campaigns due to being constructed by 3.0 rules, and I haven't read it too closely. ...probably also not easy to find.



I had considered doing a Pathfinder RPG since none of my mates have read the books and they might like the world buidling. I even considered giving them the option to play as the characters from Emonds Fields and seeing what they did to the story. Unfortunately, my RP groups are the sort who would have tried (and failed) to kill Moiraine and Lan coz shes tellin them what to do n they don't like that. :) 


Plus, I wasn't sure how to represent the taint and some of the magic. The One Power and channelers simply are vastly stronger than non magic people in WoT whilst there is an effort at balance in Pathfinder or D&D.


Wellll...There may be an effort, but it's pretty poor in 3.X (including PF). An intelligently-played caster is going to be more effective in more situations than a non-caster, and would probably just steamroll a non-caster in a direct fight, just as a channeler would. Spells are just so versatile, and there's a good number that can end encounters on their own. The "per day" thing seems like a balancing factor (in comparison to all-day channeling) but really...isn't, most of the time.


Also, heh, I bet you're right in regards to taking many game groups and putting them in a fantasy series plot: you can't expect them to follow the plot by any means.


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