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E3 2013 Speculation Thread


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  • Community Administrator

I'm hoping Square Enix, shows off FF Versus 13 finally.

Perhaps another FF7 tech demo just to screw with us. :wink:


I also want to hear more details on the specs, release dates, and cost of both  the new upcoming consoles.


I'd love to see Steam at E3, as well as other PC developers.. (Maybe even the guys from world of darkness?)

SoE, could show off some stuff for EQNext, but.. they are doing that already at their FanFaire in October..


Egosoft could show off more of their http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LabrDe4XJo0'>X:Rebirth.

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The console wars will rage on for the day. Sony and Microsoft clash it out, both using exclusives and gimmicks to their advantage. It's halfway through the live conference. The two companies take a break to let some of the "smaller" companies show off their stuff. Both are smug, there is no way either of them will be topped.


Big mistake.


The lights dim low. Then he comes on the stage.








Everyone will be silent. Our glorious hero will stand there looking at the audience with the smuggest grin he can conjure.


The audience, and viewers alike are mesmerized by his majesty. He takes a deep breath, and gurgles the words "Playstation? Xbox?" and roars with insane, hearty, beautiful laughter.


He then births a small cube from his pocket- the Steambox. The huge screen behind him illuminates to reveal that the steambox will be cheaper and more graphically enhanced than it's Xbox and PS3 cronies, and will have as much modding and indie game support as a regular PC. Dead friggin' silence.


Everything moves slowly, everyone watching is now high. Sony and Microsoft execs are now on their knees begging their master for forgiveness.


...But that's not all. Gabe will then lift his fisted hand into the air. Nobody knows what quite to make of it. He raises one finger. The entire room is intensified. He raises a second finger. Everyone will be holding their loved ones. Only one thing can happen next. Gabe's face stretches wide with a marvelous smile.


The finger number 3 is raised. The screen explodes again with a trailer for the next orange box.


Day of Defeat 3.

Left 4 Dead 3.

Portal 3.

Team Fortress 3.

Half-life 3.


The crowd leaps out of their seats with thunderous applause. Children everywhere are crying tears of joy. Fireworks are shooting into the sky everywhere. All wars stop for the day in celebration. Everything couldn't be better.


Thank you, lord and savior! Thank you.




Yeah, unless this happens, I'm not too excited for this year's E3. But I'll watch it anyway to see what the new consoles are like.

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  • Community Administrator

The console wars will rage on for the day. Sony and Microsoft clash it out, both using exclusives and gimmicks to their advantage. It's halfway through the live conference. The two companies take a break to let some of the "smaller" companies show off their stuff. Both are smug, there is no way either of them will be topped.


Big mistake.


The lights dim low. Then he comes on the stage.








Everyone will be silent. Our glorious hero will stand there looking at the audience with the smuggest grin he can conjure.


The audience, and viewers alike are mesmerized by his majesty. He takes a deep breath, and gurgles the words "Playstation? Xbox?" and roars with insane, hearty, beautiful laughter.


He then births a small cube from his pocket- the Steambox. The huge screen behind him illuminates to reveal that the steambox will be cheaper and more graphically enhanced than it's Xbox and PS3 cronies, and will have as much modding and indie game support as a regular PC. Dead friggin' silence.


Everything moves slowly, everyone watching is now high. Sony and Microsoft execs are now on their knees begging their master for forgiveness.


...But that's not all. Gabe will then lift his fisted hand into the air. Nobody knows what quite to make of it. He raises one finger. The entire room is intensified. He raises a second finger. Everyone will be holding their loved ones. Only one thing can happen next. Gabe's face stretches wide with a marvelous smile.


The finger number 3 is raised. The screen explodes again with a trailer for the next orange box.


Day of Defeat 3.

Left 4 Dead 3.

Portal 3.

Team Fortress 3.

Half-life 3.


The crowd leaps out of their seats with thunderous applause. Children everywhere are crying tears of joy. Fireworks are shooting into the sky everywhere. All wars stop for the day in celebration. Everything couldn't be better.


Thank you, lord and savior! Thank you.




Yeah, unless this happens, I'm not too excited for this year's E3. But I'll watch it anyway to see what the new consoles are like.

That brought a single tear to my eye. 


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New IP.


Don't get me wrong there are a lot of franchises I love.

Halo, Call of Duty, Gear of War, Starcraft, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Portal, Half Life, Grand Theft Auto, Saints Row, Mario, Donkey Kong, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.


But do you remember the first time you played any of those?

Part of what made them so good is at at the time they were like nothing you'd ever played before or if they were they did it better than anyone else ever did.


Information pertaining to existing franchises will be interesting but what I really want to hear about is new IP.

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FF Versus XIII will probably be re-announced as FFXV, and be made for both PS3 and PS4; that's my prediction anyway.


I've already seen the stuff they're announced on FFVIII:Lightning returns (new trailer and a bunch of pictures), but I'm excited to hear feedback from those who get to try it there.


Really hoping for announcement of KH3.


And some good answers on how they will do the PS4 re:games for the older consoles. I've heard it won't be backwards compatible. I hope they've deviced a good way to still be able to play old games; preferably as a digital download, where you don't have to pay if you have some way to verify that you already own those games (how, I don't know, I don't work with this :P ). Because I only have room for one consol in my house; and I'm not gonna buy PS4 if that means I gotta throw away all the games I have now. There's a reason I have the 60GB PS3.

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I'm only really looking forward to the announcement of The Last Guardian for (hopefully) the PS3. I also hope to hear more from Versus and KH3 and if they are going to be PS4 exclusives or if they will also be made for the PS3, but I doubt they will tell us much about those two games at this year's E3.



FFX HD Remake


They already officially announced the HD remake for the PS3. I can't wait to finally play it!



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  • Community Administrator

Yes... looks to be multiplayer. (note they registered the domain, War For Nosgoth several months ago)


I'm very hyped to hear about ANYTHING regarding that IP... Its literally been a decade since they've done anything with it... Square Enix & CD have been far to focused on Tomb Raider...  (LoK is superior in every way! :tongue:)

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  • Community Administrator

It's total wishful thinking, but I'd be pretty excited for an original legit sandbox style period piece, a la RDR.


Not necessarily that same time period, but I think people can catch my drift.




Well if it helps, EQ3 (completely different period piece, as well as fantasy setting) is going to be sandbox... (and not shown off at E3. :sad:

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It's total wishful thinking, but I'd be pretty excited for an original legit sandbox style period piece, a la RDR.


Not necessarily that same time period, but I think people can catch my drift.




Did you play LA Noire?

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I ended up not playing LA Noire, though I had looked forward to it pre-release.

I checked out reviews & gameplay videos on youtube post-release, and the whole interrogation aspect really blunted my interest.

Or at least as I recall, enough so that it wasn't something that swayed me into the train thought that it'd be worth the price of a brand-new release.

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The interrogation mechanics were the best part of the game. It was ok, like a 5/10.

I thought it was going to be more open world. Like it was sort of but you couldn't really interact with the world in the same way you could with RDR or GTA.

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Have you seen the trailer for Watchdogs, Nolder? If you like the interacting with the whole world in GTA... I think that might be up your street. I know the man in my house is going aboslutley nuts waiting for it, lol.

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  • Community Administrator

I think I have yeah. That's the one where you're a hacker or something right?

I dunno it didn't really catch my eye. I'm really just waiting for GTA 5.

Saints Row IV here. :wink:

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I didn't follow the livestream but I did watch some of the game trailers and a quick summary of their press conference on Youtube. The only games that really looked interesting to me are The Witcher 3 and Metal Gear Solid V.


I don't really care about Xbox and all the added functionalities they try to bring to their consoles. I just want to get immersed in a game without having to deal with gimmicks such as their use of smart glass because I know I'm never going to use all those things anyway.

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