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Lord of the Rings Mafia [Advanced Mafia] Town Wins!!!!

RandA lThor

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RTE I don't believe you. I had decided to protect him on an impulse without confirming with him first(bad decision but with good results). Turin himself didn't think that he would be targetted.


Masons are no threat to them any more than any other player. Targetting one of us means that even the slightest suspicion from the other person would be removed. So the mafia would only target if it is worth it. They could have thought that Turin was too close to catching them so they tried to kill him.

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It was still early to claim at that point but I also didn't want to wait any longer and waste any more time of this day. With the time zone difference and the number of inactives, I didn't want to risk getting speed lynched while I slept.


Also I don't think there's anything wrong with being wary of a mason team. Especially when the claim is coming from someone like Turin. The protect at least validates that they are town now.

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eh cuz confirmed townies are a big threat to them i guess?


and does everyone who's train start getting steam have a convenient claim?


For two sentences there sure is a whole lot of stuff wrong with this post.


1. Turin and Panchi are NOT "confirmed" townies at this point. Do I think they are town? Of course. But they don't get confirmed till they get viewed or one of them dies.


2. Because killing one of a pair of masons confirms the other, this makes them a terrible target for the NK.


3. Confirmed townies are NOT a "big" threat to the mafia team, at least not until endgame. There are two main priorities when choosing a target for a NK: trying to off a town PR, and trying to sow as much wifom as possible.


4. Why would you answer for the mafia team? Oh wait...


5. The only other "convenient" claim that I've seen in similar circumstances is Hallia's JOAT claim. Who else might you be referring to?


6. If you think RTE's claim is "convenient", does that mean you don't believe it?

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eh cuz confirmed townies are a big threat to them i guess?


and does everyone who's train start getting steam have a convenient claim?


For two sentences there sure is a whole lot of stuff wrong with this post.


1. Turin and Panchi are NOT "confirmed" townies at this point. Do I think they are town? Of course. But they don't get confirmed till they get viewed or one of them dies.



My protect vets him, and in theory thereby vets Panchi.

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So now I can get on DM again


I am on Kronos and RTE as scum. One thing that makes me more suspicious of Kronos. Last Night, Turin was saying that Kronos is scum. I had one shot doc and protected Turin. Result- no one died that night. So, it means that mafia targetted Turin that night. It makes little sense for mafia to try killing Turin unless he was disturbing there plans.


I agree with the whole RTE train. His posts have been pinging.


vote RTE

That's a shame that we both used our NA on the same person then.


I'm the doctor. So let's stop wasting what's left on day and get to casing alright?

I believe what you said which I have changed to blue. We both used our NA on same person, one to kill, one to protect.


As for other things, I don't believe you are a doc and there is a pretty solid case on you.

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So now I can get on DM again


I am on Kronos and RTE as scum. One thing that makes me more suspicious of Kronos. Last Night, Turin was saying that Kronos is scum. I had one shot doc and protected Turin. Result- no one died that night. So, it means that mafia targetted Turin that night. It makes little sense for mafia to try killing Turin unless he was disturbing there plans.


I agree with the whole RTE train. His posts have been pinging.


vote RTE

That's a shame that we both used our NA on the same person then.


I'm the doctor. So let's stop wasting what's left on day and get to casing alright?

I believe what you said which I have changed to blue. We both used our NA on same person, one to kill, one to protect.


As for other things, I don't believe you are a doc and there is a pretty solid case on you.

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RTE I don't believe you. I had decided to protect him on an impulse without confirming with him first(bad decision but with good results). Turin himself didn't think that he would be targetted.


Masons are no threat to them any more than any other player. Targetting one of us means that even the slightest suspicion from the other person would be removed. So the mafia would only target if it is worth it. They could have thought that Turin was too close to catching them so they tried to kill him.


Masons are actually less of a threat, in a way, since, once again, killing one vets the other. EP is smart enough to know this, and assuming he's still helping out on their QT, he wouldn't have let them make that blunder.


And besides, if Turin was so hot on all their trails, killing him would really only make them worse, as many would assume that the ONLY reason they would kill a mason would be to shut him up, and would look at all of his reads.


I don't think they targeted Turin.


It was still early to claim at that point but I also didn't want to wait any longer and waste any more time of this day. With the time zone difference and the number of inactives, I didn't want to risk getting speed lynched while I slept.


Also I don't think there's anything wrong with being wary of a mason team. Especially when the claim is coming from someone like Turin. The protect at least validates that they are town now.


Heat had been gaining on you for a while, and at the time of that post it was clear that your lynch was inevitable. A Doc would have claimed then.


And there's nothing wrong with being wary of a (claimed) mason team, but the point is since you were so distrustful of Turin yesterday I don't believe you would then turn around and protect him.


I thought as claimed Mason and scumcatcher that Turin painted a big target on himself so I chose him. Not much more to it than that...


For the umpteenth time, Masons represent not so much a target for mafia, but more a "let's stay away from that one", since killing one VETS THE OTHER.




eh cuz confirmed townies are a big threat to them i guess?


and does everyone who's train start getting steam have a convenient claim?


For two sentences there sure is a whole lot of stuff wrong with this post.


1. Turin and Panchi are NOT "confirmed" townies at this point. Do I think they are town? Of course. But they don't get confirmed till they get viewed or one of them dies.



My protect vets him, and in theory thereby vets Panchi.



Uhm, what? No it doesn't. Protecting someone doesn't vet them. FYI: Turin and Pank STILL are not confirmed. They might as well be, but it's really annoying me that so many in this game seem to struggle with the meaning of "confirmed"




2. Because killing one of a pair of masons confirms the other, this makes them a terrible target for the NK.


Not if they see him as a threat. That reasoning is why I protected him


Why would they see him as a threat? If it's because he was on the right track, then you're shooting yourself in the foot. If it's because he's a good scumhunter, then why not take him out Night 1? He had a reputation as a good scumhunter from the start of the game, it didn't change throughout the game. Instead they killed Basel, for some reason. /shrug

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eh cuz confirmed townies are a big threat to them i guess?


and does everyone who's train start getting steam have a convenient claim?


For two sentences there sure is a whole lot of stuff wrong with this post.


1. Turin and Panchi are NOT "confirmed" townies at this point. Do I think they are town? Of course. But they don't get confirmed till they get viewed or one of them dies.


2. Because killing one of a pair of masons confirms the other, this makes them a terrible target for the NK.


3. Confirmed townies are NOT a "big" threat to the mafia team, at least not until endgame. There are two main priorities when choosing a target for a NK: trying to off a town PR, and trying to sow as much wifom as possible.


4. Why would you answer for the mafia team? Oh wait...


5. The only other "convenient" claim that I've seen in similar circumstances is Hallia's JOAT claim. Who else might you be referring to?

   the only 2 trains that people started voting for

6. If you think RTE's claim is "convenient", does that mean you don't believe it?


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That last answer was somewhat ambiguous Chuckles. Do you think RTE is the Doc, or do you think he's a LLL scummerholic? Don't answer yes or no, pick one.


im not soo sure, it seems a little too convenient tbh  

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That last answer was somewhat ambiguous Chuckles. Do you think RTE is the Doc, or do you think he's a LLL scummerholic? Don't answer yes or no, pick one.


im not soo sure, it seems a little too convenient tbh  





I say your answer was too ambiguous, and you somehow get even more vague. I'm voting you tomorrow brah

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That last answer was somewhat ambiguous Chuckles. Do you think RTE is the Doc, or do you think he's a LLL scummerholic? Don't answer yes or no, pick one.


im not soo sure, it seems a little too convenient tbh  





I say your answer was too ambiguous, and you somehow get even more vague. I'm voting you tomorrow brah





whatever dude 

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I'm currently rereading. My opinion on the game till the end of page 39:



Also @Peace how do you know there is a role cop in the game? Could you explain yourself better?


I don't think it is wise to give details at this point.


Fair enough. 


I said why I thought Dap was town.  I confirmed him in our other game, and it was on my mind.  I did have a 1-shot viewing last night, however.  Got a town clear.


Like others already mentioned, an one-shot viewing is very convenient to claim, but you would have done a better job to claim multiple shots so that we actually have a reason to keep you alive :rolleyes: 


No, not him.  I viewed another player.


Note that she doesn't mention that she viewed AH, but says "another player" instead. I think she was still thinking about who she would pick to go with her fake claim. 


Still waiting for comments on his reread.


There are a couple missed from Day one...his vote on Darthe, when he says I'm his third choice and that he would "rather do Basel not Cloud"


I'm uncertain about Hally's slip at the moment, could be an accident, I know I have posted something in one QT of one team in a post supposed to go in another QT (two games) and there were people would have known I was cult in the other game if they had seen it. I deleted quickly, but Ithi (who was Mod had caught it...I was so lucky no one else had!)Anyway I'm saying it can happen when playing more than one game. 


So at the moment I think we have a bit of time. We are two down on Mafia and we had a no kill last night. I don't like the way kronos has played up until now, in fact there hasn't been much playing. No real independant thoughts. And that 'reread' that never happened, or if it did we never saw any results from it. 




I like Talya's case on Kronos. 


I'm comfortable with a wolfie vote


Vote WBK


This is either an opportunistic vote (was Hallia suspicious of Kronos earlier this game?) or she is distancing.


Hallia, if you are telling the truth and you had 1 shot cop, you have absolutely no reason to not tell us now. It basically gives us a Mason type relationship between you and your viewed. Not as simple as that, but I'm planning on lynching you right now anyway because it sounds like you are trying to cover your butt. Confirming who you viewed is the townie thing to do. Waiting until night means you are trying to save your skin from a lynch rather than help town.





You know, you make some good points wolfie.  I already explained what happened with Dap.  Are you going to ignore that and that I have a clear?


Nothing should be ignored in mafia.  I only know my alignment for sure.



Note that Kronos doesn't say that he is town. It's a small detail, but it's worth noting.



Hallia, if you are telling the truth and you had 1 shot cop, you have absolutely no reason to not tell us now. It basically gives us a Mason type relationship between you and your viewed. Not as simple as that, but I'm planning on lynching you right now anyway because it sounds like you are trying to cover your butt. Confirming who you viewed is the townie thing to do. Waiting until night means you are trying to save your skin from a lynch rather than help town.



I agree...I thought her..um statement was awfully convenient.  Now it looks like WBK is coming to her rescue. 



I agree with Peace here. 


So the good news is, if we lynch Hally and she turns up town, AH is most probably cop vetted at this point without actually offing a power role. If we lynch Hally and she turns up mafia, we killed a mafia. Win/win.


AH could still be third party though.


JoaT: The scapegoat mafia claim.


Hmm.. on the other hand, I do know that Rand enjoys his JoaT role. Let me think on it.


Yeah Rand loves his JOAT's, but that doesn't mean that Hallia is in fact the JOAT. I really really doubt that she is the JOAT because she didn't mention it when she claimed to have a one-shot viewing and she seems to just add more things to her claim as she goes on.






Kronos is pinging as well


And now I will continue reading.

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Hally, RB me tonight. I've got a fairly useless power (25% chance of success, investigative type, it only works once really) and I think it might be best used to vet you. I will target you, you RB me. I do ask for protection from whoever can. If I'm killed tonight nothing is learned. If I'm alive, I will know if Hally is telling the truth about JoaT (with a minor possibility of an extremely lucky mafia RBer). If Hally is telling the truth, 2 vetted town in my book (AH and Hally), if she is not, well....



I am fine with that


Lol if BG is mafia then this would be awfully convenient wouldn't it. 

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my slight bad. You said that your protects vets turin. A docs protect vets nothing. you could have protected mafia and you wouldnt know til they flipped


also cause my last one didnt bold


vote RTE


Well that I didn't know. First time Doc. Makes sense I guess...

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RTE is also definitely mafia after that last post. Can we please just lynch these two.


Kronos and RTE. If hallia is mafia she is taking one for Kronos. Don't let the mafia have what they want


RTE, my case I'd based on actions. EP viewed mafia and EP flat out refused to vote Kronos yesterday. Also the EST you three echoed each other in your posts and reads on each other was classic mafia. I am nearly ready to add BB to the list with her thoughts post.


The mafia playbook seems to be cast doubt on the masons(one who has already caught a mafia) and vote anyone but their team.


Just read the thought posts of all of them and concentrate on what they say about each other.


Also the votes placed by RTE and Kronos both smacked of mafia overjustifying even with a mafia view. Note BB didn't vote. I know she was still catching up so will cut slack there


Snarky overreaction. Yes. Mafia. Let's puck one of these two and get them lynched please.


As the muggles say the truth will out. :smile:


Yeah I read Dap's case on Day 1 and I agree that RTE is scum and I don't believe his Doc claim at all. I'm also very suspicious of Kronos because of his link with RTE, and Hallia for her claim and her quick vote on Kronos after Talya made a small case on him.



Unvote, Vote RTE

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That last answer was somewhat ambiguous Chuckles. Do you think RTE is the Doc, or do you think he's a LLL scummerholic? Don't answer yes or no, pick one.


im not soo sure, it seems a little too convenient tbh  





I say your answer was too ambiguous, and you somehow get even more vague. I'm voting you tomorrow brah





whatever dude 



Oh yeah and Chuckles is playing scummy as hell, but he always does so in my mind so I'm not sure what to think of him. He seems to act like a third party imo.

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RTE you could have claimed doc and said you protected a player who was town in your opinion and you would have less chance of being disbelieved. But protecting Turin who you didn't even seem to be mason during this Day only tightens the noose around your neck.

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