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Disney Month W2: Live Action Movie Mania


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It amazed me, when I went searching to start this collection of activities, how many movies Disney has had their hands in that aren't animated! 


I found this handy link with references (some of them aren't released yet or are things they have in the works. We'll have another thread about those!) which will be handy for this chat! Go on, take a look! 



So, which LIVE ACTION movie was your favorite?? 



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Tough one. So... tie from my early teen years: Newsies and The Three Musketeers! My friends and I made our own Musketeer tunics and were Athos, Porthos, Aramis, and D'artagnan from the Disney version in particular for Halloween at school one year. And Newsies is well.... yummy. And now on Broadway in all it's even-more-awesome glory! 

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I have a soft spot for The Parent Trap (The original Haley Mills version). I grew up on that one! Of course, I grew up with Tron in the 80's, too. Me has some soft spots for those! 


The Pirates movies are very well done. 

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*Grins* Love Tron! And the Parent Trap (yes the original.) :smile: 


Two of my favorite Tron actors ended up on Babylon 5 together (random cool trivia. Bruce Boxleitner of course, and Peter Jurasik) 


They did so MANY good live movies (and TV shows!). Pete's Dragon (which is sort of both given the nature of the show) is another one I enjoyed a lot. 

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Flight of the Navigator and Pete's Dragon. For some reason I thought the Hans Christian Anderson movie with Danny Kaye was a Disney flick, so when I went to look it up, nope! Dang. I can probably think of some others but I don't think I have any of those old movies anymore. Sad day.


The Disney Nature documentaries were interesting but I wouldn't be able to name any off of the top of my head. It was just something that was on.

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Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum~ I actually forgot the Pirates movies were Disney, don't forget the Avenger character movies I believe are Disney as well as I think they have Marvel now. Honestly the serious not-so-kiddy-movies they do are the ones I like the most.

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Narnia. My friend introduced me to this movie and this was one of those movies which lead me to loving fantasy. The movies are those rare ones which do justice to the books.


Prince of Persia- I only watched the later half(or little more) and still loved it


101 Dalmations- this is time to be kids again, right? Brings back old memories

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I liked TLTWTW a lot more than Prince Caspian.  Dawn Treader felt a little tired but the ending with Reepicheep was just as moving as it was in the novel.  Not particularly sure I can handle another four movies - I'm experiencing the same franchise burn-out that I'm starting to feel with Marvel.


But, as luck would have it, Walden Media doesn't have the rights anymore so any future Narnia movies are up in the air.

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