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2007 Resolutions ....Support group extrodianaire!!!


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{b]HAPPY NEW YEAR!!![/b]


It's here. The Kin's New Year Resolution Thread!!!


Post your resolutions here!! Goals,dreams for the coming year!! Now..I know not everyone makes a resolution..I don't. I make a list. *grins* I am much more likely to mark things off!!!


Post them here...big or small, realistic or fantastical! I joined the Kin, because I saw so much support and love for each other in this thread last year....*grins* let's show some love...

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-Excersize a heck of a lot more so I can

-Lose weight, and maybe even progress in my therapy to be able to

-Run again, and be able to run at LEAST one mile, and maybe, just maybe, even be able to

-Run the two-mile PT test. At the very least I want to

-Start Marching again so I will feel more comfortable when I

-Ask for Korea as my next assignment.

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YAY I was sooo good last year on my resolutions!

....Staffy made sure I stuck to them...lol


SO! let's see if he can help me this year too :D




1) Graduate with my BA!

2) Start my student teaching!

3) Go to D*Con!!!

4) work on procrastinating less

5) be more active

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Alright, let's see...


1- have a baby. (same as last year, but...it's actually possible this year...)


2- enjoy my job. (right now, I could happily be a housewife...)


3- Get published. (The Anthology getting published will help this greatly, but... I mean REALLY get my book into a publisher's hands so they can drool all over it.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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How's the resolutions going? *giggles* We KNOW lor..you overachiever...already got number one under control..


How about the rest of you? hmm..Really, Ursula how can you be nicer? *hugs*


Never posted mine..now I forgot them...I think one was to finish all the projects I have half done...I did one. About 98 more to go....

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My resolutions -


Stay on the diet' date=' for once. - [b']not so far[/b]

Get more exercise. Like any. - maybe a little

Stop volunteering for everything. - did it again, but I really want to do this

Finish things I already volunteered for. - so far so good

Remember to be nice. - sometimes it is very hard

Almost Charter member, Procrastinators Anonymous :!:

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Okay I never posted my resolutions, but it seems like fun...


1. Be a better person this year than i was last year.

2. Don't kill anybody

3. Try to be a little more tolerant of my own shortcomings.

4. See if I can get a woman to stick around for longer than 2 months.

5. Cut down to a pack a day.

6. Be less defensive.

7. Get the *&^%*%^% out of maryland.

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Those are very good goals, Kell. Especially #2 & #5. I can't help with #2, but for #5, I have a suggestion.


Put your smokes somewhere inconvenient. Never put them where you usually sit. Or next to the computer. :) That makes you get up and go get them, which will cut down on how many you smoke.


Also, evey time you start to light one, go have a glass of water first. I found that I often drank the water, then went on to the next thing I needed to do. Kind of replaced the automatic light-up with something else.


I only smoke about 2-3 a day, and sometimes none. I haven't stopped wanting them, but I can live without, mostly.


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Those are both good Tigara!! Good luck on WoT!! and staying healthy is best...*grins*


Ok Ok Ok *sighs*


I HAVE to not smoke..already had to quit for the last seven days...came home smoked one and nearly had a fit couging...but oh i wanted another..but I didn't...and the water thing does work really well!


And I MUST get my diabetes under control and keep it there. *sighs* finger sticks and insulin shots if neccessary...


*smiles* you guys are wonderful!! All of us need to be cheered on...and sometimes yelled at a tad to remind us to keep on track...can't think of any people better for that for me than all of you!!


*pounces kell for fun*


well it is fun.....

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