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White Tower Mix and Mingle Room (OOC chitchat)


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Where is everyone? I go away for one little vacation and I come home to no RPs and no chit chat or planning. Did you all use my absence to make a break for it?? I thought I had the locks a little more secure lol

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So, I have a long weekend off workses and nothing much planned - anyone want to RP with a the White Ajah Head? I also have NSW White sisters. Anyone need a lesson or something? :)


Also, I need to get Nyanna sorted out... and keen to do more RPs with her tooooo


How's everyone?

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Oh ohh! I have a Blue Ajah head who is quite logical...probabaly could have gone white once upon a time.....we could hook up...she's also needing activity having not posted in a year lol. I also have the Yellow Head needing some love...we could some joint RP with novices? or some such..i just but into everything I can lol.

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*strolls in, mixes a drink, flops down in a chair in a dark corner of the room, and grins*


Hey, kids!  I'm Quibby.  People call me Quibby.  No, seriously.  They do.  No joke.  I am the RGL of the Band of the Red Hand.


I have a Green Cloud Dancer by the name of Janine here in the Tower.  In other divisions, I have a nerd with the Band, a blatant movie-character rip-off Dreadlord, and a mercenary who is currently one of the oldest characters at DM (twelve years this year).  Yes, that makes me a relic here.


Now get off my lawn!

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I'm waiting on my warders. *laughs* Pretty much what's keeping my Rps slow. *G* I might do a solo between my two characters. Wouldn't that be hi-lerious? *G*

Do this!


1. It would be awesome to see you talk to yourself.

2. It would be awesome to see your characters hate each other.

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I've done several RPs involving two of my own characters.  Nothing wrong with that.  Sometimes you really wanna write, and they're the only options for partners you can find.

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i need to figure out what my characters missions/life amition/purpose/drive is. I don't really have it figured out what they want to do..makes it easy to have them jump in anywhere, but not so good for me to be able to plan rps around what they would do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Posting to say hello. Once I have the ok, I'll be the mad mind behind Ariani Cairawyn. A new novice who doesn't speak, swears like a sailor when she does, and hates feeling trapped. Looking forward to the RP with all of you! :)

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