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White Tower Mix and Mingle Room (OOC chitchat)


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I am Kathleen, RGL of the White Tower RP Group and the mind that brings Seheria Sedai of the Yellow/Black Ajah and Kathleen Sedai of the Green Ajah to life.


Didn't I see Seheria teach one of the Novice introduction to Saidar classes? D:

Taught by a black sister.


Depends on the teacher. I've taught them a few "months" apart. Some it's a few weeks it just depends.

Do you guys write your own lessons, or do you reuse old lessons?

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Again depends on the teacher. I think Kat writes her own. I reuse. I'm not a big fan of teaching neither Rasheta or Taia cares for it too much. *laughs* So I do as little work with it as I can. *G*

Does seem like a lot of work, but you could also come up with some very interesting 'twists' methinks. *Grin* 

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Peekaboo peoples! How's life?


Popping in again although I don't really have any ideas for my novice char yet.... I should get her back on track towards raising I guess. Anyone looking for an RP atm?

I would love a good random RP with my returning Novice Venca Konora. As soon as i get my permissions squared away and, take a peek at her bio just to make sure my memory is not horrible. 

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*waves* Here! Uh, should be busy writing two essays that are due on... not Monday the day after tomorrow, but the Monday a week from that. Normally this would get finished next weekend but I'm in Wien next weekend and will not be writing essays there.

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Welcome to the White Tower, NT!!  Just letting you know that I'm not ignoring your post there, I just didn't see it until today.  It's been a long week.


No worries about needing to do finals.  I just finished that this week!  I'll get a post up for you probably by Monday, but respond when you can.  No rush.  :)

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In not sure the longest sherper. You may be able to search it though. I don't think we have any easy access place for it. At least, I know I haven't been recording them and haven't seen any other staff doing it for years.


Wb theo! I look forward to watching your little beat...erm, novice <.<.

What kept you so busy?

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To those who have already celebrated, I hope your festivities were fantabulous!


To  those who will a visit from Santa tonight, I hope you have a very merry Christmas.


To those who's festivities are still to come, I hope you are ready in time and have a great go of them!


Feel free to chat it up about what you did/what you got and all the fun (and not so fun) of the holiday season.

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