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White Tower Mix and Mingle Room (OOC chitchat)


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My daughter is supposed to start school next week..... the board of ed here, gave me the wrong list of things required to get her signed up.

I have been stressing out all summer long trying to get this stuff together and JUST found out like ten minutes ago, that I only needed like 

four things, and they were things that weren't even on the list that they gave me! Fortunately, I already had those things, but OMG! Seriously?

Do I really want her going to the schools here if they can't get their stuff straight? UGH, I wish I could just homeschool her. 


I know, mistakes can be made....but I've been pulling my hair out all summer trying to get stuff done and begging for certain days off of work. I could have

had this done and over with 3 months ago! Grrrr! 

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Yeah, those endorphins and adrenaline get you every time!  lol


Tomorrow, all the kidlets go back to school, which means Mom will be back to work, and the school zones will be in effect again, and MY school starts a week after.

I wish I was starting school sooner rather then later. Alas for me my school starts at the end of Sept. We are on the quarter system though so that might have something to do with it. I'm just tired of being bored. *sigh*


I know the feeling tonnalea dealing with my school is always mind numbingly frustrating. I'm like it's your job to know this....why don't you know this?

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There you go. If you need an Aes Sedai for anything I have two. Taia wouldn't work so well with a Novice...she hates them...but Rasheta is good to go. :)

I'll take Taia. :laugh:


No, I'm being serious.


Okay....she really hates the kiddos....just fyi. If you are looking for compassion she isn't going to give it. LOL

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Not back quite yet. Not sure why not at this point but hopefully they'll have it sorted soon. Sorry for hold up in the blue class.


If you really want to move it along find the rp I'm copying from and see where I left off, then write the rest.

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