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Red Ajah's International Women's Week: Crimes Against Women

Moon Sedai

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FYI: I have told Nolder and Durinax to leave the WT/W and have reported them to the Admins for further action (neither are members). I'm going to quote Snarly, since he said it best:



  On 3/14/2013 at 8:09 PM, The_Fnorrll_Reborn said:

If you are on of the guys offering a "dissenting opinion" here, please listen very carefully.

have a right to your opinion. You have a right to express it- but you
are obligated to do so in a very tactful way. I demand- yes, demand-
respect at all times from members of the White Tower towards one another
and towards the ladies of the Tower, but a subject like this calls for
an extra level of tact and caution.

The simple fact of the matter
is that this is an extremely sensitive subject. For all you guys may
know, some of our members may have personal experience of abusive
relationships or violent/sexually violent situations. You of course
would unlikely be aware if such a highly personal experience.

the subject at hand but do so with these thoughts in mind. If you cant
moderate your tone more than you would normally do given the sensitivity
of the subject matter, you may excuse yourself from the discussion. The
need not to cause emotional distress to any if our female members far
outweighs the need for you to have the right to express your opinion.
There is no need to argue the toss to try and win an arguement- we dont
hand out prizes for that around here.

For the record, yes this
world is a damned violent and cruel place- but because it is
International Womens Week we are discussing Violence against Women. The
fact that men also suffer violence does not detract in any way from the
impact of the subject at hand. My personal opinion is that no man who
isnt moved by a more vulnerable person such as a woman or a child being
mistreated by someone more physically powerful is no man at all. I have
experience of it within my immediate family.

By the way, what we
see and hear has an enormous affect on us psychologically. If you choose
to believe that or not, thats up to you- but they dont spend billions
and billions a year on advertising for nothing.

Finally, Nolder, I
have to single you out I'm afraid. I dont remember seeing you around
the Tower much before so I dont know if you came here purely to debate,
but as I mentioned above I expect a certain amount of tact and
respectfulness. Your tone hasnt conveyed that, and I think it would be
appropriate if you apologise briefly to anyone you have upset- although
Im sure we can all agree it was not your intention. *edit* not everyone
who disagrees has been spoken to- you have because of the manner in
which you have disagreed. You of course have the right to leave if you
dont like that.

And yes- all of you- I am 100% serious about all this. I hope I dont have to post in this thread in this way again.

Fnorrll, Sword Captain.


Anyone not following his advice is going to get punished. Thread leaders, please point any who step out line to this post. If they carry on, please report them to us (Fnorll & I) immediately.

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  On 3/9/2013 at 7:49 PM, Elgee said:

Just for your information, the latest statistics in South Africa are as follows:


1 in 3 women living in South Africa will get raped AT LEAST ONCE in their lives.

1 in 4 men living in South Africa has ADMITTED raping a woman.



That is insane. 

  On 3/13/2013 at 10:09 PM, Ishmael Forsaken said:

As the father of a beautiful seven year old girl, all I can say is that if any of these horrific things ever happened to my baby girl, there would be zero need of any judge, jury or police.


And my deepest thoughts to you ladies that have experienced this.





Frankly, I don't understand the mindset of someone who could do a thing like that.  Not even a little bit

  On 3/15/2013 at 12:15 PM, Kivam said:


  On 3/9/2013 at 7:49 PM, Elgee said:

Just for your information, the latest statistics in South Africa are as follows:


1 in 3 women living in South Africa will get raped AT LEAST ONCE in their lives.

1 in 4 men living in South Africa has ADMITTED raping a woman.



That is insane. 


Well, I live in a country who's President was put on trial for rape. Since our courts are no longer independent, of course he was acquitted. He did admit to having unprotected sex with the woman in question, and he was a bit hazy about exactly how willing she was. I think most men here think along the lines of "well if it's good enough for our president ... "


Do you know what is the TRULY horrific thing, though? That the ANC Women's League (a branch of our ruling political party), nominated him for president AGAIN, AFTER that trial. That is how ingrained sexism and patriarchism (don't know what the correct word is) is in the culture here. That is the kind of thing we're trying to change, with events like this, just as much as the unbelievably ignorant view of some people that "sexism and violence against women doesn't happen in MY country".


That is freaking ridiculous. 


What's the deal with the Olympic Racer guy? 
I saw some bit that he killed his girlfriend? 


Oscar? That's a sad story. I don't know if we'll ever find out the truth of what happened there, as our police are mostly incompetent. Unfortunately it's happened quite a few times here that family members have been shot by mistake - break-ins accompanied by extreme violence is quite common in some areas.


To those not knowing what I'm talking about: 

Oscar Pistorious, the South African Olympic racer, shot and killed his girlfriend Reeva Stenkamp, on Valentine's day. 

He claimed that he thought his house was being broken into. 

Neighbors claimed there was fighting earlier in the day and apparently there have been previous police calls to his house over "domestic incidents."

It's tragic, either way. 


BTW, the policeman who made the claims that there was fighting earlier and previous calls of domestic incidents has since been removed from the case for being even more incompetent than most.

  On 3/15/2013 at 6:57 PM, Elgee said:

BTW, the policeman who made the claims that there was fighting earlier and previous calls of domestic incidents has since been removed from the case for being even more incompetent than most.

I know this is NO laughing matter, but I have to confess that your comment, more incompetent than most, truly made me chuckle out loud.. okay okay now back to the subject, there seems to be so many incidences like this one where you wonder what really happened, and I am sure we will never know..sad though

  On 3/15/2013 at 6:57 PM, Elgee said:

BTW, the policeman who made the claims that there was fighting earlier and previous calls of domestic incidents has since been removed from the case for being even more incompetent than most.

Yeah, well the fact that the neighbours who made the report were too far away to have heard much and claimed more shots were fired than actually proved to be the case kind of weakened his reputation on that one.


Either way, it is still sad. She was a gorgeous woman (and the little I know about her from what I read tells me that was inside and out, though I could be wrong)  


It IS sad, whether she was a gorgeous woman or not. If he did this on purpose, I hope there's a hell for him to rot in. If he did it by accident, though, the poor guy is going to be living in hell for the rest of his life.


(Yeah exactly, F.)


There was another case recently where a man accidentally shot his young daughter (6 or 7 years old? I can't recall precisely). There was a break-in by several armed robbers and he shot back at them from his bedroom. The little girl, obviously petrified and panicked, forgot what procedure she was to follow and ran towards her parent's room as this was happening. Her father shot her by accident.

  On 3/16/2013 at 5:47 AM, Elgee said:

It IS sad, whether she was a gorgeous woman or not. If he did this on purpose, I hope there's a hell for him to rot in. If he did it by accident, though, the poor guy is going to be living in hell for the rest of his life.


(Yeah exactly, F.)


There was another case recently where a man accidentally shot his young daughter (6 or 7 years old? I can't recall precisely). There was a break-in by several armed robbers and he shot back at them from his bedroom. The little girl, obviously petrified and panicked, forgot what procedure she was to follow and ran towards her parent's room as this was happening. Her father shot her by accident.

And THAT is why I am a fan of gun control. (NOT wanting a debate, just an opinion.)


Unfortunately the criminals are all well-equipped with automatic rifles (AK47's, mostly), which China and the former Soviet Union so generously supplied them with. You might as well ban cars, for causing accidents.


It's not so easy to just turn up and ban something. It kind of takes a whole effective system to be in p,ace, and once that's screwed, it's hard to get out of.


I mean, take Britain. Gun crime isn't really a problem here- if you're seriously, seriously unlucky, the guy robbing your house miiiight have a hand gun. So our cops don't need guns either.mis this because British people dislike the idea of guns? No...I'm sure that the criminal element would love AKs just as much as criminals elsewhere, it's just that there is a whole system set up to stop people getting hold of them.


I guess we are going off topic tho.


Oh, I know. Once a virus in in the body, your body has to adapt, because eliminating the virus is impossible.

Guns are the same way. Japan started as a gun-free country, with severe restrictions from the beginning, the

same way (I'm assuming) Britain did. It's too late for the US... we're infected.


it's never too late to make a positive change, but unfortunately in countries like Africa and US where the criminals and govts. have weapons and aren't afraid to use them on innocent people, the best bet for the people is to be armed as well. The responsible thing is to know how to use a gun safely and correctly and how to keep it out of the hands of minors and those without training. besides in the US there are weapons far more deadly and powerful than guns, things like chakra disrupters, light guns, sound weapons and tasers of all kinds of hell... not to mention the favorite weapon, social media!

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