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Pirate Epicness

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*blinks* Another Assassin's Creed? I guess I know what will be on my youngest's birthday list . . .


I wanted to get him one of the Lego MindStorm robot kits but given the pending furlough . . . well, prolly not gonna happen. :sad:

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They are cooler, Volke. They are also significantly more expensive! Assassin's Creed for PS3 may run, what $50? MindStorm Lego runs nearly $280, IIRC (hey, currently "on sale" at Amazon for $272). *sighs* Even asking my parents and sister to pitch in may not work. My sister is also facing furlough and my parents may choke if I ask them to spend that much on a birthday present! LOL!


I wonder how much the Mindstorm NXT 3.0 will be when it's released. I bet we can get 2.0 for a song or two right about that time!

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Fnorrll, was there a link on the first post?  I was able to click on that and it took me to the video. I'm sure my son will be getting this since he has all the others, looks like a winner to me!!

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