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Whispers that official-pre release reviews have been drastically cut this time?

The Fisher King

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I just heard from a guy who knows a guy that the AMOL books are really just Twilight books with WoT covers :/


Do you have a source for this? That's usually a bad sign, IMO. I held back from buying Assassins Creed 3 because there were no reviews and after renting it for 3 days, I found out why. It was buggy and horribly designed and was too frustrating to play for a length of time. 


Well...I remember the last two books reading tons. Also in either someone's post here (or maybe the audio interview that Jason did - I listened to the whole thing)...it was mentioned that it was being held back. Even from the Betas. That Leigh and Mr Denzel's may be the only reviews "allowed" - who gets to decide that, btw? Id like several pre release reviews of AMOL. Will I get them? Am I the only one who remembers reading tons in previous years? What's the deal this time that makes it different? I would hate to think that it was because of what was said about Mat - especially by thst one guy. Pat somebody? What is the thought process?





There were several in the last couple of times, but certainly not 'tons'. Either way, it wasn't in Jason's interview, at least not before the last 5 minutes. If you could find the post that ignited your interest, perhaps we could ask whoever made it :smile:


Well, Leigh's review was good, I didn't read Jason's. Critical comments on this site, and perhaps others, aside, I am looking forward to reading it. What is the controversy here? Non spoiler reviews can't really help you decide whether to buy the book if you are on this site and have followed the series for almost 25 years.


I don't remember reading a lot of reviews on the last books, but that doesn't mean there weren't a lot; I don't usually go looking for that sort of thing. Last year, I think I only read Leigh's and Jason's.


I wouldn't assume it's a bad thing. They may just want to keep as much of the last book as quiet as possible, since it is the last book.


I would think the publisher would make that decision, but it also could be an author/editor request.


Well, let me ask you this. If you could receive an envelope that said in one or two sentences how TG goes down or how Rand defeats the DO, would you read it? I'd have a hard time holding back, myself. I'm not saying there are no reviews like the last books, I'm responding to the OP, but it would make sense tha this is the last book and it will be a pretty revealing one at that. I can see why they would hold of giving copies out to people. I can also see them not giving a rip because for better or worse, we are ALL buying the book that day, if not that midnight as soon as it comes out. Its easy money for them so why take the risk of stuff getting out that might decrease sales?


There has been some talk about this over at TL. Apparently they were upset about many of the early spoilers which made it out last year from places like Pat's fantasy list which broke an embargo on what could be discussed before the release date.


Pat of http://fantasyhotlist.blogspot.ca/ who has done advanced reviews in the past said:


"There's no ARC for AMoL, which means that I'll likely receive a finished copy a week or two prior to the pub date. The Holidays might screw up shipping by a couple of days." 


and some random person with the user name Neth said:

"review copies already went out. I have mine"


I have no idea what this all means.


If they're using finished copies instead of ARCs for reviewers, it doesn't sound like they're cutting the number of reviews, just giving reviewers less time to read the book and write their reviews. Probably to cut down on spoilers.


Pat's not getting a copy this year because he broke the embargo last time. (Ken/Nethspace knew that from Theoryland but apparently decided not to tell him.) But none of the reviewers are allowed to do early reviews, and none of them were last time either (hence Pat's early spoiler-ish post being a violation of the embargo). The only other official early review we got last time was Matt's, and I'm hoping to see his some time this week. Mine was unofficial; I got TOM 10 days early on my own. As for the other early readers, Linda chose not to do a review and Jenn and the others never do them.


Linda didn't want to? I hate this. Why did you have to tell me that, Terez?


(Very excited about Leigh's review, I decided to reread her ToM review. Turns out almost every teaser ended up being anti-climatic or about something I never would've guessed even after reading the books. Not to mention that I completely disagree with the way she judged TGS in comparison to ToM.)

 (Very excited about Leigh's review, I decided to reread her ToM review. Turns out almost every teaser ended up being anti-climatic or about something I never would've guessed even after reading the books. .)


That's how I felt about Leigh's review last time as well. When I went back to see the version with the spoilers added in I felt my enthusiasm didn't match hers at all



Thanks for the reviewer info Terez. At least Pat will still get to review R Scott Bakker's The Unholy Consult when that is released.  :baalzamon:  Those were always more interesting because he was always the first to review Bakker's books.


Please share why Linda...chose to abstain. If that reason is yours to share, of course - though I see no reason why it shouldn't be?


Just to be clear: Reviews have nothing to do with my desire to read the book. Nothing will change that. I enjoy reviews because I enjoy getting several different perspectives on things I am interested in.


Punishing Pat seems weak. And petty. He messed up. BIGTIME. But - that can't be changed. Not allowing his review THIS year means either you don't trust that he has learned from his mistake - or you just think he deserves punishment. Its probably way more about his Mat comments and daring to be one of the first to ask Brandon The Tough Questions.


I in no way am implying that the cutting back on pre release/reviews for AMOL is linked to a lack of quality, I just really like reading reviews and different opinions.





I don't even know the reason. I'm guessing it's just because she doesn't feel like fan-teasing is her kind of thing. She'd rather get to work on her analysis.


As for Pat, I imagine it's not so much about punishing him as it is about sending a clear message that their spoiler embargo is serious business. If they allow people to break it with no repercussions, then it's essentially a toothless policy that no one will follow.


I see. Thanks, Terez.


Just to add: Ive seen a lot of people comment recently on LB's...style...specifically in her reviews. She is paid to entertain. And what is known as "The Tease" has become a huge part of all entertainment mediums. As someone on Tor recently said, Leigh herself will be the first to tell you that consistency and journalistically accurate analysis are not her strengths or what she is all about, but if you enjoy her special brand of wackiness - dig in!! ;-)





Implying that it is a punishment that Pat could not review book this time implies that it is somehow his right to do so. They don't release copies to every single blogger, and probably not even everyone who may have got one last time whether or not they broke the embargo.


Pat has no right to do an early review, he just got an opportunity and he dropped the ball and then got benched. That's all there is too it, no need to read into it.

As for Pat, I imagine it's not so much about punishing him as it is about sending a clear message that their spoiler embargo is serious business.


And you are our resident expert on all things "serious business".  :wink:


When was it decided Pat wouldn't get a chance to review it? After Dec 13th? Because that was the day he posted this:

"There's no ARC for AMoL, which means that I'll likely receive a finished copy a week or two prior to the pub date. The Holidays might screw up shipping by a couple of days." 


Olver_is_a_Forsaken - don't you know that EVRYTHING on dun intraweb is the very most SERIOUS of Bizness?? ;-)


Viperwish - I son't know if I can agree with you that they just don't hand out advance copies...the crew around HERE (/Tor and TL) sure seem to get PLENTY!!! LOL. (Jason, Terez, Matt, Leigh, etc and ETC)







I was talking to Matt at Brandon's signing/Magic game last week and he said he wasn't planning on doing an early review this time. I have also talked to Linda and she is busy writing her analysis articles that will be posted after the book comes out, but she didn't say anything about writing a review. As far as I'm aware, Jason's and Leigh's reviews (if you can call them that) were the only ones planned. There will be plenty of reviews on January 8th.


As for why Pat didn't know he wasn't getting the book—the decision was made two years ago and they probably thought there isn't any particular reason to go out of your way to tell someone you're not giving them something. [EDIT: See clarification below.]


And I am still not looking at certain threads. :)


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