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Kin Movies!


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I want to see Rise of the Guardians. I love that Santa looks like he could kick your butt and the Easter Bunny looks like an Army Ranger. LOL 


I am avoiding the Twilight movies like the plague because... well, I hate the premise and the last book blew any chance of me enjoying the series. Ruined any chance it had, and it was a slim chance to begin with. 


Cloud Atlas looks interesting, but I'm sure the movie will be less than awesome. I bought the book, instead. :) 

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I liked the Hobbit more than the Lord of the Rings trilogy, honestly. I really want to see it, but probably won't until it comes out on Netflix. :(


Life of Pi looks like a tissue box movie, and I like avoiding those.


Red Dawn... I'm on the fence. Because I liked the first one, I'm a bit scared they're going to screw it up.

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I do not see how Red Dawn works as a movie now, the political sub-context simply isn't the same as when it was originally made. I mean, in the 80's it was still a realistic plausibility that the U.S. could be invaded by the Soviets and their subsidiary regimes. Now? Not so much...


But I really do want to see the movie to see what they came up with... same for Total Recall, just to see how it differs from the original.


I want to see Django Unchained, The Hobbit and Les Miserables... which is a lot of movie going for me. The last movie i went to the theater to see was The Avengers.

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Apart from an iTunes rental of spiderman and batman, haven't been to the theater since Kyle was born at the end of June. This Christmas, thanks to relatives who don't mind babysitting a baby well after his bedtime, I get to go see my two biggest anticipations of the year: The Hobbit and Les Mis! 


I saw the first two Twilights with my wife. The first one was annoying, but not worthy of vomit (though my wife hated how I picked the plot apart). The second one made me gag. I avoided the 3rd one like the plague, but I'd be willing to see the last one since my wife promises it has "lots of action," but hopefully it will be like Pride and Prejudice: a movie that is really only watched in our house when the guys are away.


I am also looking forward to Star Trek, if I can make it to the theater.


I am not avoiding anything like the plague, simply because to avoid something, there has to be effort. It takes much more effort to go to a movie when you have a baby and no reliable babysitter within 100 miles, therefore, it is impossible to avoid any movies since it takes zero effort for me to not go see one these days!

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Good point! I managed to make it to a movie this summer, but only because it was a 11 o'clock showing of Rock of Ages and I was going with a older lady who lives down the street while the girls were in day care. Those days are GONE! Peanut is on the same schedule as me, since it's a state-run Pre-K program. Ah, well. Dana gets mad at how expensive going to the movies has become and he'd actually rather watch things at home because he can pause it and go to the bathroom without missing anything.


That drives me crazy.



New Star Trek? Like... Chris Pine Star Trek? *arches her eyebrow and googles*



Edit--- HOLY CRAP!!!! Sorry, Mayans! The world cannot end tomorrow! That movie doesn't come out until May and I WILL BE SEEING IT. Benedict Cumberbatch is the bad guy? Who am I going to root for? *curses a blue streak*

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