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Basel Gill

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Avoiding a random lynch. It's crucial, evidently. 9 people believed the argument against him, and frankly I haven't believed many. But we need a coroner report. We need to know.


Go for it. Lose another townie. At that point I'm guessing Mafia will be very close. Convenient that we won't know if you killed me or Mafia did. Or if you are Mafia, period.


63 pages and everyone is pointing fingers in every direction they can. Yes I say it's been low activity. It's my first game: I only know this since others are saying it in the first place. I know that was my biggest post. Why? Because I have a reason for being inactive. Let's hear why the others aren't.


If you didn't always act so aggressive and guns blazing this game you wouldn't have died the first time. But I bet they'll lynch you tomorrow once you kill a townie.


Your move.

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Avoiding a random lynch. It's crucial, evidently. 9 people believed the argument against him, and frankly I haven't believed many. But we need a coroner report. We need to know.


Go for it. Lose another townie. At that point I'm guessing Mafia will be very close. Convenient that we won't know if you killed me or Mafia did. Or if you are Mafia, period.


63 pages and everyone is pointing fingers in every direction they can. Yes I say it's been low activity. It's my first game: I only know this since others are saying it in the first place. I know that was my biggest post. Why? Because I have a reason for being inactive. Let's hear why the others aren't.


If you didn't always act so aggressive and guns blazing this game you wouldn't have died the first time. But I bet they'll lynch you tomorrow once you kill a townie.


Your move.


Only 9 people?  You think someone didn't believe the argument?

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I smell scum.


Vote Ironeyes.


This doesn't look like the vote of someone who is unsure.


I was as sure as anyone else was. But I think we are doing a lot of shooting in the dark. Which lynches have you felt confident about?


None of them.  I was confident about Rand until Random came in to defend him but by that time it was too late to switch.

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Did anyone stop to consider why Wombat had us say that word? It obviously hasn't been any visible aid to anyone. Very possible that a Mafia member would think it's a great idea to protect themselves and see who's quickest about responding and the like. It also led to role reveals due to pressure on people who were slower to respond. People who the mafia knew weren't part of their group.


FoS on Wombat. Very clever ploy, with no need to have any tangible or visible payoff, but good way to get everyone to get people to think you're pro Town.

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I smell scum.


Vote Ironeyes.


This doesn't look like the vote of someone who is unsure.


I was as sure as anyone else was. But I think we are doing a lot of shooting in the dark. Which lynches have you felt confident about?


None of them.  I was confident about Rand until Random came in to defend him but by that time it was too late to switch.


Point made then. Everything I said was true. We are all just lynching in the dark and hoping to hit something that isn't town. Obviously the Mafia isn't going to shoot themselves, and we are doing nothing to help ourselves anyways. We town have done nothing to help our cases and now we are trying but we are losing the numbers game.

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I'm tired of everyone complaining about inactives and I'm tired of being inactive because I'm new. We just lost ANOTHER town. I know I'm town. I know no one else that is town. So I'm going to take matters into my hands then. Seems like everyone just votes for whomever starts with a strong argument, band wagoners that we all are, so come day if I am alive  (although Darthe is trigger happy) I'm voting Wombat unless he reminds me of a role claim he made, makes a role claim, or has some legit, verifiable evidence. I know Darthe 1.0 had something to say about Wombat so I'll go back and check sometime.


But no more being inactive, no more counting the sheep as they fall. If I get even one town I'll be happy. I also think our uberinactives are Mafia, but then again not sure if NAs could happen without them, which then means all the mafia are active enough not to draw too much attention nor too little.

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The OMGUS is strong in this one.


You didn't say you were voting against me and it's not like I went after Darthe, who apparently has his pretty little (crazy) mind set anyways.


Not sure how it applies here... According to what I read this is usually when someone votes against another just because they voted against them.

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Avoiding a random lynch. It's crucial, evidently. 9 people believed the argument against him, and frankly I haven't believed many. But we need a coroner report. We need to know.


Go for it. Lose another townie. At that point I'm guessing Mafia will be very close. Convenient that we won't know if you killed me or Mafia did. Or if you are Mafia, period.


63 pages and everyone is pointing fingers in every direction they can. Yes I say it's been low activity. It's my first game: I only know this since others are saying it in the first place. I know that was my biggest post. Why? Because I have a reason for being inactive. Let's hear why the others aren't.


If you didn't always act so aggressive and guns blazing this game you wouldn't have died the first time. But I bet they'll lynch you tomorrow once you kill a townie.


Your move.



So, let us break this down by paragraph.  


The first, defensive and excusory of your vote on Marsh when you were confident enough to say "I smell scum" before as you hammered.


The second, blatant scare tactics, saying that once I kill you the mafia will be very close to victory and saying that I, who have a day vig ability, am mafia and may kill you at night?  That is misinformation.


The third, you use the newbie card to excuse your behaviors and use external factors as an excuse for your gameplay.


The fourth, a threat that I will die when I kill you in the morning, which I promise I am doing.  Promise.  


The fifth, a challenge, misleading in it's own right.  That is not team play, and thus not town play.  



Next post.

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Screw it, to case you I would have to quote every damn post in your last two pages.  Tl;Dr, you're scummy lying no good stinking ratty mafia and you're so dead that Basel may as well go ahead and write the damn scene.  



Also, Random..  Quote your previous thoughts and pushes of Ithi as mafia.  Currently it looks like you're trying to distract me from my kill for the good of your teammate based on the opinions of 1.0.  




I wanna kill RTE and Turin atm.  RTE first.  God I frikking love this power.


Hey mafia, you know what happens whenever I kill a few of you and between the LD and Cop everyone else is confirmed in a day or two?  You lose.  Best get to steppin cause this game is about to crumble around you.



I'll be visiting you soon - Darthe.

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