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Chapter 2 Audio Available on Tor


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This was the first prerelease content ever that I haven't enjoyed.

I'm not sure if it's just because it felt like it was written with the fact that it would be prerelease fully in mind, or if it was just a boring chapter, or if I'm just too impatient for audiobooks now.

Either way, try as I might, I could not stay focused on it. The only remotely interesting part was the very end of the Pevara-Androl scene, the rest was just ridiculously pandering and bland.

I wish he'd kill Aviendha off. I used to love her character, but as with Mat, BS cannot write her at all and reading her POVs now is just the most obnoxious thing in the world, this chapter included.

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Aviendha sneaking to get into Elayne's tent was so silly. Brandon seem to have forgotten that the first-sister bond gives you awareness of the presence of the other. And after she was for months Elayne's closest person in the Royal Palace, was called "sister" by her and accompanying her to all meetings, it was plain ridiculous to think the guards won't let her in. ...


Pevara bonding Androl just like that was ridiculous IMO. It's a huge deal for any Aes Sedai, doing it like this really felt implausible.


lol, luckers, something tells me you won't be on Barndon's Christams list any more.


there are some other oddities in how BS describes channeling in a man-woman circle. Pevara can't see the weaves Androl is making even the part using saidar. that doesn't make sense.

also, she thinks that Androl is using saidar to bolster his own weaves only. It looks like BS thinks that men can't directly channel saidar when linked with women. the same thing is present when Neald links with a Wise One in ToM.



"It's beautiful, Jur," Neald said softly. His voice bore no hint of the bravado he often displayed. "I can feel saidar. It's like I'm more complete now."

"You're channeling it?" Perrin asked.

"No. I don't need to. I can use it."

"Use it how?" Grady asked, eager.

"I . . . It's hard to explain. The weaves are saidin, but I seem to be able to strengthen them with saidar.


However, Rand channels saidar directly when linked with Nynaeve in WH.


Although, did anyone else find Pevara's apparent emotions about all of her sisters being turned vs. her reaction to news that Logain may be turned disturbing? The first, of women she's known and respected for centuries, was a bit 'well, that happened', and then of a man she has no reason to care about--and indeed considerable reason to actively dislike considering what he caused in Ghealdin--she's horrified.


Well, she's probably had time deal with the turning of her sisters. And in any case she's Aes Sedai, she hides her emotions. With Logain, the suddeness of the news combined with the fact that she just had a double bonding with Androl, makes her shock and horror understandable I think. And while she may not care about Logain personally, there's no denying his importance to Androl's faction. His death would be a terrible blow. His turning is twice as bad. Her knowledge of what he did in Ghealdan is all the more reason for her to be horrified.


Eh. The conversation read like this.


Pevara: I'm Aes Sedai, you're a man who can channel. You scare me.

Androl: I can't trust you.

Pevara: I can help you plan your coup against Taim. He's taken the rest of my sisters. That totally happened. I cried. Off screen.

Androl: You offer yourself as bait?

Pevara: Say what now?

Androl: Ah sarcasm.

Pevara: You really don't know anything about Aes Sedai do you?

Androl: Wait, what about your ideas for the coup?

Pevara: We're discussing Aes Sedai now. Keep up.

Androl: Well, sure I know alot about Aes Sedai. I know all your innermost flaws.

Pevara: So you've spent time studying us?

Androl: Oh no, I've avoided you as best I can.

Pevara: Then how can you know about flaws none but the Wise One's, some Kinswomen and maybe Fortuona know about.

Androl: I read this thread: http://www.dragonmou...f-an-aes-sedai/ . How did you know about those other things?

Pevara: eWoT, idiot. Let's link.

Androl: Well, okay, just so long as you don't freak out on me.

Pevara: Don't be silly. Now, break the laws of physics and initiate the link. Don't worry, I misunderstood something I studied earlier. It will work.

Androl: Okay...

Pevara: ZOMG YOU'RE CONTROLLING ME!!!!! #MindRapeBond

Androl: You said you wouldn't freak out. Just for that... #MindRapeBond.

Pevara: Well, that was certainly interesting.

Androl: Oh yes. I enjoyed it, myself. Look, the door is opening. I, the weak one, will take steps to protect us from the very likely reality that we're about to be Mindraped in a far less congenial way. You just stand there and wax lyrical about the One Power. Good girl.

FanStandInChild: Hey Mum! I'm on TV!!!

Pevara: Calm down sparky, at this stage it's just a book. Now, what terrible news do you have?

FanStandInChild: Weilyn 13.0 just rocked up. You can infer that Logain might suffer the same fate.

Pevara: OH NO NOT LOGAIN!!!!!

Androl: Poor Melare. She seemed nice.

Pevara: Who?

Androl: Never mind. Onward and upward my friends! Into the breach!

Pevara: You're strange. I have a feeling we're going to end up together.

Androl: Say what now?

Brandon: To be continued....


That gives the old Isam summaries a run for their money mate...


Wow David, I swear that's the first time I've seen you say something negative about Brandon's work--mind you that's probably just my own inattention or something.


lol, luckers, something tells me you won't be on Barndon's Christams list any more.


I severed contact with Brandon--politely--months ago.


there are some other oddities in how BS describes channeling in a man-woman circle. Pevara can't see the weaves Androl is making even the part using saidar. that doesn't make sense.

also, she thinks that Androl is using saidar to bolster his own weaves only. It looks like BS thinks that men can't directly channel saidar when linked with women. the same thing is present when Neald links with a Wise One in ToM.





"It's beautiful, Jur," Neald said softly. His voice bore no hint of the bravado he often displayed. "I can feel saidar. It's like I'm more complete now."

"You're channeling it?" Perrin asked.

"No. I don't need to. I can use it."

"Use it how?" Grady asked, eager.

"I . . . It's hard to explain. The weaves are saidin, but I seem to be able to strengthen them with saidar.


However, Rand channels saidar directly when linked with Nynaeve in WH.


And too Pevara apparently cannot see the weaves, yet Nynaeve was able to see weaves woven with saidar by a man in KoD after the attack on Algarin's manor.


Really? I am pretty sure I've criticised Brandon quite a few times before, though I usually end up defending him because I think most people are too harsh on him. ;)


BTW, Elayne can know channel reliably again despite the pregnancy. Weird. It seems to contradict this bit from CoT:


"you will find that you have difficulty in channeling sometimes. The threads may slip away from you as though greased or fade like mist, so you will have to try again and again to make the simplest weave or hold it. This may grow worse as your pregnancy progresses, and you will not be able to channel at all while in labor or giving birth, but it will come right after the children are born. "


I'm guessing Brandon wants Elayne to have some action, or maybe create some sort of ter'angreal, and is pre-emptively retconning her ability to channel.


I thought the chapter had good flow and smoothness, except for Avi which is something to be expected as only RJ can write Aiel correctly.


As for Pevara's reaction to Logain, this was after her bonding to Androl and it is quite clear that their emotions and perhaps even their memories are united now. So she may be reacting more intense due to Androl's reaction.


Anyone else notice that the Pevara/Androl scene read very much like a romance novel sex scene? I know channeling has always carried that undercurrent of sexuality but dang, that scene really stood out. Just needed a fireplace, bearskin rug, and bottle of champagne.


As for Pevara's reaction to Logain, this was after her bonding to Androl and it is quite clear that their emotions and perhaps even their memories are united now.


Admittedly I haven't made it through the whole section but why would their memories be united?


As for Pevara's reaction to Logain, this was after her bonding to Androl and it is quite clear that their emotions and perhaps even their memories are united now.


Admittedly I haven't made it through the whole section but why would their memories be united?


Pevara's thoughts at the time were [paraphrased] "I can see his his memories, his whole life passed before my eyes in a second" or something to that effect. Without the text before, just my recollection of the audio.


As for Pevara's reaction to Logain, this was after her bonding to Androl and it is quite clear that their emotions and perhaps even their memories are united now.


Admittedly I haven't made it through the whole section but why would their memories be united?


I think it is a bit of poetic licence, but the dual bonding brings the people even closer, memories have been mentioned, but not specific, just a general sense of "understanding" I believe. In any case, I agree with Sam, the dual bonding has a very large effect on Pevara's emotions mixing with Androl's.


The "why" of it is probably because of the whole dual bonding thing.


So people are saying the memories are united? It not just a general sense of understanding as Barid says?


It's uncertain, but yes there does seem to be some sort of memory/thought seepage.


Although, did anyone else find Pevara's apparent emotions about all of her sisters being turned vs. her reaction to news that Logain may be turned disturbing? The first, of women she's known and respected for centuries, was a bit 'well, that happened', and then of a man she has no reason to care about--and indeed considerable reason to actively dislike considering what he caused in Ghealdin--she's horrified.


Well, she's probably had time deal with the turning of her sisters. And in any case she's Aes Sedai, she hides her emotions. With Logain, the suddeness of the news combined with the fact that she just had a double bonding with Androl, makes her shock and horror understandable I think. And while she may not care about Logain personally, there's no denying his importance to Androl's faction. His death would be a terrible blow. His turning is twice as bad. Her knowledge of what he did in Ghealdan is all the more reason for her to be horrified.


Eh. The conversation read like this.


Pevara: I'm Aes Sedai, you're a man who can channel. You scare me.

Androl: I can't trust you.

Pevara: I can help you plan your coup against Taim. He's taken the rest of my sisters. That totally happened. I cried. Off screen.

Androl: You offer yourself as bait?

Pevara: Say what now?

Androl: Ah sarcasm.

Pevara: You really don't know anything about Aes Sedai do you?

Androl: Wait, what about your ideas for the coup?

Pevara: We're discussing Aes Sedai now. Keep up.

Androl: Well, sure I know alot about Aes Sedai. I know all your innermost flaws.

Pevara: So you've spent time studying us?

Androl: Oh no, I've avoided you as best I can.

Pevara: Then how can you know about flaws none but the Wise One's, some Kinswomen and maybe Fortuona know about.

Androl: I read this thread: http://www.dragonmou...f-an-aes-sedai/ . How did you know about those other things?

Pevara: eWoT, idiot. Let's link.

Androl: Well, okay, just so long as you don't freak out on me.

Pevara: Don't be silly. Now, break the laws of physics and initiate the link. Don't worry, I misunderstood something I studied earlier. It will work.

Androl: Okay...

Pevara: ZOMG YOU'RE CONTROLLING ME!!!!! #MindRapeBond

Androl: You said you wouldn't freak out. Just for that... #MindRapeBond.

Pevara: Well, that was certainly interesting.

Androl: Oh yes. I enjoyed it, myself. Look, the door is opening. I, the weak one, will take steps to protect us from the very likely reality that we're about to be Mindraped in a far less congenial way. You just stand there and wax lyrical about the One Power. Good girl.

FanStandInChild: Hey Mum! I'm on TV!!!

Pevara: Calm down sparky, at this stage it's just a book. Now, what terrible news do you have?

FanStandInChild: Weilyn 13.0 just rocked up. You can infer that Logain might suffer the same fate.

Pevara: OH NO NOT LOGAIN!!!!!

Androl: Poor Melare. She seemed nice.

Pevara: Who?

Androl: Never mind. Onward and upward my friends! Into the breach!

Pevara: You're strange. I have a feeling we're going to end up together.

Androl: Say what now?

Brandon: To be continued....


That gives the old Isam summaries a run for their money mate...


Haha, just saw this. Thanks! High praise indeed.


I doubt it is a full memory transfer, but yes, it seems that there is a general "understanding" of the others' life, probably snapshots of the highlights etc. that the actual scene fades, but the y still remember what they saw type thing.


I doubt it is a full memory transfer, but yes, it seems that there is a general "understanding" of the others' life, probably snapshots of the highlights etc. that the actual scene fades, but the y still remember what they saw type thing.


This is exactly what I was about to post.

So yeah, I think that's it.


I am interested to hear about Sandomere, he was the 3rd, but he is not in any of the thoughts, they assume since Weilyn is captured that Logain is by himself and doomed, yet presumably Sandomere would still be with him.


So Rand ended Chapter One telling Perrin it was paramount to keep Elayne from going to Caemlyn. What did he do to achieve this goal? He wrote a letter in which he insisted that she must go to Caemlyn ASAP. Great plan, Rand. It really showed the level of maturity you reached thanks to those LTT memories... ;)


Pevara acknowledges that the five Aes Sedai she came with were turned to the Shadow and are now her enemies, five of her sisters including the leader of their group and the Keeper of Chronicles now made servants of Mazrim Taim. Pevara can't leave the Black Tower or send word for help, and at any given moment a dozen Dreadlords could walk into her room, tie her up, and escort her to be Turned. She then proceeds to worry about trivial and cliche plot elements, such as men, channelling, men who can channel, Androl, Logain, ghosts, her uncle, leather, etc. If anything, Pevara should be frantic at being trapped in a literal hell-hole, and filled with sorrow at her sisters who are now worse than dead. Instead, the scene goes on at the leisurely pace of an awkward WoT-ian romance being forged.


And what is Taim even waiting for, at this point? Why would he let Pevara stroll across his grounds instead of just Turning/killing her and being done with it? Did he read the script too?


Elayne's scene reads exactly like this, as well. Her capital city has just been overrun with Trollocks, half the residents are refugees, the other half probably boiling in Trollock stew cauldrons. Her nation is about to fall apart, there are tons of Darkfriends among her most trusted guards, the world is about to end... and she's like "OMG Aviendha, you and your wacky Aiel ways! Now you take your pretty butt and jump into my husband's sack, kiss kiss".


At this point, it's practically a certainty that the scene where Rand descends into Shayol Ghul will involve Nyneave and Moraine sharing observations about Lan's temper (and/or body features), and Rand throwing his arms at how incomprehensible women are. At this point, I will be hoping for the Dark One to lash out and

destroy them all.


I liked the Pevara scene, I think it was quite well-written. I don't understand why she's still not turned, however, or what's going on with Logain, this will be very hard to explain.

I was quite disappointed with the switch to Avi's PoV, however :(


I found Avi's actions foolish and Elayne's guards are much better than that not to mention the first sister awareness.


So Rand ended Chapter One telling Perrin it was paramount to keep Elayne from going to Caemlyn. What did he do to achieve this goal? He wrote a letter in which he insisted that she must go to Caemlyn ASAP. Great plan, Rand. It really showed the level of maturity you reached thanks to those LTT memories... ;)


I thought it was incredibly generous of Elayne to explain exactly this to us in the spectacularly subtle way that she did.


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