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What Are Some Things That Teenagers In Your Area Watch On Youtube?


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Well... for the past year, everyone's been watching Epic Rap Battles of History (I LOVE them). I can't post them on here because it's not pg13. If any of you have watched them, then what's your favorite. Mine is the Sarah Palin vs. Lady Gaga, Darth Vader vs. Adolf Hitler, and Master Chief vs. Leonidas. Then they also watch Asking All Them Questions (hilarious :laugh:) and recently it's the Gangam Style....


What are some things that teens in your area watch on youtube? If they're pg13 appropriate, please post them here.

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I guess most people my age, at least where I am from, are long past the whole fad and flock-with-the-herd thing, as we don't all decide to watch one thing and then share it with each other and obsess over it because you have your own taste by now (or so one would hope); but the general trend seems to be mostly watching videos that have nothing but a song or music piece in it and fragments of (or whole) films that you like. Wasn't that long ago when you absolutely, absolutely had to pay for music and films or at least go out of your way to hear/see it, what with cds and cassettes and reels and records and going to the theatres, etc., and the internet being crap or not really existing yet outside of databases, so, at least in my view, having music and films easy and free to get is really something that still fascinates me and I take full of advantage of it. Not to say that I do not watch the silly junk now and then, but me and other people my age seem to mostly just listen to music on and watch films on youtube.

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I don't enjoy most of todays fads...due to the fact that I actually dont like about 80% of the stuff thats "popular" today. I'm like an old guy in a young guys body. I do like some stuff though, and epic rap battles is one of them. For me youtube is basically for music videos and movie/vid game trailers. I do find really random stuff from time to time though that I find hilarious...but most people would call it stupid. :P




Actually I dislike the song...but this was funny to me.


Example 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiNgTs3KGv0&feature=player_embedded



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epic rap battles is great, otherwise:


Epic Meal Time


Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time


KSIOlajideBT and KSIOlajideBTHD (first is a FIFA channel, second is other gaming)


ummm Adventure time, not me specifically but others...


you could try "Die Verlore Seun" by Gazelle, that's a laugh

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I guess most people my age, at least where I am from, are long past the whole fad and flock-with-the-herd thing, as we don't all decide to watch one thing and then share it with each other and obsess over it because you have your own taste by now (or so one would hope)...


Might I ask what demographic that is?



I don't hang around watching youtube videos often unless I'm there to find a specific video, but Epic Rap Battles of History have amused me many times. I think Einstein vs. Hawking is one of my favorites.

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I guess most people my age, at least where I am from, are long past the whole fad and flock-with-the-herd thing, as we don't all decide to watch one thing and then share it with each other and obsess over it because you have your own taste by now (or so one would hope)...


Might I ask what demographic that is?



I don't hang around watching youtube videos often unless I'm there to find a specific video, but Epic Rap Battles of History have amused me many times. I think Einstein vs. Hawking is one of my favorites.

no becuse then yu ofind out my age and im not tellin g...

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I guess most people my age, at least where I am from, are long past the whole fad and flock-with-the-herd thing, as we don't all decide to watch one thing and then share it with each other and obsess over it because you have your own taste by now (or so one would hope)...


Might I ask what demographic that is?



I don't hang around watching youtube videos often unless I'm there to find a specific video, but Epic Rap Battles of History have amused me many times. I think Einstein vs. Hawking is one of my favorites.

no becuse then yu ofind out my age and im not tellin g...


Okay. I'll just go off your avatar and marvel that Ireland matures its boys so quickly.



A lot of the teenagers I coach introduced me to the Honeybadger. Of course, it's a completely non-PG13 clip, but funny as hell. So funny, that I couldn't even be cross with them for playing it before one of our matches.

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I guess most people my age, at least where I am from, are long past the whole fad and flock-with-the-herd thing, as we don't all decide to watch one thing and then share it with each other and obsess over it because you have your own taste by now (or so one would hope)...


Might I ask what demographic that is?



I don't hang around watching youtube videos often unless I'm there to find a specific video, but Epic Rap Battles of History have amused me many times. I think Einstein vs. Hawking is one of my favorites.

no becuse then yu ofind out my age and im not tellin g...


Okay. I'll just go off your avatar and marvel that Ireland matures its boys so quickly.


Reall y just stp i am dnrunk as helshor an d debating wh ethre chemo or any crp is wort h it , i ont need any dman snarknes s and meanss whne all i do is ysa idont answer yuor uestion. bllodd y dam n hell

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