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Steel Axe

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I SO KNEW IT WAS THEM.... that's creepy -_- and sad because they are known as being the worst bank when it comes to customer service. that's how I guessed... too bad my bank isn't one that has tons of branches :(  but then again we prefer quality over quantity. and all the woman I work with are actually really pretty ^^ We actually get a lot of customers cause of that ;p

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Is who all jealous? B of A? Lol prolly ^^ and we are the only bank in this area that didn't have to take the government funding or the TARP fund as they are called.. lol now all the banks but us have 5 years to pay back a HUGE debt or the Government owns their butts! :D so many people in this area HATE the government  ;p

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Lol jealous because of me? No I'm not the reason we get a lot of people.. it's all of us.. lol most places only have one or two pretty people... but ALL of the girls I works with are pretty.. so we get alot of people who come to us cause of that :p although I did have a small group of followers that always came in to see me :p and then they found out that I didn't want to date any one at the time and that my co-workers where warning off potential suitors :D

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