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The scariest Forsaken


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Aginor is the worst of the Forsaken, IMO. As if creating the Shadowspawn wasn't enough, he was the first to attack Rand, and probably came the closest to killing him, in the form of Dashiva, when he blasted away the throne room in Cairhien mere moments after Rand left the room.


But, back to the Shadowspawn thing; that alone makes him the scariest, for sure... like a Dr. Mengele-type figure. Fifty million people were said to have been killed during his experiments (at a rate of over 10,000 per day), and he was the strongest in the power amongst the Forsaken, second only to Ishamael.


So, yeah. Even though he's basically a vassal to Demandred nowadays, his history speaks for itself... and it speaks so loudly it screams.


I'm not sure if scary is the right word, but if I were likely to come into contact with the Forsaken, these would be the ones I least want to run into:


1. Semirhage. She is a sadistic sociopath. Plain and simple. But she has had centuries to "explore" her cravings and desires, along with having super powers. I always find real life evil much scarier than things like the "Devil", or the "Dark One". Semirhage was a sociopath before the Bore. I have no desire to be anywhere near a serial killer who's been around for centuries with God-like powers.


2. Moridin/Ishamael. This man is intelligent, powerful, and crazy. That is a combination for some very bad things. History is full of people who are supremely intelligent, wield enormous amounts of power, and are crazy doing some really bad things in our world. With Moridin wielding his power directly (channeling), rather than using armies or countries, means he's that much more dangerous and scary.


3. Graendal. Shrinks in the real world already kinda creep me out, and the thought of an expert shrink turning Evil, and being able to use that knowledge in combination with magic powers to do whatever you want to another's mind... Scary. She was originally a highly respected aesthetic, and turned into a complete hedonist when she joined the Shadow. Talk about "fallen priest" type character who revels in their evil. She might not do me lots of physical harm, and in fact I probably wouldn't know or care what she was doing due to her use of Compulsion, but the ability to just completely manipulate and subdue one's own will is scary.


4. Aginor. Seriously twisted mad scientist. Think those crazy Nazi doctors, but on an even larger scale, and in doing those "experiments", also creating a new being that is insanely strong, able to be controlled by you, and a killing machine. Receiving either Semirhage or Aginor's personal attentions are two things I could go an entirety of the turning of the Wheel without ever experiencing. If anything is able to cause you trauma enough to follow you through incarnations, it'd be what those two could do to you.


5. Moghedian. Just because she's relatively cowardly doesn't mean she's not scary. It just means she's very cautious, and plans her attacks out that much more. In addition, it gives her a certain "inferiority complex", whereby she HATES anyone seen to be better than her (ie some of her comments about Lanfear, and of course Nynaeve, who defeated her not once, not twice, but thrice!). This gives her extreme motivation for her actions, which coupled with her cowardly caution, means she is dangerous indeed.


Could continue the list, but that's as far as I can easily rank them at this point.


Edit: For Grammar.


I do not find the Forsaken that scary, off course if I had ever met a 3000 year old mage with more powers than your average Marvel superhero team and a morality that would make half the same company's villains cringe then I would probably soil myself, but as they are written I must admit that I rather go cool than thinking they are scary. It is about the same as with Dracula or Transformers, I do not find the villains scary, yes in real life if I met a lovesick, 500 year old vampire or a 10 meter tall, armed to the teeth alien killer robot with a bad temper then I would probably start to pray for the Gods to save me, but in the fiction these characters are just not presented in a scary way. If I had to choose however I would probably say Rahvin, he is a sly one and turn his enemies against their own friends and that is a pretty scary concept.


That was exactly what I was about to say.


I would probably try to dig a hole and hide in it, just from seein 1 trolloc.

If I found 1 of the forsaken, it wouldn't matter which one, I would probably hide the best I can, bite my tongue and hope I'd be dead before it found me :sad:


Graendal. The idea of losing your mind (literally) is more scary to me than torture and the rest. What she does is a few levels worse than damane breaking/brainwashing which is pretty damn scary and infuriating too.


Moridin. There's something scary about someone who has absolutely no plans for the future, nothing to aspire to, nothing to live for, but a few days/weeks/months of bloody war, after which, as he is hoping, eternal oblivion will come. Moridin lives in a world where afterlife and a cycle of reincarnations are guaranteed, and he chooses to forgo them... for nothing. For a permanent death. If successful, he won't even feel the triumph of victory, because that triumph, along with the rest of him, along with the rest of reality, will wink out of existence.


That's... scary. It puts Moridin beyond a mere Forsaken, as he implied numerous times.


Aginor. The guy created Myrddraal, Trollocs, Draghkar, and who know what else. These things have killed more than all of the other Forsaken combined. He is both a Mad Scientist and Dark Wizard rolled into one. Any other fantasy series, and he would have been the primary villain.


Graendal. The idea of log your mind (literally) is more scary to me than torture and the rest. What she does is a few levels worse than damane breaking/brainwashing which is pretty damn scary and infuriating too.


This. No physical torture is worst than being a mindless human puppet. Also evil psychiatrists scare me. Ever since that Hitchcock movie.


On the whole though Fades, Fain, the mirror realm of the portal stone, and gholam freak me out more than the Forsaken. As a kid, reading tEotW and tGH was pretty scary, specially since I read alone at night.


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