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NHL Lockout


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Totally agree with you Moose...it's going to be weird though without having hockey during the winter. I guess the 2012 Olympic hockey games will be getting watched again here.(my stepdad got the set for Christmas)


...something I just noticed...you know you're Canadian when you're upset by a hockey lockout

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got rid of my TV so I'm slightly less upset about this now as even if it did work out I wouldn't really be able to watch it. Still, I'm pretty unhappy with the whole bloody thing. They had all off season they could have been worrying over this stuff, why do they have to do it during the season?

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  • 2 months later...

I can see the thought behind boycotting in all its depth,  but I mean, on the surface, we were upset there was no hockey, now they're finally getting back to it, and we're supposed to say 'no, we don't want it anymore'? 


To what end? We don't buy any merchandise, we don't buy tickets and they don't end up getting any money and they struggle now that they are back and that will show them?


How far do we push it? Just the rest of this season,  but don't worry boys, we'll be back next year, so really you'll be ok, the sport will be ok and we're just punishing ourselves further when its not really gonna matter! Or do they expect us to keep it up until the NHL is well and truely done, in which case, we've done the same, only successfully and we've killed dreams of people joining the NHL and we'll have killed a tradition in many homes of having kids stay up late eating pizza and pop watching the game on Saturday night? 


Either way, I don't really see the point.  All that looks like to me is making the fans suffer more. We're the ones who want to watch it, and yes, we can see it as a kick to us when they don't play and we're left wanting it, but really, this whole upset on our end is that we wanted hockey back. So we got it, so shut up and watch, or screw yourself out of seeing any more games. 


So, yeah, I'll be watching. And yeah I did find other things to do with my hockey nights, but that doesn't mean I won't tune in now that its back. 

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