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Following up on my last statement: "I don't hate Jar Jar Binks"


Empire Strikes Back?

had nothing on Jedi Returns! Ewoks, i rest my case!


I do hate Ewoks

At least Jar Jar could be understood by the audience

Ewoks just make random noises


I also hate Wookies

They're probably the most annoying creatures in star wars tbh

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Speaking of movies and such, I don't hate Tom Cruise or Mel Gibson

I'm really not interested in what they do in their private lives or what kind of people they are

I think they're both great actors and I love their movies




For hockey fans, and more specifically Canucks fans, I like Luongo, always have, and he's been a great asset to the team.


Ewoks suck, I like chick flicks.

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I prefer RPG or RTS games myself. Only FPS game I played regularly was Doom back in the day. I tried Halo, but never saw the appeal. I do love shooting games like the survival horror ones, but that's about it.


Never found them to be mindless though. Some of them are pretty difficult.

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Are there people that didn't like Waterworld and Postman?

That would be news to me


http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114898/ 56%... or around 2 stars.

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119925/ 5.7 or around 2.5 stars..

http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/waterworld/ 43%

http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/postman/ 9%

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I Like

Blink 182

Britney Spears


Kanye West

Katy Perry

Lady Gaga

My Chemical Romance


Taylor Swift


I think they are all extremely talented song writers and amazing entertainers


I Dislike

Country music in general

Heavy Metal in general

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I go back and forth on Nicki

Sometimes I like her and sometimes I think she's annoying


I think Eminem has been my favorite artist lately though

The man is a lyrical genius and he's one of the most honest and open entertainers I've ever seen

Dude put his real life up in those records


I lock myself in the bedroom, bathroom, nappin' at noon,

Yeah dad's in a bad mood, he's always snappin' at you.

Marshall what happened at you, you can't stop with these pills,

And you've fallen off with your skills, and your own fans are laughin' at you.

It become a problem you're too pussy to tackle, get up,

Be a man, stand, a real man woulda had this shit handled.

Know you just had your heart ripped out and crushed,

They say Proof just flipped out, homie just swift out and bust,

Nah, it ain't like Doody to do that,

He wouldn't f-n shoot at, no-body, he fights first,

But dwellin' on it only makes the night worse,

Now I'm poppin Vic's, perks and Methadone pills.

Yeah Em, tight verse, you killed it,

F-n drug dealers hang around me like "yes man",

And they gon' do whatever I says when, I says it,

It's in their best interest to protect their investment.

And I just lost my f-n' best friend, so f-k it, I guess then...


From the song Going Through Changes

Talking about how he became a drug addict and almost killed himself because he was depressed over the death of his best friend since childhood

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