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You now have an extra happy MG :D


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To all those who are interested, I received two job offers this morning. Both are working at the elementary school level, but one is teaching Spanish part time while the other is working alongside a full time ELL (English Language Learner) instructor as a full time ELL instructional assistant. I have decided to take the offer of the full time ELL instructional assistant...still working with the wee little ones to teach them English but it will definitely be an eye opening experience, and an inspiring one.


So, in other words:


Time to celebrate! The MG got herself a big girl job and won't have to work at Taco Bell full time anymore!!!


*does a happy dance*

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So I met with all my new coworkers today and they are all so super nice and excited to have me. Apparently the two different departments that offered me jobs have been fighting over me for the past week....makes me feel special :biggrin:

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well almost goodbye to taco bell - the new job won't pay during the summer months so I'm gonna still work weekends at taco bell *sigh* yay for extra monies?


And they like me almost as much huh? Is someone being protective? lol

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