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So, what do you read when you're not doing a yearly reread of WoT books???


Depending my mood, I read anything from epic fantasy, urban fantasy, children's books, romance, historical fiction, teaching blogs, magazines...


I'm not terribly picky apparently. LOL


I am going to start two books as I am now in two book clubs. The Paris Wife and The Fallen Angel.


Yeah? Daniel Silva's The Fallen Angel? (No, I haven't read it, but I remember seeing it on the shelf).


I like mystery/suspense and anything that kinda resembles a who-dunnit.


I also tend to go for series rather than one shot things.


i just finished the night angel trilogy the author ends it on a sad note but i would recommend if you like war and assassination

  On 8/15/2012 at 5:25 PM, U4ea said:

Yeah? Daniel Silva's The Fallen Angel? (No, I haven't read it, but I remember seeing it on the shelf).


Yes. The description reminds me of Dan Brown.


Lor's stories when she bothers writing them, anyway. *hugs*


And that's what I was thinking, too, Ryrin. Sounds kinda interesting! Which are you more excited to read??

  On 8/17/2012 at 7:33 PM, U4ea said:

Lor's stories when she bothers writing them, anyway. *hugs*


And that's what I was thinking, too, Ryrin. Sounds kinda interesting! Which are you more excited to read??


Fallen Angel. I'm halfway through already. I then realized it's a series of about 10 books or so and this is the latest one. I called my used book store and went over and bought the ones they have. I ordered the first two on Amazon. I bought another book by Torey Hayden. You know who she is?


No, doesn't sound familiar. What's it about??


I'm currently reading a historical romance because I need some brain fluff time. I'm planning on tackling some more Mistborn and The Way of Kings once school gets started. :)



  On 8/19/2012 at 1:32 AM, U4ea said:

No, doesn't sound familiar. What's it about??


I'm currently reading a historical romance because I need some brain fluff time. I'm planning on tackling some more Mistborn and The Way of Kings once school gets started. :)






"Victoria Lynn Hayden, known as Torey L. Hayden, is a child psychologist, special education teacher, university lecturer and writer of non-fiction books based on her real-life experiences with teaching and counseling children with special needs."


She has spent many years working with emotionally disturbed children as a teacher in the classroom and in other settings. I enjoy her books. I found "Ghost Girl" today.


I have "The way of Kings" but haven't read it yet.


Well, now I'm just insanely curious! So, they're all non-fiction?? *opens B&N in another window and starts searching*

  On 8/20/2012 at 1:04 AM, U4ea said:

Well, now I'm just insanely curious! So, they're all non-fiction?? *opens B&N in another window and starts searching*


Yes, they are. I think you might like them.



I finished Fallen Angel and Many Masters. Now on to "The Paris Wife."


Besides my current WoT reread, I have also flirted with Michael Crichton and Brandon Sanderson binges lately. Mistborn would be my #1 series if it had been developed for a long epic rather than a short trilogy (although its length is perfect in that it makes you finish still wanting more, but yet leaves you strangely satisfied). Alloy of Law is sitting on my shelf waiting for me to open it... but first must finish WoT reread (will finish CoT tonight), AMoL, and then for sanity since I am starting reading-intensive grad school next week.


After I've ready Alloy of Law, then I'll have to read Way of Kings and Elantris to finish off my unread Sanderson books. Then I'll finally read Stephen King's Gunslinger!


I'm also reading The Hunger Games on my kindle while at the gym, though its present-tense style is really irritating.


I couldn't stand the Hunger Games. I was irritated that I bought it. :(


I have a mile long list of books I need to read before JordanCon and the more I can read before AMoL is released, the better. The new Dresden book will be out around Thanksgiving, so that's going to throw a wrench in there, too. I want to reread the WoT series, but that will probably have to wait until AFTER JordanCon.


I just gave my kid TEotW to read.. he was going through a 200pg book every other day... that should slow him down a little bit at least.


My reading list is slim, what do you have to read for JordanCon? Stuff I want to read isn't out yet, starting in October it should get a little bit busier.


My JordanCon list so far:


The Name of the Wind, Pat Rothfuss

The October Daye series by Seanan McGuire (quite a few books here)

The Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson (I need to read Well of Ascension and The Hero of Ages)

The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

The Game of Thrones series by GRR Martin

The Dark Tower series by Stephen King (lots here, too)

Boneshaker by Cherie Priest

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznik

the new Dresden in November

Time Untime by Sherrilyn Kenyon

A Perfect Blood by Kim Harrison (released on Sept. 25th)




And that's not even the list of things I COULD read. They are thing I NEED to read. I need to quit my job and read full time for this track, I think... ;)


Plan on reading the rest of Cherie Priest's books in that series.... its good. I had to listen to Clementine on audio, since finding a printed copy was very difficult.



These, I've read:

The Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson

The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

The Game of Thrones series by GRR Martin


I agree, of course the ability to afford those books would be impaired by that decision.


I own most of them already, which is good. It's sad that they've been sitting on my shelf for an unGodly amount of time... *sighs*


Yeah, books don't last that long around here... got another one for you to read too, I think you'd like it. Viridris by Calista Taylor. I think its right up your alley.


So after Boneshaker you have Clementine, Dreadnought, Ganymede and soon Inexplicables.


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