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100% done???


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I'm glad its done... i can hardly wait until its release and the final story about the WoT's characters to end.


I'm sad about the ending but excited about he book.


i will be shattered if there isn't a few outrigger novels to tie up all the loose ends... hell if Sanderson won't do it then get someone else too....

wheel of time is too good to let die... i'd like to see another 15 books... LOL


Count me in! I'd love to see a book about the 20 years from when Moiraine bonded Lan until the time they came to the two rivers.


The decision to revisit the world of the Wheel to publish additional books may depend on the fates and future fortunes of RJ's heirs. Witness the resurrection of middle-earth by Christopher Tolkien, and the resurrection of Dune by Brian Herbert.


Hmm ... you did read the part in your own quote where Sanderson says, "To be honest, there probably wouldn't be anything wrong with doing a few more books ..." didn't you?


Anyway, all that is fine. But as living people, Harriet, Brandon, and Team Jordan are entitled to change their mind, just as Robert Jordan did on other subjects, and could have on this one, if he were still alive. Circumstances can change for the living.


Again, I repeat - I am not saying that they should or must do more in this world. Brandon says he would not be comfortable doing so, and that is completely fine. And if no one ever does, I'm fine with that too. But Sanderson is not saying what you were saying, namely, that publishing more in this world would be quote, "explicitly against [Jordan's] wishes and that would be disrespectful." If, hypothetically, some author comes forward in the future with a proposal for an amazing story, set in the World of the Wheel, and after careful consideration, Harriet and the publishers decide to let her/him write and publish it, that would not be an automatic middle finger to the memory of Robert Jordan.


Unless Robert Jordan left explicit instructions in a will or other binding document, (and Sanderson's comments actually seem to indicate that he didn't, since he left the outriggers and other prequels potentially open) I maintain that Team Jordan may reserve the right to change their collective mind, because times and circumstances change for the living - an idea that Jordan seems to have embraced in life.


Since I've now stated the same thing, essentially, in three consecutive posts, this conversation is going nowhere - therefore I will now stop. You may follow suit or not as you wish.


You make some excellent points. Finally, nothing is set in stone.


I look forward to future WoT books. $$$$$$ talks.


I wouldn't be against future books including the outriggers if some of the proceeds go to a charitable foundation in RJ's name. That would serve his memory better than a semi-monopoly on the wonderful work he's done during his life. But this of course, would have to be measured and restrained to preserve the core and identity of RJ's WoT.


Interesting to hear some of the recent BS comments about how there will be no Outriggers or Prequels forthcoming. I tend to agree with this given the lack of source material. We have a ton of Q&A's outlining RJ's thoughts on the matter in regards to any type of continued shared world scenario. Again I feel lucky he changed his mind and we actually got an ending. Anyway just came across this quote again that explains some of his thought process behind it.




Could it be possible that it will never end?

Robert Jordan



Uhm, no, there is no possibility that it will never end. I will wrap up all of the major storylines, I will wrap up some of the minor storylines. Other minor storylines will be left hanging, and I'm going to do worse than that. I am going to set a hook in the last scene of the last book, that will make some people who don't believe what I say, think that I am setting up a sequel. What I am doing, what I will be doing, is trying to leave you with a view of a world that is still alive. One hope that some fantasies have is that when you reach the end of the book, or you reach the end of the trilogy, all the characters' problems are solved. All of the things that they have been doing are neatly tied of in a bow, all of their world's problems have been solved. And there's no juice left, there's no life left. you think 'I ought to set this world on a shelf and put a bell-jar on top of it, to keep the dust off.

When I finish the Wheel of Time, I want to do it in such a way that you will think it's still out there somewhere, people still doing things. This story has been concluded, this set of stories has been concluded, but they're still alive.



mumble-mumble on the tape, but the answer should give you a general idea of the question.

Robert Jordan


No, I will not continue writing it, I will be going on to something else, and nobody else will continue writing it, because I have an automatic contract set up that if anyone tries to sharecrop in my world, their kneecaps will be brought to me.


I would love to see other ages. Not like SW where it is all about Luke and Han, but completely other ages set in the WoT Mythos with occasional callbacks to the original series.


It is just such an interesting universe and I hate to see all the effort put into building things abandoned. There are like 5 other ages you can play with without touching anything RJ has already written plot wise, just mechanically.


BS said in an interview that they were more open and hopeful to perhaps release video games (similar to the Mass Effect trilogy & Dragon Age) based on the Outriggers. If they won't write more books (and they probably shouldn't), video games would be a fun and safe way to explore the world further. I don't game that much, but I would buy WoT video games and spend endless hours playing them as long as they were half-decent


BS said in an interview that they were more open and hopeful to perhaps release video games (similar to the Mass Effect trilogy & Dragon Age) based on the Outriggers. If they won't write more books (and they probably shouldn't), video games would be a fun and safe way to explore the world further. I don't game that much, but I would buy WoT video games and spend endless hours playing them as long as they were half-decent


Yeah, Team Jordan has made it fairly clear they don't want to risk his legacy with more books...


Brandon Sanderson


If we're very lucky, there will be some good video games that come out and things like that, and that could be...I've always felt that's a great way to kind of continue the Wheel of Time without having to risk Jim's legacy with more books,


I still don't get this extremely odd notion some people have that random authors writing material from scratch in a "shared world" setting wouldn't be an affront to his legacy. This is a man who was totally against anyone writing in his world. If you have some D&D still hack come in(because let's face it, most great authors are not going to put their own careers on hold) it would devalue the entire series.


I really believe it would have been better if RJ had some characters outsourced to other authors. I probably would not hate Faile and Perrin or Egwene and Gawyn if it was written by some other author. Would have probably love it if RJ just stuck with Rand and Mat.


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