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WoTOPOLY at the Black Tower: A fun quiz and cut-throat property empire game for all **Game On!!**

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Buy one house on White tower for 200 marks.


Buy one house on Dragonmount for 200 marks.


Total cost: 400 marks


IthiMod, shouldn't Team Dream Ring have been asked for a password to their bank account when they tried drawing fund for purchasing the houses? They didn't have to answer a question... (can't quote the modpost to show what I mean)


Might make paying their maintenance fee a little easier

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I do like the original proposal alot more than the new one, and I WOULD accept it, but I would like to hear more from my teammates first ^^


Who are your other teammates btw? You seem to be the only one that has been active of late...

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I was a little rushed this morning and it went mental again last night. I think Rhea forgotted about the questions ... I will activate the passwords again from NOW.




I don't see why they can't be asked the question now, retroactively. No one has stopped on the spaces they built property on yet, so it wouldn't affect anything in the game. And you never know, they could have gotten one question that really stumped them for a bit, allowing other teams to not have to pay higher rent for a while

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I don't think they've made any other purchase or anything since then. If it's too much trouble tho, I completely understand. This game seems like a nightmare to mod, and even worse because of how needy we all are lol.


The problem is Ithi, you set up games that are ENTIRELY too much fun to play, and get people addicted on them too quickly! I know I was fiending for my wotopoly fix all day yesterday :tongue:


Once again tho, you and Rhea have done an outstanding job setting up this game for us, and supervising it constantly throughout the day. I can not give yall enough kudos :smile:

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Official Mod Post: Please do NOT requote this post!


Dragon Sceptre (Red) - 1231 Marks: You have rolled a 4 and 2 and have landed on the Stedding: Awaiting Command



Oath Rod (Green) - 760 Marks: You have paid 22 Rent to Callandor for Four Kings. You have bought 3 houses for the Borderlands - paid 150 marks. You rolled a Double 1 (1) and have landed on Four Kings. Your houses will not become eligible for increased rent until you provide the password: There is a Bounty on _____ in the Borderlands? You may not roll again until you have answered.



Fox Head Medallion (Purple) - 1328 Marks: You have rolled a 6 and 5 have landed on Cold Rocks Hold: Awaiting command.


Horn of Valere (Orange) - 798 Marks: You have rolled a 6 and 1 and have landed on Saidar: Awaiting Command


Callandor - (Blue) 472 Marks: You have received 22 Rent from Oath Rod for Four Kings. You have rolled a 5 and 4 and have landed on Saidin : Awaiting Command


Dream Ring (Pink) - 403 Marks: You have rolled a 1 and 6 and have been summoned by The Dragon. The Dragon advises that You have been assessed for property repairs. 40 Marks per house, 115 Mark per Inns. Total 0 Marks. As you did not provide a password to complete this transaction you do not actually own them yet and may not claim rental with properties. Please provide the password now: What is this a description of?A huge, round basin with a long, roofed wharf lit with lamps hung from the beams: You must answer before you can move on





Click here to access the WoTOPOLY Document

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You are the only girl in your team!


Turin: Papa smurf

Rand: Clumsy

Nyanna: Smurfette

Despo: Brainy

Roo: Jokey

Darthe: Grouchy


:laugh: You got Darthe and Des switched though.





ToM spoiler:


At this point you're not winking, you've just lost an eye!






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Ithi, I think team Oath Rod is on Caemlyn now, they were just on Four Kings a second ago before rolling the double 1


Also, @ Horn of Valere: assuming yall buy Saidar, Saidin's price from us will go up slightly. Prob would have been a good idea to seal the deal with the trade earlier /shrug



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I'm gonna answer south harbor. I'm also going to object to the retroactivivity of the questioning, and if we're going to accept retroactive questioning, I want that last rent doubled, retroactively, or I want the assessment of repairs for properties we are said not to have owned cancelled. this business happened while none of us was here to defend. also, I would like to officially twap des. also, please forgive my woeful inability to bold and color at the same time on the iPad, it's very early, I can't start the pc before I go to work, and apple stinks. that is all.

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I'm gonna answer south harbor. I'm also going to object to the retroactivivity of the questioning, and if we're going to accept retroactive questioning, I want that last rent doubled, retroactively, or I want the assessment of repairs for properties we are said not to have owned cancelled. this business happened while none of us was here to defend. also, I would like to officially twap des. also, please forgive my woeful inability to bold and color at the same time on the iPad, it's very early, I can't start the pc before I go to work, and apple stinks. that is all.


The repairs on yall's property was cancelled silly. And the double rent thing, well tbh I kinda wish we had known that that rule was in effect in this game as well. Alas, se la vi and all that, that's something that affected everyone about as equally. But, I know how it came off, me bringing it up the way I did.


*meekly accepts twappage*

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