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WoTOPOLY at the Black Tower: A fun quiz and cut-throat property empire game for all **Game On!!**

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@Callandor, would you be interested in being the third team in a potential alliance?


You talking us 3?


Yeah, I was thinking Fox Head, Dragon Sceptre, and Callandor


I'd def be open to it, but I want to hear my teammate's thoughts first. Either way we can hold off on that till a bit later. Let me know what yall think of that trade.


I say someone, whoever is kinda already acting as team captain or w/e, take a second to post in your color and bold, a summary of all the recent moves your team has done.


Till we get those posts out of the way let's hold off on all other chatter

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Well that was a lovely hundreds of emails to read. Time to burst your bubbles though. You are in teams. Those teams are locked and final. You may trade and do stuff like that, but there will be no merging. At the end of the game, there can be only 1.






Good luck.




I shall be trawling through all your stuffs in more depth shortly.

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Recently, Callandor has traded Imre's Stand to team Fox Head for 250 marks.


We also received 200 marks for passing go, then spent 400 marks to build a house on the Farmhouse and M'hael's Palace


We also collected 24 marks rent from team Dream Ring for them visiting Saidin, and I believe got rent from another team landing on Saidin as well.... I might have to go back and check... ah couldn't find it for now. Lemme know if you want me to go back and check or if you already added it. I think it was 32 marks from someone for landing on Saidin


That's all we got I believe

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Okay, while we wait for the next mod post, I'd like to post what the outline of the alliance so far. Don't respond to it until the next mod post, just think about it.

The teams: Fox Head, Callandor, Dragon Sceptre

What it would involve: No rent charged.

Personally I'd like to see it go a bit further, involving:

Keeping each other alive. Loaning money if we need to.

Helping each other complete monopolies. If one team has 2 of the properties, and you have the last, sell it to them. For Marks. Do a reasonable price.

That's my thoughts. Think about it. After next mod post, go ahead and discuss it. Thanks :D

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i'd like to preemptively respond that i'm hurt and saddened that you would take my idea and leave a kitteh standing in the cold. :sad:

Your teammate said no. *shrugs* If you can convince your team, you guys joining would a possibility. Until then, nothing can happen.

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