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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Rand knew they were coming for him. He knew it and there was nothing he could do about it. He tried to reason with them, but every word out of his mouth only made things worse. His partner in crime Ganondorf was killed last night and he panicked. Mario foiled his plans everytime. He had hoped maybe this time it would be different. Other people from Nintendo's Kingdom surely couldn't defeat him. Well, he was wrong.


As soon as he entered the arena the next morning blows started landing fast and furious. He tried to claw them, but couldn't. He tried to belch out a fire blast, but it was no use. He couldn't land a single scratch on the competition. He never even got a word in before being blasted into space never to be hear from again.







You guys sure do move fast! Looks like you got rid of another big baddie. To be fair, he did kinda dig his own grave. Good for you. Keep on truckin! See ya in the Arena tomorrow!



Rand - Bowser - Mafia Boss & Recruiter was lynched



The Evil King Dream Team has been defeated.


It is now Night 4.


Deadline is Saturday @ Noon CT.



Hi folks, what an interesting night! Let's take a look at our hidden night cameras....




Ganondorf wandered the halls of the tournament dormitories looking for those who'd serve him. After Blood Falcon died, he knew he needed to expand his forces further. He had very little power left to do so however... they were onto him. As he took the last bit of dark power he had, he found his target. He moved in to do his deed, turned on his machine that sent out the dark force and it began working... but then Captain Olimar stepped into the room.


"What did you do to Captain Falcon? He was my friend! Pikmin Go! I will not let you do it to another!" and a whistle blew. Red, blue and yellow pikmin charged at Ganondorf. Ganon destroyed the little guys left and right, but there were sooo many of them. Ganon began to bleed. The little Pikmin were taking their toll as Captain Olimar commanded the little guys deftly...


Ganon fought fiercely and pulled little plant people off of himself as fast as he could, and all of a sudden the Pikmin were no more. He looked around at the hundreds of little dead bodies surrounding him, then over at Olimar. "YOU WILL PAY!" Ganon marched towards Olimar and picked him up by his glass helmet in both hands, getting ready to crush it. Olimar closed his eyes, ready to die.


Then, right as Ganondorf began to apply pressure, something struck him in the back sending searing pain through his body. An arrow. An arrow of light. Ganondorf dropped Olimar who moved away quickly. Ganon fell to his knees in pain. He looked up as he writhed in pain only to see the last thing he would ever see.... the Master Sword coming down into his head.




Alannalynn - Ganondorf - Mafia Boss & Recruiter was NK'd.


It is now Day 4.


Deadline is Monday @ 9 AM CT. (extra time for weekend).



Okay, here we can note a lot. My PM said that Bowser was not our main threat, but it did not say he wasn't a threat. Does this mean there is something worse than a mafia boss/recruiter? According to the scene AJ did not have a successful recruit. Also, why would Ganondorf want to kill Olimar if they were on the same team at the time? This strikes me as odd. Despo or John are almost certain to be lying aren't they? If not then Womby/Nya are mafia.. The situation created by all of these claims vs. the scenes is puzzling. Moreso is the fact that Bowsers scene mentions me foiling his plans when I was only one of the many votes. Together this leads me to believe that the scenes are based more on what makes sense for the series than actual events ***such as who would be most logical to kill ganondorf***. With this in mind, I am actually beginning to believe lord Snow. Also, it should be noted that true mafia seem

To be bad guys in their own series.

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My God Darthe. Seriously, FOS at both you and Peace for trying to use extremely false reasoning for trying to sow suspicion about someone.




My role was already verified by the cop. My actions could be part of the reason AJ died, but otherwise are also most likely the reason there was NO NK. Either way, I am town, and am not lying one iota in saying that, or that I am a mirror, and false-claimed Power Buffer yesterday to try and draw the NK last night.


What you both have to understand, is that MORE THAN ONE PERSON can ALL have a chance at making the same maneuver. Link almost def kills him according to the scene, but several people were pursuing his death as well. I honestly think it's plausible that John Snow really is telling the truth when he says he also submitted the kill on AJ. I honestly don't even know if AJ targeted me or not, it's just as possible that she didn't and that Rand tried sending the NK, but was blocked. Heck, it's even possible that not every mafia team has a NK, we don't know what we're dealing with completely yet.


But John and Wombat telling the truth about who they submitted a NA last night does NOT prove me to be a liar.


Both of you stop trying to pursue false trails on broken logic.

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Peace is my partner, Despo


Peace and I have the power to Watch.


We watched Turin visit Rand last night.

And saw that Lenlo visited noone on night 1.


Night 2 is irrelevant, as we had "NO RESULT."

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Tbh I prob would have revealed that kind of info earlier, or at least some of it, coulda been helpful. I was never able to get verification on every NA being negated that night or not, since my team's ability doesn't target anyone, so it won't get a failed result message.


But good to know for now, I'd say. Make's Turin and Marsh look a little better, and I was already starting to lean town on Turin.


Besides dealing with the John situation, who else do we think might be out there as mafia teams?


I think we need to get all our final reveals out and on the table. We just need one more team's now, right? Who has that list?

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I just thought of something tho...


Your results are a little convenient Moon. They basically give town nothing it didn't really know before. Turin had already claimed to have RB'ed Rand, so you were safe there, and then knowing the nature of my role would make it easy as pie to have claimed that Lenlo went nowhere. So no, your team ain't off the hook yet in my book.

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Des, I gotta keep my options open. We have already had a boss recruiter and symp flip. The scenes strike me as an odd juxtaposition to the claims people are making. Though I think it unlikely you are mafia you could be a godfather and infill John is vetted or flips I will be cautious as is prudent for any mafia player. Your miniature meltdown above didn't do you any favors though.

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LOL miniature meltdown




And you're saying I could be a Mirror, AND a Godfather?




And John flipping scum or town would have nothing to do with any suspicion on me. There you go again, following faulty logic.


No, I'm saying that you could be lying. Simple enough logic. You lie. I don't think you are and I have not made a case against you but it is possible. Quite frankly, the most interesting part of this whole thing is how defensive you are getting over someone mentioning that either you or John may be lying. Seems like a very small thing to fret over des.

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Except that Tress, the cop, has proven that he is telling the truth. She has already stated that she believes Des to be a mirror.


That fact that you are trying to throw suspicion on people for things that have already been proven or cleared is pretty scummy Darthe.

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You claimed mirror. You have linked yourself inversely. I know your game des, don't try to push it on me because your own actions may bite you in the ass. If John is lynched and flips town you are mafia. Simple as that. Face it, there is no linking or manipulation other than your own misguided attempts here. We will know tomorrow.

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You claimed mirror. You have linked yourself inversely. I know your game des, don't try to push it on me because your own actions may bite you in the ass. If John is lynched and flips town you are mafia. Simple as that. Face it, there is no linking or manipulation other than your own misguided attempts here. We will know tomorrow.


How does my mirror claim have ANYTHING to do with John? Where are you getting this stuff man?


Whether or not John flips town has NO BEARING WHATSOEVER on my alignment. I am town either way, and have been vetted by the cop.


And threatening me now? Yeah, that's not gonna make you look scummier




And that's laughable man, that you claim to not be linking me and John. Nothing links us, in any way whatsoever. You are the only one pushing that agenda bro.

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:sigh: I will deal with this when I get home tonight. Multiquotes and the like are too difficult while at work. I suppose you will try to wriggle however you can Despo but it doesn't matter. You're either confused town or trapped mafia.

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4th computer I have set up today. Also 4th time I have snuck onto DM to post using them :3


Darthe how does John flipping town make Des scum? Have you even considered the possibility that they are both right? John vig kills AJ AND our Mirror works? They would both do the same thing of killing AJ and the Mirror was confirmed by Tress.

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I'm trapped nothing cause I'm not mafia. Incidentally, I'm not confused about this either, altho you might try claiming that later.


And don't retreat, this should be fairly easy for you to do, and shouldn't require any multiposting.


How would John flipping town prove me to be scum?


How does my mirror claim have anything to do with John's?


Why are you still questioning this when my role has already been vetted by the cop?


Please, answer at least one of those.

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