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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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This is ridiculous. Unless someone is claiming a separate mason when they are actually partners this means that everyone in the game is now claiming a mason team of some form. FOS all of you who have withheld a partner (with the exception of cop). Wombat, you seem to me to be making a mountain out of a molehill here. Tink, IDC what your role is it cannot be more important to us than cop. Reveal or I am not removing my vote because atm it looks to me like you and womby are trying unsuccessfully to run a gambit. And I still haven't forgotten how this day started. Suspect list currently includes: Nolder, Despothera, Basel, Arez, Wombat, Peace, Marsh, and Turin. That is an overly long list ).)


Also, here is my power since it may help clear a bit of WIFOM. When one member of my team is killed the other can revive him with a 1 up or if we both die the second is auto-revived. Whenever we come back we have star power and are immune to NK's from that point onwards.


What happens if we lynch you?

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This is ridiculous. Unless someone is claiming a separate mason when they are actually partners this means that everyone in the game is now claiming a mason team of some form. FOS all of you who have withheld a partner (with the exception of cop). Wombat, you seem to me to be making a mountain out of a molehill here. Tink, IDC what your role is it cannot be more important to us than cop. Reveal or I am not removing my vote because atm it looks to me like you and womby are trying unsuccessfully to run a gambit. And I still haven't forgotten how this day started. Suspect list currently includes: Nolder, Despothera, Basel, Arez, Wombat, Peace, Marsh, and Turin. That is an overly long list ).)


Also, here is my power since it may help clear a bit of WIFOM. When one member of my team is killed the other can revive him with a 1 up or if we both die the second is auto-revived. Whenever we come back we have star power and are immune to NK's from that point onwards.


What happens if we lynch you?


Well, I am assuming andrew will either revive me or try to get himself killed somehow. Either way one of us is basically becoming invincible. Also, read peaces question.

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Tink, IDC what your role is it cannot be more important to us than cop.


When did that ever stop it from still being important?


Also we are still waiting on your PM and reveal. Impatiently I may add. God, at this point I would love to see you lynched and almost do not care who you are.

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Tink, IDC what your role is it cannot be more important to us than cop.


When did that ever stop it from still being important?


When the cop revealed. Noob question, you can do better.


Yes cos cop is the only useful role. That should be damn obvious to you who's got a power to make himself invincible.

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Tink, IDC what your role is it cannot be more important to us than cop.


When did that ever stop it from still being important?


Also we are still waiting on your PM and reveal. Impatiently I may add. God, at this point I would love to see you lynched and almost do not care who you are.


Oh Darthe. :myrddraal:

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Easy enough to fix Womby

Darthe Andrewlee - Smash Role PM




Sent 19 July 2012 - 10:17 AM



You are Mario & Luigi! The enigmatic leaders of Nintendo. You are inseperable and work together to thwart the evil Bowser from his schemes... which usually involves kidnapping the Princess. Well, today your goal is different. You've put your old fued with Bowser down because there is a greater evil at play. There are evil forces lurking about that have infected the minds of Nintendo characters and turned them into Bad Guys. Even your dearest Peach may have been infected. You can trust nobody... nobody but your brother.


Darthe you are Mario

AndrewLee you are Luigi


You are Good Guys! You are a Mason Team with a bonus 1 UP! If one of you dies, the teammate has the ability to either revive you at the beginning of the next phase or to save the 1UP for themselves to be used automatically if they die later. The person that is revived will gain Star Power and be invincible to night kills from that point on!


You win when all the Bad Guys have been eliminated


Duty is heavier than a mountain, death is lighter than a feather.



Removed links and stuff. Ithi :)

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Basel, were you the one who claimed CPR doc?


You definitely have the wrong game, Peace.


Plus John = Mynd..so that is scummy in itself :wink:


I don't get this. I can see the idea that John might be someone other than who he claims (I don't believe it, but I can see it), but what evidence do you have that the alleged man behind the curtain is Mynd?

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Official Vote Count


Despo (8): Basel, Moon, Andrew, Nya, Rand, Tress, AJ, Ironeyes

Rand (2): Dice, Lily

Basel(5): Despo, Nolder, Razen, Lenlo, Turin

Andrew (1): Wombat

Tiinker (1) : Darthe,

Wombat (2) : Peace, JohnSnow

Arez ( 1) : David



Not Voting (2): Arez, Tiinker



With 22 alive and active it takes 12 to Lynch.




Deadline Tuesday @ 9 PM CT.

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