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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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It doesn't matter what I think I can get. He can't be held to what he says later. Scum tactic not to give a solid statement.


John, It's not just so that we know. It's so he can be held to it later.


Fair enough. I see what you mean.

Tiink, say it.

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It doesn't matter what I think I can get. He can't be held to what he says later. Scum tactic not to give a solid statement.


John, It's not just so that we know. It's so he can be held to it later.


He's said enough to be held to imo.

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It doesn't matter what I think I can get. He can't be held to what he says later. Scum tactic not to give a solid statement.


John, It's not just so that we know. It's so he can be held to it later.


Fair enough. I see what you mean.

Tiink, say it.



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Nah. Pretty sure there is need.


Does no one else get it? Soooooo obvious.


I get it. There is need. Would suggest not outing your partner, Tiink.


A little difficult given the circumstances.. Once I reveal it's going to be pretty freaking obvious. Even more so than it already is if you can believe it..


Scum tactic not to give a solid statement.


NOT NECESSARILY. When did caution become a scum trait. Unvote

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1. David & (hehe not going to reveal that! ;) ) - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons Claimed able to use extra vote and claimed one-shot cop view

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons power absorber

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons Claimed double buff power thing

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons claimed roleblockers

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Mario Bros. masons (funny) claimed has interesting power

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel & lightning bolt

10. Nolder &

11. Dice & claimed doc

12. Tiinker & - Royale masons


Players who haven't revealed : Arez, Wombat, Razen, Nyanna, Songstress

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It doesn't matter what I think I can get. He can't be held to what he says later. Scum tactic not to give a solid statement.


John, It's not just so that we know. It's so he can be held to it later.


It's not like I've disguised the issue. The fact that I've given you my mason team name should have been enough..

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It doesn't matter what I think I can get. He can't be held to what he says later. Scum tactic not to give a solid statement.


John, It's not just so that we know. It's so he can be held to it later.


It's not like I've disguised the issue. The fact that I've given you my mason team name should have been enough..


It is. I don't know much about the source material but I still got it.

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It doesn't matter what I think I can get. He can't be held to what he says later. Scum tactic not to give a solid statement.


John, It's not just so that we know. It's so he can be held to it later.


It's not like I've disguised the issue. The fact that I've given you my mason team name should have been enough..


It is. I don't know much about the source material but I still got it.

I still haven't got it. But if it is important for the town, then it's probably better for the town for you not to reveal.

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Oh..it's not cautious if it is so obvious. You can't have it both ways. Basically, from my perspective, I see someone unwilling to be nailed down. You need room to squirm. I get it.







No team, no claim, no nothing. I'm betting he's the source.

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This is starting to get annoying. I'll unvote Tiinker and instead I'll vote Arez.

I don't want to lynch town, but there is every possibility that players who were town yesterday could be mafia today. So everyone is suspect, even me. But I'm still town, and I certainly hope my partner is.

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I am torn on all these reveals going on. Not sure if it is helping or hurting. Tiinker, did you understand what I said about N1 and what that means?


I think I do. If you're pulling my leg then that's quite the risky gamble you've taken.

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I am torn on all these reveals going on. Not sure if it is helping or hurting. Tiinker, did you understand what I said about N1 and what that means?


I think I do. If you're pulling my leg then that's quite the risky gamble you've taken.


Indeed. I think it may have worked because I know that mine worked N1.

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I have not lied to anyone... That I know of at least.


This means that we can vet people as being original town through their partners. This is important because in a cult game, you have to get the cult leader or else you are doomed.

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This means that we can vet people as being original town through their partners. This is important because in a cult game, you have to get the cult leader or else you are doomed.


Which means we need everyone's partner. Including YOURS.

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This is ridiculous. Unless someone is claiming a separate mason when they are actually partners this means that everyone in the game is now claiming a mason team of some form. FOS all of you who have withheld a partner (with the exception of cop). Wombat, you seem to me to be making a mountain out of a molehill here. Tink, IDC what your role is it cannot be more important to us than cop. Reveal or I am not removing my vote because atm it looks to me like you and womby are trying unsuccessfully to run a gambit. And I still haven't forgotten how this day started. Suspect list currently includes: Nolder, Despothera, Basel, Arez, Wombat, Peace, Marsh, and Turin. That is an overly long list ).)


Also, here is my power since it may help clear a bit of WIFOM. When one member of my team is killed the other can revive him with a 1 up or if we both die the second is auto-revived. Whenever we come back we have star power and are immune to NK's from that point onwards.

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