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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Hi guys, I'm back. My computer broke last month and my sister's broke yesterday, so my computer time is ultra-limited right now. I'll try to find a way to expand it, but if I can't I will ask to be replaced.


I'm still keeping a close eye on our "cop," but I'm willing to drop it unless we get a CC. Now, Rand is playing very uncharacteristically. He normally reacts to pressure a lot better than this, and the mason claim was opportunistic at best. I'm going to vote Rand just in case I can't get back for the deadline.


Now, about the night action situation: I know there is at least one RB in the game, because my mason partner and I are behind it. We blocked Nyanna last night. This means that either she has no night action (unlikely), she is scum and had the kill, or she's David's partner. David, can you confirm this?


How did you rule out her having nonlethal, noncop night actions? And why would you out someone you think might be a cop?


Fair enough, but aren't we running out of power roles?

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Hi guys, I'm back. My computer broke last month and my sister's broke yesterday, so my computer time is ultra-limited right now. I'll try to find a way to expand it, but if I can't I will ask to be replaced.


I'm still keeping a close eye on our "cop," but I'm willing to drop it unless we get a CC. Now, Rand is playing very uncharacteristically. He normally reacts to pressure a lot better than this, and the mason claim was opportunistic at best. I'm going to vote Rand just in case I can't get back for the deadline.


Now, about the night action situation: I know there is at least one RB in the game, because my mason partner and I are behind it. We blocked Nyanna last night. This means that either she has no night action (unlikely), she is scum and had the kill, or she's David's partner. David, can you confirm this?


How did you rule out her having nonlethal, noncop night actions? And why would you out someone you think might be a cop?


Fair enough, but aren't we running out of power roles?


Depends what you consider a power role. Also, does every townie have to be a power role?

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I personally am finding Nol even scummier than Despo, because he's really out to get me. Why u no believe me?

If Nol's train picks up I'll be glad to join. And despo you said my claim left some questions unanswered. Well ask your questions and I'll answer as best as I can, as long as it doesn't involve revealling my partner as I've said we both have to be alive for this power to work.


Just so you know, just because someone's "out to get you" doesn't mean they're scum. Townies only have their own gut feelings to go on, for the most part, and don't know who's scum or not. Strange behavior merits suspicion, even if you claim cop.


As for my questions, the biggest one honestly is why you chose Moon (Kat). That choice doesn't seem to make much sense, and the fact that you thought Moon could somehow vet your claim are for me the biggest question marks about your claim. Other stuff seemed to not make much sense to me, but it could just be the way you were phrasing stuff or because I haven't played with you much yet


At this point, I will not believe Rand is a mason unless his partner vouches for him.


Same here.


Hi guys, I'm back. My computer broke last month and my sister's broke yesterday, so my computer time is ultra-limited right now. I'll try to find a way to expand it, but if I can't I will ask to be replaced.


I'm still keeping a close eye on our "cop," but I'm willing to drop it unless we get a CC. Now, Rand is playing very uncharacteristically. He normally reacts to pressure a lot better than this, and the mason claim was opportunistic at best. I'm going to vote Rand just in case I can't get back for the deadline.


Now, about the night action situation: I know there is at least one RB in the game, because my mason partner and I are behind it. We blocked Nyanna last night. This means that either she has no night action (unlikely), she is scum and had the kill, or she's David's partner. David, can you confirm this?


Doesn't seem like a town move at all, to come forth like this. You said yourself that Nya could have been the cop and that's why David said they got no result on me, so why would you want to possibly out the cop/mason partner like that?


Big FOS for that move Marsh, you should know better.

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Hi guys, I'm back. My computer broke last month and my sister's broke yesterday, so my computer time is ultra-limited right now. I'll try to find a way to expand it, but if I can't I will ask to be replaced.


I'm still keeping a close eye on our "cop," but I'm willing to drop it unless we get a CC. Now, Rand is playing very uncharacteristically. He normally reacts to pressure a lot better than this, and the mason claim was opportunistic at best. I'm going to vote Rand just in case I can't get back for the deadline.


Now, about the night action situation: I know there is at least one RB in the game, because my mason partner and I are behind it. We blocked Nyanna last night. This means that either she has no night action (unlikely), she is scum and had the kill, or she's David's partner. David, can you confirm this?


How did you rule out her having nonlethal, noncop night actions? And why would you out someone you think might be a cop?


Fair enough, but aren't we running out of power roles?


LoL why does she have to be a power role?

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Hi guys, I'm back. My computer broke last month and my sister's broke yesterday, so my computer time is ultra-limited right now. I'll try to find a way to expand it, but if I can't I will ask to be replaced.


I'm still keeping a close eye on our "cop," but I'm willing to drop it unless we get a CC. Now, Rand is playing very uncharacteristically. He normally reacts to pressure a lot better than this, and the mason claim was opportunistic at best. I'm going to vote Rand just in case I can't get back for the deadline.


Now, about the night action situation: I know there is at least one RB in the game, because my mason partner and I are behind it. We blocked Nyanna last night. This means that either she has no night action (unlikely), she is scum and had the kill, or she's David's partner. David, can you confirm this?


How did you rule out her having nonlethal, noncop night actions? And why would you out someone you think might be a cop?


Fair enough, but aren't we running out of power roles?


LoL why does she have to be a power role?


Because everyone else does...

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vote Nolder


His talk has been anti town IMO. I get the feeling he will be happy to lynch anyone that us not Nolder. I am thinking he is a third party. Nolder, do you have a mason partner? I think everyone does. It seems all of us are linked in some manner.


Someone accused me if fishing earlier when I asked about night actions failing. This is an advanced BG game so I think that there are lots of roled groups. It looks to me like every group got a role. So far we have had people claim cop, doc, roleblocker, inventor(second hand from Basel) and had a lightning bolt and a power absorber flip. That is 6 roles out of 24 to start. How many mafia? 4 or 6? There isn't much left to search for except mafia members. I think it might be time to name partners. We need to have the air cleared.

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vote Nolder


His talk has been anti town IMO. I get the feeling he will be happy to lynch anyone that us not Nolder. I am thinking he is a third party. Nolder, do you have a mason partner? I think everyone does. It seems all of us are linked in some manner.


Someone accused me if fishing earlier when I asked about night actions failing. This is an advanced BG game so I think that there are lots of roled groups. It looks to me like every group got a role. So far we have had people claim cop, doc, roleblocker, inventor(second hand from Basel) and had a lightning bolt and a power absorber flip. That is 6 roles out of 24 to start. How many mafia? 4 or 6? There isn't much left to search for except mafia members. I think it might be time to name partners. We need to have the air cleared.


a) you're fishing. Again. Scetchy

b) don't forget, everyone (seems to) have a partner with the same role. so that's 6 out of 11.

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vote Nolder


His talk has been anti town IMO. I get the feeling he will be happy to lynch anyone that us not Nolder. I am thinking he is a third party. Nolder, do you have a mason partner? I think everyone does. It seems all of us are linked in some manner.


Someone accused me if fishing earlier when I asked about night actions failing. This is an advanced BG game so I think that there are lots of roled groups. It looks to me like every group got a role. So far we have had people claim cop, doc, roleblocker, inventor(second hand from Basel) and had a lightning bolt and a power absorber flip. That is 6 roles out of 24 to start. How many mafia? 4 or 6? There isn't much left to search for except mafia members. I think it might be time to name partners. We need to have the air cleared.


a) you're fishing. Again. Scetchy

b) don't forget, everyone (seems to) have a partner with the same role. so that's 6 out of 11.


er, 6 out of 12.

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It could be 6 out of 9 depending in the size of the mafia team. The doc and cop are already out so I think the risk to reward is acceptable at this point. I am willing to name my partner if it is agreed to.


Wait a minute John. Why 11? Also, it is actually that the two people share the roles. They do not actually have the same role. You should know the difference.

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I think you guys are assuming too much. Making all the townies Masons would be OP unless there were something to counterbalance that. The linking of roles to both partners that we have seen so far kinda does that but I think there has to be something else.

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It could be 6 out of 9 depending in the size of the mafia team. The doc and cop are already out so I think the risk to reward is acceptable at this point. I am willing to name my partner if it is agreed to.


Wait a minute John. Why 11? Also, it is actually that the two people share the roles. They do not actually have the same role. You should know the difference.


You already all but named your partner tbh.

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I am Rand's partner. I don't like how you were pushing for my reveal, Wombat. Anyways, I don't see any strong cases against Rand apart from y'all saying he's "playing differently" or "supporting an un-cc'd cop" and I think that's a little bogus.


How about his saying that he doubted 2 mason teams existed when he was on a mason team that was neither of the ones being discussed?

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It could be 6 out of 9 depending in the size of the mafia team. The doc and cop are already out so I think the risk to reward is acceptable at this point. I am willing to name my partner if it is agreed to.


Wait a minute John. Why 11? Also, it is actually that the two people share the roles. They do not actually have the same role. You should know the difference.


Read correction below that post. And, I think that there's an even number of mafia, so they'll be 2 or 3 of those pairs, I'm guessing. But I have no idea how many scum are in a game this size.


Oh, and if AJ is Rand's partner, Rand is clear by Basel's 1-shot cop.

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I am Rand's partner. I don't like how you were pushing for my reveal, Wombat. Anyways, I don't see any strong cases against Rand apart from y'all saying he's "playing differently" or "supporting an un-cc'd cop" and I think that's a little bogus.


How about his saying that he doubted 2 mason teams existed when he was on a mason team that was neither of the ones being discussed?

I can't say much for him, but I was doubting there being so many as well. I wouldn't have guessed that practically everyone (?) was on a team with another? Anyways, I've seen Rand bungle his wording enough in other games to get him lynched despite being town. Not exactly thrilled being tied to him, either.
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So you also thought there was only one mason team despite there being a mason claim and a mason counterclaim and you being a mason?

I never said that. I doubted it UNTIL a trillion people came out with mason claims. However you look at that, if most of the game comes out as a mason, it has to be the truth.
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Yes, but at the time that Rand said he doubted there were two mason teams, there had already been a mason claim and a mason counterclaim. He phrased his doubt as if he was not a mason. That's either a scum slip or some serious subterfuge.

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Yes, but at the time that Rand said he doubted there were two mason teams, there had already been a mason claim and a mason counterclaim. He phrased his doubt as if he was not a mason. That's either a scum slip or some serious subterfuge.

I have no control over what my partner says, so this inquiry doesn't apply to me.


And I am voting Andrew now because he sheeped Rand's doubt of there being 2 mason teams.

Lol, I'm shocked you gave a reason, Womby
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Your entire basis for voting seems to be centered around doubting the existence of more than one mason team. Which EVERYONE did I think, even if they didn't say it aloud. And it makes sense too. I can't remember the last game I was in with more than one mason team. If I've ever been in one.


However, I'm a full believer now, definitely. Lily started to change my mind pretty early on actually.


Your 'reasoning' for your vote feels off. I'd vote you back, but then be accused of OMGUS.


*goes back to foods*

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Yes, but at the time that Rand said he doubted there were two mason teams, there had already been a mason claim and a mason counterclaim. He phrased his doubt as if he was not a mason. That's either a scum slip or some serious subterfuge.


I didn't want to give away my mason role at that time. Also, I thought 2 might have been fine, but 3 would be stretching it.

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