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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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I strikes me as scummy as well Despo but until we get some sort of CC or something else to prove him wrong I dont want to take the risk. I remember on multiple occasions EPs play style getting him lynched no D1 as Doc or Cop and it made the rest of the game rather difficult.


Since those games as long as there is someone else to lynch or there is time on the clock I will not lynch an un CCed Cop or Doc. Dont worry though if the time gets close ill move back to him to prevent a random.

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Official Vote Count


David (4): Ironeyes, Andrew, Basel, Despo

Lily(4): Darthe, Rand, Dice, Turin,

Dice(4): Nyanna, Nolder, David, Wombat

Ironeyes(1): Tress

Lenlo(1): Razen

Razen (1): Lenlo

Andrew( 1) : Lily



Not Voting (6): Arez, Alanna, John, Moon, Peace, Tiinker


With 22 alive and active it takes 12 to Lynch.


Deadline Friday @ Noon CT




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I don't want to name my partner because the power role only works when both of us are alive, and the doctor can't protect two players at once.


Wow... that really seems like it's pretty obviously trying to direct the doc... I don't like this post at all


I don't read that as trying to direct the doc. I read that as saying if both members of the cop mason team come forward, then the mafia has a 50% chance of being able to take one of them out. He's not saying "doc, protect me tonight", he's saying he isn't going to reveal his partner so they're not both exposed to the NK.


I have given very specific information about my mason team. But that is clearly not enough. Ok, the power role my mason team has is cop. We viewed kathleen, and she came up as town. So, that means Moon is Town as she has replaced Kathleen.


(I have just realised that there is always the possibilty that we viewed a godfather, but the chances of that are slim.)


So, Moon can vouch for the truth of my words.


Again, I don't like this post one bit. I don't believe Kathleen did NEAR enough to warrant a viewing, and since she wasn't that active having a town reading on her wouldn't have really helped at all. And then you immediately set it up so that a player who JUST joined the game will have to somehow vet you? And even if Moon is town, her word that she is town wouldn't help support your claim whatsoever. You really think she would come out and say" Actually David, I'm not town, so you must be lying about your cop claim"? Come on man, give us a little more credit than that.




Unvote, Vote David.


Why did you view Kathleen? All of eleven posts, and I can't remember if she did anything particularly suspicious. I doubt she did, but rereading the whole thread to find eleven posts isn't something I'm about to do unless I have to.


Anyway, it seems there'd be better options there.


Yeah, it seems completely out of left field that she would have been viewed.


Not only that, but it seems really unlikely that a mason team would be given a cop role


I am horribly tempted to make a PR where one must post in Memes for a day phase in a game now...


Darthe that seems like a horrible idea. Seems like your character fishing with that.


Darthe is really starting to ping me too.

FoS Darthe.


I'm shaking at your opportunistic FoS. The people who have claimed mason have no reason to avoid a character claim as we already know their powers. Why don't you plot harder?


And you assume that just because they're a mason that they have no other powers? I believe that Lily is a mason, and that apparently EP was her partner, yet he flipped a "Lightning Bolt". Not only that, but Lily mentioned that her abilities had been affected by EP's death, which implies of course that she had abilities to begin with. That's actually a pretty BIG fos right there, Darthe.


EP flipped Absorber. Niel was the Lightning Bolt. I almost thought the same thing, but I was going to ask Lily if EP had explained what his ability actually did. And then I remembered that was Niel, because EP hammered him before we could get his role and possibly get an explanation of it.


Pushing to lynch an un-CC'd cop = unvote, vote Despo

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We need to consolidate on Dice or no lynch imo.


Sorry, I've forgotten.

What are dice's scummy signs again?


He tried to link Nya and Turin together as masons which looked like he was fishing for masons to me. It's not the strongest case, but I don't think we're going to get a lynch on anyone else within 13 hours. It's either Dice or no lynch imo.

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Or, and this is a long shot Wombat, we could consolidate on Razen who has a better case than attempting to link people together.


Again though, if I have to I will change my vote for consolidation in the morning.

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Voting for someone just because we need to lynch someone seems like a bad idea to me....


It's not. Usually the result of not reaching a majority is worse than lynching a townie. Also, if you don't want to kill anyone, you can always vote "no lynch."

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Or, and this is a long shot Wombat, we could consolidate on Razen who has a better case than attempting to link people together.


Again though, if I have to I will change my vote for consolidation in the morning.


Too long of a shot imo. If you're so convinced on Razen, you should have made a harder sell earlier.

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Voting someone who seems semi scummy is better than a random John. A random lynch that occurs from no one getting majority only helps the scum.


Fine, fine. I still don't like it.

I'd like someone to re-post the relevant quotes before I vote (or give the pages at least)

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Everyone is pinging me, I can't orientate my radar like this with it coming in from all sides :grumpeh: :P


Some arguements are making me MAJORLY suspicious, but I kinda believe others too. There's a weird balance of believable/plausibe vs. senses screaming SCUUUUUUM here...


Hehe alliteration :happy:


Erm, anyway. Just wanted to say I'm quite happy leaving my vote on dice for now, to me he seems most scummy till now. Just so y'all don't think I went OH MY GAWD DEADQUIET COS I FEEL GUILTY while voting happened. :smile:

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