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The Newsroom

John E. Kelley

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They are progressing through time pretty fast. How many seasons before they will have to start making up events?


They're still over a year behind real time and they're going to be taking a break for a few months as well. If I'm correct HBO seasons only run like 12-13 episodes... and they've already done 7-8.... I don't think they'll run out of stories. They can always do more character oriented shows with minor news stories if they hit a dry spot.... which I don't think will happen, there is always something going on somewhere.

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Watched episode 2


"Fox hired someone with three Mohammads in their name?"

"But let's give them a hand for effort" *mass clapping*


"What's the best possible form of the Birther argument?"

"There isn't one."


This...doesn't get any better does it?

I wouldn't mind the slamming if it went both ways but the constant criticism of the right is very annoying

And while I'm on the subject of annoying I really don't like the way dialogue is set up in this show

It's a mix of people shouting near constantly, talking over each other, and making sarcastic irrelevant remarks

It seemed clever at first but now it just hurts my ears and makes me wish the show would slow down a little bit

Take a few breaths and calm down ya know?

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So it seems last week was a fluke. Not surprising. I think that I'm done at this point. I mean, who didn't they take a shot at tonight?


Short list:


Ron Paul

Michelle Bachmann

House Republicans during the Debt Ceiling debate

Bush Administration and the passing of the Patriot Act

Paul Ryan (convenient after Saturday's announcement, yeah?)


And still Sorkin expects us to swallow his Left-Wing propoganda because Will is "supposedly" a Republican. To which I say, no, he obviously isn't. It was an interesting premise originally, but at this point, it's just transparent and sad. Even Sam Waterston can't save this train wreck anymorre.

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its was Global something. sounds alot liek the super computer you and i were talking about in another thread though SD, it perked my ears up as well. btw, warrentless Wiretapping is currently allowed via the Patirot act, though not to the extent that the Newsroom was talking about yet. but it does showcase the sorts of abuse that would happen with this sort of power.


Ishy, i dunno; i think the slant this episode has been on par with the others. actually i enjoyed this episode. the only attacks i didn't like were the slight attacks on the Ryan Budget and the sever slant on the Debt Ceiling debate. mainly that they leave out the fac that if the Dems hadn't spent so much then we wouldn't be to this point.


the attack on Michelle Bachman was fair, as was the "attack" on Ron Paul. afterall, those are exactly how the two of them sounded during the debates and thats basically exactly what Paul said abtou the memo they were referrancing.


also, Kudos tot he attack on Bachmen btw. the chick made a good point. Bachman claimed god was telling her to run. so either she's hearing Gods words and is a prophet (in which case any christian would want to know those answers) or she's using christianity in a way thats worse than anything i can express. or she's a delusional Son of Sam type person that is hearing voices at which point i want her out of congress and looked up.



i loved the ending of this, as well as the hits on the sensational media type of reporting. i DETEST with a passion that criminal cases like Casey Anthony are politicized as much as they are, and it makes me 100% happy to see someone attacking them. happy enough to take the biasedness with a tongue in cheek attitude.

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its was Global something. sounds alot liek the super computer you and i were talking about in another thread though SD, it perked my ears up as well. btw, warrentless Wiretapping is currently allowed via the Patirot act, though not to the extent that the Newsroom was talking about yet. but it does showcase the sorts of abuse that would happen with this sort of power.


yea, thats why I was wondering if there was any basis to it.. Could really put a nail in that coffin.

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Red, it wasn't that this particular episode was any worse than the others, it was about the same. It's just the fact that it's continuous and never ending. A non-stop assault against Conservatives. We get it Sorkin, you love Liberalism. Jeez, next time, use a club, it will be a lot more subtle.

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We get it Sorkin, you love Liberalism. Jeez, next time, use a club, it will be a lot more subtle.

Basically this

It's not any particular attack that's annoying

For example the knock on the Birthers in episode 2 is totally valid criticism

It's that the show is so obviously biased to only attacking anything and everything conservative/republican/right wing


The show is for Liberals

It's a Liberal circlejerk

IMHO any conservative that subjects themselves to more than one season of this is either a masochist or probably not very conservative in the first place

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I don't know Nolder, it's a good show and there are tons of liberal written shows that I watch. I just ignore the slants. This does actually make me think about things. And provokes me to check some facts myself.


I don't have an issue with it attack bad "conservatives." It just needs to balance it out with bad "liberals" to really make this show decent. HBO is so liberal anyway..so I didn't have that high of an expectation going in. In fact, I was very surprised as the ads when they came out. But brought back to reality during the first show.

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I don't know Nolder, it's a good show and there are tons of liberal written shows that I watch. I just ignore the slants. This does actually make me think about things. And provokes me to check some facts myself.


I don't have an issue with it attack bad "conservatives." It just needs to balance it out with bad "liberals" to really make this show decent. HBO is so liberal anyway..so I didn't have that high of an expectation going in. In fact, I was very surprised as the ads when they came out. But brought back to reality during the first show.


^ this

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its was Global something. sounds alot liek the super computer you and i were talking about in another thread though SD, it perked my ears up as well. btw, warrentless Wiretapping is currently allowed via the Patirot act, though not to the extent that the Newsroom was talking about yet. but it does showcase the sorts of abuse that would happen with this sort of power.


yea, thats why I was wondering if there was any basis to it.. Could really put a nail in that coffin.


did a little bit of diging on a search for NSA Survellience Program










yeah SD, it looks like what you and i were tlakgin abotu as a worst case scenario is actually a reality :mad: thansk to Bush and the patriot act

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  • 2 weeks later...



Will McAvoy : "the Tea Party is the American Taliban."


Ah Sorkin, you never let us down.


I haven't seen the last episodes, but I saw the clip on youtube. Calling the Tea Party the American Taliban is such an incredibly stupid comparison. They started the season saying they were going to report the news the correct way - "the best version of the argument" etc, but that's not what I see the Newsroom becoming. I doubt I'll finish the season.

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Yeah, I guess I'm what is considered a left wing liberal, though, to be honest I don't like to label myself that way. Conservatives do have good ideas and there are good people among them (Though I do feel they seem a bit more partial to the hating of views not their own) and I think that's effing ridiculous. Tea Party = American Taliban. That is seriously one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. I don't watch this show either by the way. I go as political as watching The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Which is to say almost not at all political lol.

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That would be awesome

If that happened I'd take back pretty much everything I said bad about the show (except for the whole people yelling and interrupting each other all the time thing, I really don't like that)


All I ask for is a little equality in the slamming lol

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That would be awesome

If that happened I'd take back pretty much everything I said bad about the show (except for the whole people yelling and interrupting each other all the time thing, I really don't like that)


All I ask for is a little equality in the slamming lol


Well, we still have.. uhh that gun running thing.

(Theres more, My brains just mush so I can't recall anythign that they'd criticize or blast them for..)

Course theres always the dumb things the VP says...

I think there were a couple of changes the supreme court ruled on..

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