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New Advancement System?


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I dont think it has been finished. Visar was spear heading is (as far as I know) and RL has gotten in the way lately... so I dont think it was finished... How active were you before you left? Devon might be able to use your help getting it going again, but I do not know.

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Yeah, we we're working on it but then things got busy and we put it on hold for a bit. Basically the plan is get rid of a lot of the reqs and allow people to substitute more free form rps that can develop characters as well. Would love to have some help working on it if you are interested.

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Heck, I'd just be willing to get around the Path of Water req so I can get my last WS point to hit BladeMaster! LOL


I'm going to get creative and post the #@$%&% thing up myself this summer, I swear it!

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I've got a raw tower guard trainee in Grey. I have completed the introduction thread but without the requirements settled I haven't pressed too hard to any training yet. I'd be happy to mix him up in some RPs though

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  • 2 months later...

(dusts himself off) Sorry for my long absense. I'll talk with devon when I can and see where we are on the training advancement thing. Basically I wanted to simplify it and make it easier for the lower level stuff, and about the same difficulty but more flexible in choice at the upper level. It has been a While though so X_x


Visar's a new blademaster if anyone needs him for a ceremony or anything else, btw. I'll try to get the rust and dust off of me and write some, I think I need to.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

I wanted to start it and try to simplify it, but honestly I don't know if I have the time to commit to the project.   I keep saying I'll do something about it and then completely not doing anything about it.  Main problem of my life right now X_X


I can send you a pm or email with some of my thoughts about what I thought to do, and hand it to you to look at, no problem!  The jist was I wanted to make it more about rp participation than specific "you have to do this, this, then this" requirements.  Until the upper levels (like around WS 10 or 11 or so) where it gets harder to do that.  So, it shouldn't take someone a long time to get from trainee to tower guard or be able to be a warder.  But to be a blademaster should be a challenge and require a lot of participation.  Might take a couple days to get that together as I'm on a new comp.  I'll add Tay in for her input, too.

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We should.  I think the existing guidelines are great, but are complicated, and designed for a system where there's several people in charge and able to help with req's, and several dozen of active rpers.  We need all the activity we can get and the existing system is too daunting for the activity level we have right now.  We don't have that right now, so having something simpler and less daunting (using the existing system as more of an optional, flexible thing for RP ideas instead of requirements, making just about everything choices) would be best, at least until WS 10 or so, then making it more challenging to get to blademaster and beyond levels we stick to the original intent of the rps.

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