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Min...? Again!

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Is it possible that besides the odd person that Min could only read people that either have a Talent or that can channel the One Power? Also on the note of Talents if she can read people who can channel the OP could it be possible that Talents are related to the OP in another way...?




But she has more than once read people that have no talents or ability with the OP. Except for the main characters (counting secondary ones) i think the vast majority of the people she reads are "normal" and have no connection at all with talents or OP or anything.


Unless you mean talents like juggling or really good with math or something, but i'm taking it you mean a "Talent" like dreaming or wolf talking or the like


True... but then could she have read people who are in the pattern as a person of interest. Like Leya in the 2nd book kept (at least in my opinion) Perrin from becoming a killing psychopath.


i believe she describes it as being able to see things around anyone, but not all the time, unless they are AS, then she sees something all the time, same with their warders, and the taveren boys i believe. she will see marriages of random people or death of another, flashes of images for random people, but the only constants i believe are for the ones mentioned. Im not sure if by AS she actually means AS or people who can willfully wield the power, unblocked and the like.


The rationalization for her Talent is that she sees how a thread must be woven in the future. When she sees this appears to be largely random, though it sometimes appears to depend on her "trying" to see her visions, often if happens whether she wants it to or not. It's clear that she can only see what must be woven, not what may, so it may be that she sees all of the "musts," for a thread when she encounters it. More important/powerful people are more tightly woven by the Pattern, which would explain why she sees so many visions surrounding the Aes Sedai and the ta'veren boys. She often doesn't understand what she sees, and often her visions are figurative, rather than literal, though there have been both.


Not to disagree with you in any major way Thrasymachus, but there have been a very small number of occasions (I can only recall 1 right now) where she has seen a conditional viewing.


ie. IF Siuanne and Brynne stay together, they will both live. If they part, both will die.


Not to disagree with you in any major way Thrasymachus, but there have been a very small number of occasions (I can only recall 1 right now) where she has seen a conditional viewing.


ie. IF Siuanne and Brynne stay together, they will both live. If they part, both will die.

If any of the 3 ta'veren dies, all fail.

Can't remember more though.


The only conditional viewing (as mentioned by her) was the one about Egwene and Gawyn (one where he helps her and one he kills her) It only really sticks out in my mind because she actually notes its the first time she's seen a vision where two things were equally possible and she didn't know for sure.


The others were different somehow as she was sure of the answer but only if certain conditions were met (which seems a bit at odds with how her talent works so it might just be RJ shewing it a little to give us some nice foreshadowing)


"Blood in his past and blood in his future", figure that one out! So.. in the future there will be blood in his past and in his future? Does that mean 2x"blood in his future"? Just one closer to now, and one further away?


Or was that just her interpreting the whole "he's a dangerous man" thing in an odd way?


She also foresaw that Perrin must come to Rand's aid twice, or else, Rand will fail/die, I can't remember which. Plus the viewing about Egwene/Gawyn that Kamin mentions, also that Cadsuane is necessary for Rand, which is a kind of conditional, and I'm sure there are others. I reckon Min's knowledge of people's pasts is either her taking some liberties with her interpretations of her viewings, or something about what must happen in the future is very relevant to things that have already occurred, so that when she sees the future she also sees some part of the past which makes that weaving necessary, which makes some sense because it's the things that have already happened that make things in the future necessary.


I reckon Min's knowledge of people's pasts is either her taking some liberties with her interpretations of her viewings, or something about what must happen in the future is very relevant to things that have already occurred, so that when she sees the future she also sees some part of the past which makes that weaving necessary, which makes some sense because it's the things that have already happened that make things in the future necessary.


That would suggest that the blood in the past and blood in the future are related, or possibly one caused the other?



That would suggest that the blood in the past and blood in the future are related, or possibly one caused the other?


It does indeed suggest that, though the causal path may be so circuitous or subtle that we would never recognize it as such.


Here's a useful link to a summary of Min's Viewings:




Regarding Gawyn and the ambiguous viewing, what Min saw was this:


Gawyn kneeling at Egwene's feet with his head

bowed, and Gawyn breaking Egwene's neck, first one then the other, as if either

could be the future. She had never seen that fluttering back and forth, as

though not even the viewing could tell which would be the true future. Worse,

she had a feeling near to certainty that it was what she had done this day that

had turned Gawyn toward those two possibilities.


About Perrin, it was:


"When you two were together, I saw those fireflies and

the darkness stronger than ever...But with the two of you in the same room, the

fireflies were holding their own instead of being eaten faster than they can

swarm, the way they do when you're alone. And there's something else I saw when

you two were together. Twice he's going to have to be there, or you... If he's

not, something bad will happen to you. Very bad. It will happen if he is not

there, but nothing I saw said it won't because he is. It will be very bad,



So she wasn't specific; whatever it was, it was just 'very bad'.


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