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Make your own ... Siuan!


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Ooooh thanks, Key! I must remember that one for the Leanne thread. I should probably start that next? I'll try over the weekend.


Leala, that's a brilliant idea! I never even thought of trying to make her outfit in all 7 colours. I think I'll go back and try that too *grins*


Rand, you didn't do at all badly! Your first one does seem a bit ... Tinkerish *grins* but the 2nd one came out really pretty!


See, I don't remember that - her not wearing blue as an Amyrlin. I just remembered the plain dresses. I'll have to see if I can find something about that on the internets. (Is it weird that it makes me mad I don't know that off the top of my head *laughs*. Ask me anything else WoT related and I swear I can do so!)


Elgs - Yeah! I was thinking Leane would be in here somewhere :). She's another of my favorites *g*.


I think Moiraine thinks it when they meet in book 2?


Anyway, here's two of my Siuans.


The Amyrlin:



To me, Siuan the Amyrlin is an extremly practical person. She wears dresses in fine silk because her station demands it of her, but she do not care much for clothes, and she sticks with the bare minimum of what she can get away with. Her only goal with being Amyrlin is finding the Dragon Reborn, and so dresses really are not worth her time.



Siuan the stilled and Healed Blue sister, is a different person. She still has her goal, but she can relax a bit more, stay in the background, and start to discover Siaun the woman. She cares (unconsuously) more about her clothes and her looks.


That is Siuan to me at least.


Hm...nope. I just read the first 6 chapters of tGH through Google and nothing about Siuan's clothes. I believe you guys *laughs*, it's just my own annoyance that I can't remember! I'll try to figure it out over the weekend.


Pretty dolls Mish :).


I'm in the middle of reading book 2 for my reread and I couldn't find anything about her clothes.


I did realise though that I've been imagining Leane with blond hair when she has dark hair!

  On 5/31/2012 at 5:37 AM, RandA lThor said:

OK, every part of me that wants to be a man is preventing me from making these dolls, is there anysite that isn't making dolls?


Awww..., let your inner doll maker out!

  On 5/30/2012 at 8:39 PM, Crystal Tipps said:

Siuan is really hard... for some reason I don't have a clear image of her like the others, Perrin is the same actually.


Key I like your post-stilling Siuan.


Lan is going to be hard because the males look young.


I'm having so much fun that I've made an Elayne, Rand, Perrin, Matt and two Nynaeves. Egwene will be hard for me.


Next I'm going to try Galad and Gawyn. We can do a Morgase too!!!


How about Taim and Logain????

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