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Make your own ... Cadsuane!


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Please note that you can now vote on your favourite Birgitte and Moiraine avatars.


To recap:


Misheru started a thread, Create your own Aes Sedai or Warder Avatar, which inspired this competition.


Here's how it works: I will start a thread for a character, and we all make avatars for them, using this application (or any other you want):



You can make as many of each character as you want, and post them in that thread. They MUST be your own work, though, not a picture you found somewhere. If you can't get the link to work (I can't, for the life of me), host them on something like photobucket and then post them here. If you don't posses something like a photobucket, you're welcome to send the links to me and I'll do so for you.


After a week or so, I'll assemble them all for one character in one post (depending on how many there are) and start a poll. Pointsies will be forthcoming, and maybe even req credit. Rinse and repeat.


People may make INSIGHTFUL comments on and discuss the avatars, but spammers WILL be sent to the Kitchens.


Here are some of my Cadsuane's, to start things off. I've kept her dresses quite simple, because to me Cads doesn't seem the type to fuss much about clothes. She seems the practical sort.


Using Sari Maker:








Elements (It's atypical, but I love this one! lol):




Ooo, I have to join in for this one!




I'll keep an eye out for a Siuan contest. <3


Sorry she's so tiny, I couldn't figure out how to make the save thing save like I wanted. :/ Had to screencap her.


I made her not quite so practical because she's all about keeping her image as a legend up. :) This is a pretty good visualization of what I envision when I read about her in the books.






And now you guys shall see why I don't try these things!


Young Cadsuane with a warder:




Cadsuane now at an Inn


(for whatever reason, in this one it didn't want to make the bun the same color as the hair >.> and the hair overall looks darker now. Oh wells :P )



I tried my best with the paralis-net :P


I love the paralis-net thingy! But how on earth did you get it to make the hair 2 different colours??? That shouldn't even be possible! *Stares at AH in awe* ... lmao


It's brilliant that you thought of making a young Cads, AH. That's what this is all about: YOUR vision of the person, like Leala did with the clothes.


Leala, what I do once I've made the character is click on the Save options till I get where you can name them and add them to your galleries, etc. Then I right click on the picture itself, and choose "save as" or something like that (I'll make sure of the option later when I make another one and edit here), and save it to my computer. I then upload it to photobucket and then post here.


Aaah ... there are some 2 tone colours - did you pick one of those to the right?


I love making these dolls. They are so much fun!


Here is a couple I made.




I really like this one.



It's so addictive, right?? *grins*


I love the way you got her dangling shrikes and whatnot in her hair, nicana - looks really good!

  On 5/28/2012 at 6:54 AM, Elgee said:

They're lovely, Ryrin!


You can make as many as you want :)


Thank you Mother. This is so much fun!


I just wish I didn't miss the Moiraine one. I've already made Elayne and Siuan.


You can still post your Moiraines ... didn't you read what I posted in the threads? :P


I had made a Cadsuane last week (Friday, I think) and was ALMOST done. I had the paralis net in her hair and she was looking good! And then my computer burped and she was gone. I haven't had the heart to start over again yet . . . *sighs*


Okay, let's try it this way:




Yay, she's not tiny any more! Thanks, Elgee, that helped! :D


I don't like it as well as I did my first Cadsuane, but here's the one I just made:




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