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Breaking Bad Season 5 [Spoiler Zone: Read At Your Own Risk!]


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yeah I cried last episode.


LOVED hank's death, well not the death itself, but how hank acted and stuff.  was epic.



I don't like what happened to Jessie <_<  but can see where this is going now.



Walts gonna put two and two together when ol boys don't ask him to cook for them and discover Jessie is still alive.  hes' gonna see a supposed threat from the guys and go to war with them due to fearing for his life.   whether that threat really exists until Walt makes the first move is up in the air.



the perceieved threat, and the realization that they stole 70 million dollars from him ....  yeah we know who that gun in the back of his trunk is for *nods*

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The machine gun is for his Scarface ending.  He did not want Hank to die.  He did not like getting his money taken.  Either the gang is coming for him or he is going to them... probably the latter since he returned.  I bet his money got stolen (since he looks a mess in his flash fowards) and he is going after them to get the rest of his money.  The ricin is for Jessie.  He is going to kill most of the gang but in the end Jessie is going to finish him off.  That is how I see the show ending at this point.

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I don't think his money got stolen; he's probably all hairy and what not because he is/was hiding, but I do think that he is coming back for the Nazi's.  I also have this nagging feeling that he's not done with Skylar and the kids.  His strongest delusion has been that because he did all this for his family, he wasn't a bad guy.  I think he still plans on trying to convince Skylar and the kids of that.  If he can't, the ricin maybe for himself after he takes out the Nazi's and gets the rest of his money back (I believe someone (Nolder?) mentioned that a few pages ago and I initially disagreed, but I can see that ending now). 

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I'm a bit confused with the timeline tbh.

So he disappeared for a year and then comes back to town to blast the Nazis?

Who's to say they're still around even?


I think word gets to Walt about blue meth being back on the market.

He knows it has to be Jesse because it's so pure and so, overcome with jealousy, he's come back to kill Jesse thinking he's working with the Nazis willingly. I'm not sure how the ricin fits into that anymore unless he plans on taking it himself but Walt seems too proud for that so I'm just kind of lost at this point.

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So. Is he gunning for Grey Matter or the Neo Nazis.


My money is on Grey Matter. He knows where they are and he has always had a bone to pick with them.

As early as season 1 we see how much he hates that they turned the company into a billion dollar business and he's mentioned it a few times throughout the series.


Also his family already hates him and wants him to die and wont take his money.

He simply cannot hold onto the illusion that what he does is for his family because they wont accept it.

So all he has left is one last bit of revenge before he dies.

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I guess I'm gonna have to flip flop and go with my original theory of Walt going after the Nazi's (even though he doesn't know where they are at).

Apparently Vince Gilligan mentioned in a podcast that it was hard to get the actors of Elliot and Gretchen on set because they were busy or something and that the only reason Grey Matter was mentioned was as a cameo turned catalyst for Walt because some dying fan wanted to know what happened with Grey Matter or somesuch.


I don't actually know how much of that's true since I didn't listen to the podcast and it's just some guy talking about it but if it is that indicates that there probably wasn't enough time to have any kind of meaningful ending if Walt went on a shootout at Grey Matter. Soooo Nazi's it is.


Also a lot of people seem to think Walt is going to get high on his own meth during the final episode.

Not sure why.

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Personaly I'm shooting for a total remission of Walt's cancer and that he turns coat and goes into witness protection with the DEA.


Screen fades to black and then starts with the opening to Malcolm in the Middle!

Oh god... That poor man.....



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So in anticipation of this last episode... I'm finding that I'm more anxious about how it's going to end rather than that it IS ending. Hoping that it's not another "Lost". I don't think it will be... Then again I didn't see the terrible ending to "Lost" coming either.

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The ending was good.

Not amazing, not insane, not spectacular.

Just good. And I don't mean that in a bad way.

The episode had a lot of great scenes (my favorite was when Jesse refused to kill Walt) but the climax of the story happened from when Hank caught Walt before the Nazis show up and when Walt goes on the run after his son calls the police. This was wrap up and it was satisfying.

Breaking Bad was definitely the most solid show from start to finish I've watched and I'm glad the series finale wasn't a let down.



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The last 2 episodes were like a long epilogue. The story's over, here's what happened to all the characters. It wasn't the type of finale to leave questions hanging in the air, and definitely gave us closure. It was good.


If the Gray Matter folks give Walt's kids the money, then everything he did was not in vain and he died an anti-hero having accomplished his original goal with terrible tragedy along the way. If they don't do it, then it was all in vain and everything he did just ruined everyone's lives he ever knew. 

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The last 2 episodes were like a long epilogue. The story's over, here's what happened to all the characters. It wasn't the type of finale to leave questions hanging in the air, and definitely gave us closure. It was good.


If the Gray Matter folks give Walt's kids the money, then everything he did was not in vain and he died an anti-hero having accomplished his original goal with terrible tragedy along the way. If they don't do it, then it was all in vain and everything he did just ruined everyone's lives he ever knew. 

It did leave a few things hanging - like what happens to Skyler and Jesse (just because Walt is found and dead, doesn't mean the police are no longer interested in them). Even the question of whether or not it was all for nothing is left open - they might not get the money, or Flynn might reject it if he thinks it came form his father, etc. All the finale did was allow Walt to salvage something from the wreckage. He lost his family, his money and his empire - even his trademark blue meth (what Jesse was making was described as better than ever). And he gets none of them back. He has no reconciliation with his son, he never recovers the money Jack stole (not that he really cared by that point) and he burns his empire to the ground. Note that for all his admission to Skyler that he did it for himself, because he liked it and he enjoyed it, all he's done is lose the layer of delusion that he was doing this for a higher purpose - he still threatens two innocent people into setting up a  trust for his son, and he still refuses to take their money, insisting what he has given them covers all costs. He is still the same bitter, prideful man, and he dies unloved and unredeemed. What Walt did was always wrong, and in the end he learns that it was wrong, but still doesn't stop doing it.

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Walt gave Skyler the GPS coordinates and she was supposed to make a deal with a prosecutor. I think we are supposed to assume she did make that deal.


Also it's arguable that Elliot and Gretchen are not innocent although it's really impossible to determine one way or another without more information.


The only thing left open IMO is Jesse and I think that was purposeful.

Throughout the entire show he was beholden to other people. He was not in control of his own destiny.

Either it was his parents kicking him out of his own house or Walt or Mike or Gus, someone was always telling him where to go and what to do.

Now he's free and his future is up to him.

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New York, NY – Sept. 30, 2013 –AMC’s Breaking Bad capped its historic run last night, delivering a series-record 10.3 million viewers, including 6.7 million adults 18-49. Ratings for the final episode were up 300% over last year’s finale, demonstrating the remarkable growth of this iconic series. An expanded one-hour Talking Bad aftershow delivered 4.4 million viewers, including 2.9 million adults 18-49.





Over 10 million viewers.

That's huge!

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You know from a story perspective, and how its shown.

Its implied Walt is dead, but, since there was no 'time-skip' from when he slipped on the floor, its really hard to say whether or not he's actually dead. To many times in movies, books, and Tv do we see a character dieing, and bleeding presumed dead, came back. (mind you, this is a finale so that doesn't matter!


But as the camera pans out, you see the police already walking in, you have 1 holding a gun on walt, and another checking him. But they are to far away (IMO) to tell if that gesture they made was a 'nope, dead' or a 'he's a live!' it was to far away, and to fast.


Either way, I'm just going to assume he's dead, and even if he wasn't he's as good as dead. (cancer and all)

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Walt gave Skyler the GPS coordinates and she was supposed to make a deal with a prosecutor. I think we are supposed to assume she did make that deal.

Would that be enough for them? All Walt did was give her the possibility of a way out, not a guarantee.


Also it's arguable that Elliot and Gretchen are not innocent although it's really impossible to determine one way or another without more information.

More information like this?:

Q: What’s it like have Bryan Cranston curse at you?

A: Oh man, he’s a good actor. But it was easy because Vince Gilligan told us exactly what went down between the characters off screen: We were very much in love and we were to get married. And he came home and met my family, and I come from this really successful, wealthy family, and that knocks him on his side. He couldn’t deal with this inferiority he felt — this lack of connection to privilege. It made him terrified, and he literally just left me, and I was devastated. Walt is fighting his way out of going back to that emotional place, so he says, “F— you.”

Of course, this does tally with what we've seen on the show - it's completely in keeping with Walt's character to leave over something so stupid.

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I doubt Skyler can avoid prosecution with the info on Hank and Gomie. Maybe if she still had Saul or another component lawyer, but with a public defender I think the best she can do is commute some of her sentence and get probation at best or gets to pick her prison at worst. But if the Feds get a hold of Jesse she stands a better chance of avoiding prosecution, they would much rather put the screws to him than an abused spouse who was forced into her role.


I have to say while I don't think this was one of the best episodes of the show, I do think it was a perfect way to cap off this brilliant show. The episode contained everything that made Breaking Bad a great show, it had funny moments, sad moments, lies, manipulations, an honest truth, badass tough guy moments, an improbable escape, bloodshed and great music. It was close to perfect, even if it was a pretty neatly finished off and I would have liked to see Walt get more of a comeuppance. In the end he won but lost more than he ever gained and then he died.

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Walt gave Skyler the GPS coordinates and she was supposed to make a deal with a prosecutor. I think we are supposed to assume she did make that deal.

Would that be enough for them? All Walt did was give her the possibility of a way out, not a guarantee.


Also it's arguable that Elliot and Gretchen are not innocent although it's really impossible to determine one way or another without more information.

More information like this?:

Q: What’s it like have Bryan Cranston curse at you?

A: Oh man, he’s a good actor. But it was easy because Vince Gilligan told us exactly what went down between the characters off screen: We were very much in love and we were to get married. And he came home and met my family, and I come from this really successful, wealthy family, and that knocks him on his side. He couldn’t deal with this inferiority he felt — this lack of connection to privilege. It made him terrified, and he literally just left me, and I was devastated. Walt is fighting his way out of going back to that emotional place, so he says, “F— you.”

Of course, this does tally with what we've seen on the show - it's completely in keeping with Walt's character to leave over something so stupid.


1. I honestly wouldn't know. Walt seemed to think it would work but he's also always been a bit delusional.


2. Ah, yeah information like that. It's too bad they couldn't work that more into the show.

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Am I the only one that found Jrs, and Skylers reaction to Walter in the final two episodes, as.. well I'm not even sure how to explain it.


But, part of me says Skyler & Jr. should have actually listened to Walter, instead of going bat shit crazy. A lot of his problem through out the show, is people not giving him time to explain. And by the time they are willing to listen, they've screwed everything up that now he's forced to lie/cheat/steal/kill his way out of it.


I think that walter saying he did it for himself, at the end, wasn't so much admitting the truth to himself, But telling the lie Skyler wanted to hear. (course I know on the commentaries they say walter finally admitted he liked it, so this is all a moot point.)

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Am I the only one that found Jrs, and Skylers reaction to Walter in the final two episodes, as.. well I'm not even sure how to explain it.


But, part of me says Skyler & Jr. should have actually listened to Walter, instead of going bat shit crazy. A lot of his problem through out the show, is people not giving him time to explain. And by the time they are willing to listen, they've screwed everything up that now he's forced to lie/cheat/steal/kill his way out of it.


I think that walter saying he did it for himself, at the end, wasn't so much admitting the truth to himself, But telling the lie Skyler wanted to hear. (course I know on the commentaries they say walter finally admitted he liked it, so this is all a moot point.)

Walt had enough chances to walk away from it that he didn't take that it's hard to take him doing it purely for his family seriously. He certainly wanted his family to benefit, but they could have benefited the same had he taken Gretchen and Elliot's job offer back in season one. His pride, bitterness and ego were big drivers in why he did what he did.

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