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Breaking Bad Season 5 [Spoiler Zone: Read At Your Own Risk!]


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I don't see Walt committing suicide, the ricin is obviously going to be a major plot element... But I don't think it's for Walt. To me he has demonstrated to much of a confrontational attitude, he's no longer one to back away or play coward; which is what suicide would be. So if he does die it's going to be in a "blaze of glory". Not necessarily a literal one though.

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Walt's pride is too much for suicide in that manner he still believes what he did was justified. All of it. Even attempting to step away from it, he's still so non-chalant about it all.


Skylar's emotional turnaround time in this episode feels too quick to me. She's seen what a lying control freak Walt can be, yet she doesn't seem to have any suspicion he might be lying. She seems happy oddly enough.


I miss happy Jesse.


I'm pretty sure we see future Walt taking some pills back in the season opener at the breakfast place implying Cancer returned. Also, I'm really rooting for Hank at this point. I can see him and Jesse teaming up, but I'm not sure about that because the history between them is too bad.


Also, Badger and Skinny Pete talking Star Trek made me laugh.

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I think you guys aren't taking into account Walt's character progression.

Let me preface this by saying that this wasn't something I noticed on my own either, I read it elsewhere and it makes sense.

Remember when Badger and Skinny Pete are talking about Star Trek? Well apparently it wasn't just stoner-talk.

It's part of an age old debate about how much something can change before it becomes something else.

If you could map out each and every cell in your body, kill them all and instantly copy and reproduce them thousands of lightyears away, is the resulting person "you"?

Or did you die when the machine killed your cells and copied them? How much can Walt change before he's no longer Walt? Is he Heisenberg? Is he both or someone inbetween?


Just because the Walt we used to know wouldn't kill himself doesn't mean the Walt of a year from now has the same pride.

He's lost EVERYTHING. His empire, his money, his family, Jesse, his very name is tainted as well as that of his alter ego.

He is going to die sad and alone anyway and it's clear he intends to make some sort of last stand or last assault. I think this Walt could be capable of taking ricin.


Also of note is the final episode has been revealed as "Felina".

I really hope this plays during the closing credits.


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oh ... my ... god.  shits about to get real up in there!



as much as i hate it, perfect cut off point for that episode, i literally can not WAIT to see what happens between Jessie and Hank.  marie trying to take the child was expected when she starting putting things together, however i'm surprised Skylar didn't beat the shit out of her.  and seriously WFT Skyler, you're given the chance to play this all on Walts shoulders and Hank gives you a way out.  after all the complaining and fighting back, you now side with Walt and agree to help him?!  WTF chick!


Walt movign the money and burring it, then buying the lotto ticket was a good move.



the most interesting play, is Todd and his uncles goons coming back into play ...  this gives Walt the ability to set Todd up as Hesinburg and plant evidence, not that Hank will buy it ... but Hank still lacks proof.


also, Sol's two goons took some of Walts money; justa  gut feelign on that.  dunno what it means or if it will come to anything, but my gut says they probably kept a barrel for themselves.

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Skylar I think is just scared out of her mind at this juncture. She went through a disgust phase when she first found out about Walt, then gradually came around to helping him. This makes her completely complicet in everything that has happened. No way around it really. Hank doesn't understand that she conciously made the choice to help Walt at that first juncture and there's no way that she'll get off on a plea bargin because of that. Then she went through a depressed, afraid stage when she found out what kind of monster he is, then she gradually came around again when Walt was willing to step away from the business. Which means she became complicit in the cover up again after knowing for certain that Walt killed people. If she had never accepted the kids to come back home again, she might have a case. But alas. Also, Beneke. That was all her own doing. Using the money to help beneke and then his accident will all surely come out.

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very true, but imo given everything that Hank has witnessed Skyler could have played her "helping" Walt off up to this point on force and fear.


look at it from this angle.  she tried to call out for help multiple times through her actions; even Hank realized in the Diner that everything Skyler did was a cry for help.  yet up until Hank appraoched her (about 3-6 months after finally comming to turns and breaking bad herself), her plees went ignored.


so thats almost 2 years of being mad to be the bad guy, having your cries for help ignored.  being emotionally threatened and and emotionally abused by the monster that Walt has become.  all the while, everyone aroudn ehr saying "Skyler your being a bitch."  "Skyler you need to understadn where he's comming from"  "Skyler he has cancer, you need ot stand by him."  yadda yadda yadda.


at some point, in Skylers situation, you get Stockholme syndrom and adapt or even start helping your captor compicitly just to survive.  she couldn't leave him, she tried.  he wouldn't leave, she tried that too, and he even got the kids back as much as she fought it.  hell she even committed adultry with the one guy Walt hated to drive him away and that only made him more possessive of her.  so much so, Walt attacked ted at work if you recall.


the only thing is Ted, and even that she could lay at Walts feet.  theres witnesses that saw Walt confront Ted at work, which directly places Walt in the situation.  whose to say Walt didn't beat Ted up.


and if the money is tracked from Teds IRS bill; again, Skyler was acting out of self preservation.  whose to say Walt didn't find out about the embezzlement and reacted int eh same way Skyler did, or even forced Skyler to act on his behalf to Ted, then when Ted refused went to handle the situation himself.  the only people who know different are Skyler, Walt and Sol.  and Sol was acting as Skylers attorney at that point so he wont be saying shit about it, as selling out a client woudl be very bad for his line of business.




well, atleast this is how Skyler could have played it.  but now her actions when Hank offered her the way out wil make Hank and Marie sure that Skyler is complicate in the entire thing and wont buy the above story.

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True, I suppose she could have played it that way. I think legally speaking though, she probably thinks she'd still go to jail for at least a few years. Accessory to the crime and all that jazz. Besides, Skylar's not the most emotionally stable person on the planet, even back before the world came down on her. She was always a bit off I think and she reacts poorly to stress in general. Rewatch Season 1 and you see all that. 


It will be interesting to see what kind of a deal Jesse comes up with with Hank since he's been in everything Walt has completely except the last little bit, heck, he was the one who shot Gale. I think Jesse's willing to pay for his crimes now and own up to it. Skylar is not.

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Yeah at first I was surprised by skylar... But now that I think back... I don't think that it was Stockholm syndrome. I think that she kinda liked having all the money and maybe even the fact that Walt had power, because then through him she had power. We saw that come out a little with Beneke, and then again when they muscled the car wash.

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very true, i'm just saying that for a character who wanted an out of the situation so badly a few months ago; the fact that she doesn't take the out and spins the tale i posted above surprises me.


imo BG, i disagree; i think Hank and Marie woudl have bought that hook line and sinker, and that would really be the only people she'd need to convince, as Hank is the head of the DEA dept and would be her advocate when it came to investigators.



but i agree, shes not that great under pressure or with stress.

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Well part of that is that she's been pretty much complicit in Walt's crimes.


She knows this but it isn't something Hank realizes.

So she's worried that if she talks to Hank her and Walt will both go to jail and the children will go to foster care or to Hank and Marie if they're lucky.

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slow paced yes, but the depth of what that episode set up was mega.



Jessie flipped on Walt and is working with the DEA, but on his own terms.  its sad that Jessie mis-read the meeting ...  but it makes for a lot more drama on how shit will end up.  


pretty sure Jessie's last episode is next week :sad:

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