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Nothing is certain, An Introduction.

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“Death is certain, life is not.”-Unknown


The wheel of time turns and ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again. In one age called the Third age by some, an age yet to come, an age long past, a wind rose from the west and it blew at the lighter branches above where a lone horse stepped carefully through thick underbrush of fern and white thistle. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turn of the wheel of time. The horse, a dark brown gelding was not a large horse but the lines of muscle that shown high up upon it’s legs were proof that it was very quick. A man with a brown, hooded cloak sat atop the gelding, the hilt of a large sword protruded high above his left shoulder. He held the reigns loosely and allowed the horse to nimbly glide through the forest, occasionally tossing its tail as a testament to its irritation at not being allowed to gallop or at the very least cantor. It was a clear day with barely a cloud in the sky and the wind brought with it just enough chill to keep both horse and rider fairly cool.


In recent days he thought much about his years fighting against darkspawn and even the blight itself. Cada’es’ule’ is what they had called him in Shienar, one with the horse. He was lacking as a swordsman but he soon learned that valor could be gained in more ways than just killing trollocs in battle. Something he learned when the Lord of Ankor Dale himself gave him Corson, one of the fastest horses he had ever seen. He had felt a fast horse should go to their fastest man and Casdegere was fast and possessed an uncanny endurance like Corson did. At first he refused the gift but after the Lord's insistance he relented graciously.


Casdegere had been with a patrol of 14 when they were attacked. Trollocs that scouted for a large force had come across their camp in the dark. That night had been as black as pitch and he had gotten separated from the others in the melee. For three days he ran with Trollocs and worse hot on his heels. The Trollocs had been intelligent enough to separate the men from their horses from the start. In the black he heard men fighting and dying but it was all he could do to defend himself from the beastly things without killing one of his own by mistake. Amongst the din of the melee that progressed around him he heard the voice of Darand, an officer, “Go…run…give them warning!” Casdegere knew Darand must have meant him but he would not leave them. Casdegere awkwardly deflected the blow of a large axe then came around and cleaved the arm of the Trolloc closest to him almost as if my accident. The large blade was obviously to heavy for him. It fell back and howled in a voice that would barely pass for human. Darand had stepped up beside him and gutted another that clutched at its midsection as it fell, writhing in pain. Darand shoved Casdegere aside and spoke in a more demanding tone, “Go…now!” As another of the large brutes sniffed the air and turned to face them. With his teeth clenched tightly in anger, Casdegere took a few steps back. Darand feinted to the right, spun and sliced high upon the Trollocs chest. He could hear metal against metal all around him still. With a hiss he relented and ran.


In mid stride he reached down and took up a waterskin he saw upon the ground next to a dark horse that had been killed by a large gash in the side of its neck. It had felt wrong to leave them but he knew Darand was right. The Trollocs were many and where they had come a much larger host were sure to follow. Someone had to raise the alarm…if he could only be far enough ahead that they believed that they had killed them all...He never saw those men again.


Welcome, Casdegere! It's nice to see new faces here, but I think you probably meant to post that on the RP boards . . . ?


Maybe you will stick around on the social group side, too, and let us get to know you better! :smile:


Perhaps however I did just wish to introduce myself and do a little writing in the process since I had a bit of time on my hands. I can not be certain how many times i have read The Wheel of Time in it's entirety but it's been a few. Jordan has a way of really sucking a reader in and describing things so that your mind can almost form a perfect picture of what is happening.


On a more personal note, for the exception of the years I served in the Army, I've lived in the Detroit area for most of my life. Right now I am looking out my window, watching the spinners fall from the trees as today is probably the warmest, muggiest day we've had in a while. I've been into RPGing since i was 11. A friend of mine had a game called Dragonquest and my first character was a swordsman who used a hand and a half. Other games followed; Aftermath, Gamma World, MERP and many others. I went into the Army right out of high school. I played Cello and had a 1/2 scholarship to attend Central Michigan University for music but I had no real asperations to learn music as a vocation. I played for myself for the most part. I was an MP in the Army and was stationed in Germany, Nuremburg, Crailsheim and Illesheim. I dated a very sweet German girl named Anita for the last 6 months I was there. leaving her was one of the most difficult things I had to do. I had written to a few friends during those 3 years and somehow you just always know that when you return home it will be without lingering ties.


I took up Criminal Justice and obtained a degree. For several years I attempted to find a job as a Police officer in training but to no avail and working at a jail was not what I had in mind. So I switched gears. I had always been interested in computers and it was not long before I found myself taking engineering courses and CAD classes. My first PC was a Packard bell 12mhz with a 40mb Hard drive. my first pc game was Pools of Radiance, 16 colors. A good friend of mine was an IT professional at a large, Manufacturing company in the area and he got me in. I've been working for them ever since as a Mechanical Designer using 3D Solidworks. I can not say I like the work but I am good at it and it pays the bills and allows me to live comfortably. I played EQ from 1999 for many years. Now I play EQ classic on P1999, a private server. I do not think I'll ever get that game out of my blood. I am 42 years of age and my one daughter is due to graduate this year. Like me she enjoys PC games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age. We are alot alike in many ways.


Well anyways, that is me I guess, perhaps it is alot of information but I have always tried to be an open book with little to hide away.


I am happy to be here and anxious to write beautiful stories with you all.


Welcome! As a gamer, you may be interested in checking out a gaming thread in the Blue Ajah; some of my Blues are avid gamers. There are few games I like but I haven't played many of the RPGs. Most of the time when I play, I while away the time on a Legos game (Lego HP, Lego SW). My boys, OTOH, are big-time into Call of Duty. They are 13 and 14.


Your work actually sounds interesting. I'm a mechanical engineer but have a hard time getting the tools I need (like AutoCAD or SolidWorks) due to the way our IT program and intranet work. :headdesk: I had to "farm out" some modeling to an engineering technician recently because: 1) I didn't have the program (or experience using it); and 2) I didn't have the time to do any of the stack-ups the old fashioned way. I work on a fielded system that has been in service for a long time so mostly I track spares production, do failure analysis, reliability assessments, product improvements, etc. IOW, I push a lot of paper! LOL!


I do hope you enjoy your time here! When you have access to the Ajah boards, I hope you stop by and visit us in the Blue Ajah!

I am happy to be here and anxious to write beautiful stories with you all.

You won't write stories too much this side of the site. The RP side is where the stories are written. I see you have put in a request to join the Warders over there. As a gal who has two Greens on that side of DM I'm looking forward to seeing you RP. ;)


On another note, i'm a gamer gal as well. When you stop by the Blues you'll have to take a look at the Greens too we have a great deal of fun an adventure. *laughs* I hope you have a great time here. :)


Welcome to Dragonmount! And yeah, the RP can use some fresh blood so I'll be looking forward to see you there! ^_^






Well, there was no way NOT to make Casdegere much younger than I originally anticipated. I guess that will allow for him to be "molded" into a good Warder. I will definately be spending some time reading the different areas and take stock in all the Ajahs and what is going on with them as well as what's been happening with the Warders lately. I find it interesting that the site has departed to some extent in writing in the Red Ajah taking Warders, I am interested in seeing how this all has played out.


Welcome to the Social Side, Cas :)


Are you talking about the Reds here at the Social side, or the Reds at the RP side?


It is not yet clear to me the difference between the posters on the social side and the RP side. I had considered that the same posters would post on both. The social side being the "fun" side where people talk and well socialize, play games etc. the RP for stories written by the same people that also exist on teh social side. As I look at many of the siggys around I see many people bonded to other people, including Reds. I just assumed these same people have these siggys made for who they are playin on the RP side. Is this incorrect thinking on my part? (I do not have access as of yet)


The RP and the social groups are two very different things. Some may be in only one, others in both. I am not in any RPs yet. Most of the Reds you see bonded here, is social group bonds. In other words people who have gotten really got friend and mark this with a bond. Same is also true for Aes Sedai to Warder-bond and Warder to Warder-bond on the social group side. The RPs have their own forums for chatting and socialising. So in most way (as far as I know at least) the SGs and RP have little in common, they are two very different things.


What Mishu said, roughly speaking.


Yes you will see some of the same faces on both sides, but they are completely different. It's pure happenstance that I'm the Group Leader for both sides, so don't let that confuse you.


The Role Playing side is called the PSW (Portal Stone World). It has two sections on the boards - the part where you write the role plays In Character, and the part where you chat and plan Out of Character. You might be confusing the Social Groups with that last part.


That being said, you are more than welcome to join both sides - many people do :biggrin:


Oh to answer your original question about the Reds: yes they can Bond here at Dragonmount, and they can actually do so at both sides. Here at the Social Side, Reds can bond as many Warders as they want (Warders being members of the Warders' Guild here at the White Tower & Warders). At the RP side they can only Bond and BE Bonded by Asha'man. 1 of my characters was Bonded by their leader, and one of my other characters bonded 2 Asha'man.


Well I hope that cleared things up for you - just ask away if you have more questions :)


Im slow getting around... >.> been having computer problems... I am sure you know how that is... but I am back now, welcome to DM... I am one of those that are on both the RP side, and the Social Group... I dabble around...


I digress, welcome to DM, we are all nuts around here... some, like me, are worse than others, but I am sure you will fit in with everyone when you find where you fit best! Glad to have you either place!

As I look at many of the siggys around I see many people bonded to other people,

Mine is probably super confusing because i'm bonded to Reki twice! His Reki character is bonded to my Taia on the RP side, and then we bonded here too. *laughs* sooooo yeah that has to be confusing.


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