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Proclaiming Tina Hel for the Dragon!! ... speak now, or forever hold your peace

Ithillian Turambar

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It is very sad that Talm will not be our Org Leader anymore, but we must all now look together to the future. We all love our TaintyTM Tower and want the best for it. We want to continue to grow and become even more awesome. With that in mind, I would like to Proclaim my choice for our new Org Leader.


She has already managed looking after the whole of our Tower (whilst Talm was on LOA), as well as her own specific Shadowy Side. Since she became Faction Leader of the Shadow, it has changed and grown into the most active and strongest Faction (sorry Lighties but you know it's true) and I believe she would be able to do the same for our whole Tower. Under her leadership I believe we would thrive. Plus we all know her, and we know she works bloody hard.


I don't want to put any pressure on her if she does not want to be our Org Leader, but I certainly don't think it will hurt to let her know how much we think of her and that we know and believe she would do a great job.


With all of that in mind, I would like to Proclaim ...



Tina Hel For Dragon! (aka the Black Tower Org Leader)




Wear the Siggy to show your support!!



She might be open to bribery perhaps, so it won't hurt for you all to bring nice gifts to show your support and appreciation.



With that in mind ...




Have some chocolates Tina :biggrin:




Take a seat in a chair befitting your hopeful new station




and have a little something sparkly too.


Please apply Tina ... we know you will do a great job.




Just so we're clear, did Tina express intrest in wanting to take over (honestly if she didn't you might be pressuring her to) I'm just saying this because I don't think it would be fair to pressure anyone into the position however if Tina did express an interest I would support her whole heartedly I just think we should wait until the replacement is announced in situations like these because if Tina doesn't take over for whatever reason the new group leader may feel less than welcomed due to this thread, there are just so many different variables that I really think something like this should wait on the announcement. sorry to bore you all with this block of text just speaking my mind.


Thanks guys. I´m not crying...


EP - I think they mostly want someone to do the work. :laugh:


I think we should have faith in the admins and that they make the best decision for the Black Tower. I will apply but if they choose someone else they will do that because someone else could do a better job. I hope more people than me will apply. It feels great to have your support but I hope it doesn´t scare away others that are interested in applying as well. (This pretty much means that I agree with some of the things EP says but can everyone please forget that. :tongue: )


*nom, nom, nom*


Anyone wants tiramisu or chocolate? No? Then it´s all mine!


No Thanks Tina those are for you.


















besides I am full from sampling all the choices befor picking the best one for you. I guess I shouldn't mention the candy decorations are also serving a purpose.


EP ... I was pretty sure she would apply, I certainly hoped she would. This Thread is to support her and to show her how much we appreciate all she does for us.


She is my choice for this.


If someone else gets it then I will fully support them, but I'm not going to pretend I don't want Tina to get it ... For all of the reasons I have listed and the bizillions I haven't. I just couldnt imagine anyone else doing it, especially as Locke has also just stepped down.


I really feel we need Tina at the top. That is my position and I'm sticking with it.




While I'm curious who else is thinking about applying, I certainly think Tina would be fantastic (hence snagging the siggy for my rotation), and I'm glad she's interested. :smile:


Also EP, before this thread (and the other one with the reasons) went active Tina had stated in the staff board that she was going to apply. I was very happy about that and thought these threads would be a good idea to show the Admins that the Black Tower stands as one in our support for Tina. I think she will do the best job. Like Ithi said, If someone else should be appointed the position I will support them and hope they are up to the task. I just do not see the point in searching under rocks for someone that MIGHT be up to it when you have someone right here.


I have been passed over in that situation in RL and had to suffer through people that did not understand what it really took to run things. I ended up having to do everything just to keep the place functioning.


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