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Game of Thrones Season 2


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edit - also. i sniffled and teared up when Littlefinger brought Cat the bones, though i didn't recall right off ittlefinger ever beign in that camp o.0


Yeah, he wasn't, at least not when Catelyn was.



The bones and the silent sisters came to Riverrun along with Cleos Frey and the Lannister guards Tyrion sent to remove Cersei's protection, and the 4 people he slipped in to try to break Jaime out of the dungeon. Littlefinger was sent to Highgarden after Tyrion found out that Renly was dead to try to broker Margaery's marriage to Joffrey.


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ah thanks Tress :happy: i'm glad to know my memory of the books isnt as shoddy as i thought it might be. HBO has done such a good job with this show and staying true to form that their added scenes and tweaks still feel like cannon in a way.



Nol, i agree but disagree with you about the added scene with Joff. i still think that, reguardless who the "gifts" we're from; Joff still woudl have done the deed. i'm not saying he woudln't have been, erm, rough with them and probably woudl have killed them after, but he still would have used the girls as intended and "dipped his whick" to steal the phrase from the Imp.



an excuse to add in Nudity or not, i still prefer the scene (even thoguh it further demeans Cersie as SOB and over plays Joff as the villian) to a Bran or Danny filler scene *nods*


and idk.



the look in Robs eye says to me that he's in love with the Healer from the battlefield. HBO maybe tweaking that to move the story line along instead of bringing in yet another actress.




also, another note. the prostitute that was whipped in the bedroom witht he Joff scene; she seems to be doing alot of cameo's this season in various places. wasn't she the whore from Winterfell that flashed her goods to Theon as she left and the same new recruit in the whore house when the kingsgaurd was bastard hunting? i wonder if theres somethign more to her character. i can't recall anythign important from the books about her minor/background character ... maybe it's just recasting a background player to help on cap space for show costs ... idk *shrugs* or maybe i just recognize her from another show/movie :unsure:

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The one who was doing the whipping was Ros, the whore from Winterfell who we was with Tyrion in episode 1, then later with Theon, then in Kings Landing. The one who was being whipped was the new recruit Ros was showing around the place when the Kingsguard arrived bastard hunting, also the one who was with Pycelle when Tyrion, Bronn and Shagga came to take him to the black cells. Neither one of them is in the books specifically, but the show's apparently taking the opportunity to make minor characters out of them.

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Anyone else

feeling more sympathy for Theon on the TV than in the books? I know I am. I think they are actually doing his storyline better than GRRM did originally. Makes me eager to see how they handle the treatment of his story later on.

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meh, my feeligns for Theon are the same timeline wise as they were in the book. i don't think HBO is doing the story arc better or antying. if anything Sam



I think any sympathy i have for him that is greater than i had while reading the books comes from knowing what eventually happens to his character. after all, everytime i see him, i can't help but think "Reek Reek, rhymes with Sneak"


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That may be true, Red. I still shudder jsut hearing that.


Although seeing the emotions acted out on screen and hearing "You sent me away, your boy!" tugs at the ehart more than how it is done in the book i think. Maybe it is just the great actors involved.

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that could be it as well Sam. the actors in this entire series are all great, especially the younger actors :happy:



i agree though. the entire story arc with Theon is sad. i mena, the guys a major woolhead, don't get me wrong; but i do think he was unfairly treated upon his return to home (those his expectations of how the reception would be were more than unrealistic :laugh: )




Theon's Dad is spot on. in Episode two when Theon was mouthing off, i was actually able to countdown when his dad was gonna back hand him lmao. didn't know if it was gonna happen at the time, but totally expected it to happen given the character

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Nol, i agree but disagree with you about the added scene with Joff. i still think that, reguardless who the "gifts" we're from; Joff still woudl have done the deed. i'm not saying he woudln't have been, erm, rough with them and probably woudl have killed them after, but he still would have used the girls as intended and "dipped his whick" to steal the phrase from the Imp.


Still say, that he wouldn't, its not within his personality so to speak. He 'dips his whick' via the spanking she recieved, and top that off, it wasnt simply a 'spanking', note the very heavy pointy object he commanded the other to 'beat' her with? She'd be lucky to get out of there alive.

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the look in Robs eye says to me that he's in love with the Healer from the battlefield. HBO maybe tweaking that to move the story line along instead of bringing in yet another actress.



all I was saying is that in the books Rob falls for the daughter of a minor lord, she's not a commoner

the healer on the battlefield in the show might be

I guess we'll have to wait until next episode to find out


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I can't stand Joffrey.

Looking forward to seeing him drink that wine.



But I agree with Sam. I have more sympathy for Theon in the show than in the books. Though maybe part of that is knowing what happens in later books.

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I can't stand Joffrey.

Looking forward to seeing him drink that wine.



But I agree with Sam. I have more sympathy for Theon in the show than in the books. Though maybe part of that is knowing what happens in later books.


I just wish this came to HBO about...5 years ago. Then they could have cast Malfoy from Harry Potter as Joffrey...


I mean... he makes a freaking perfect Joffrey..

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I think Malfoy makes a perfect Malfoy and Joffrey makes a perfect Joffrey

I have no desire to see either of them in the others role


Reading the books (Thrones, not HP) the actor that plays Malfoy, imo makes a better joffry :P

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This might be a small thing but I think the guy playing Joffrey right now has a better voice for the part

it's a personal opinion I'll grant you that but he just sounds more like Joffrey to me


also I think he is a better match to the actors who play Cersei and Jaime than Tom Felton

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Anyone else feeling troubled by Danny's role in the coming episodes?


I don't mean her plot but her actress, Emilia Clarke? I worry that she doesn't have the chops to pull it off. In the latest preview for episode 15, her line when asked "what do you want?", "I want the Iron Throne. It's mine." is delievered so wrong that it pulled me out of it. She says it like a petulent wide-eyed little girl and not the hard-eyed future Queen of Dragons. It's like she has just one mode of acting, the innocent unsure wide eyed little girl with emotional baggage. When we need Emilia to bring out the harder edge and inner confidence that Danny should be showing now.


Just hit me wrong.

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I'll have to see how the rest of the episode looks, I guess. She's done quite well so far IMO -- that one line may be a conscious choice depending on the context, little snippets in previews are hard to judge.

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i'm going with Sam with this one. the actress doesn't seem to convey Danny's growth from innocent pawn to manipulating strong willed woman very much. she has potential, but her body launage still conveys meekness and submission rather than dominance and iron resolute strength.



Danny as she is now, i can't see her dominating the untaimed Drogon and riding off on him tbh





as for Malfoy-Joff :unsure: Felton is great, don't get me wrong. and he played a wonderful Draco .... but ..... Nol is right in that the voice would be off with Felton. Joffs voice has to have the pre-pubescent squeak to it and a higher tone. something Felton wouldn't be able to do imo. besides, i don't think Felton, as an actor, would be good enough to takcle as complex and disgusting a character as Joff is.


don't get me wrong, Draco was a prat; but thats because he wanted to be like his father (an even bigger prat) Joff OOTH is a product of his own invention and is really worse than even Lucius Malfoy dreamed of being.

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i'm going with Sam with this one. the actress doesn't seem to convey Danny's growth from innocent pawn to manipulating strong willed woman very much. she has potential, but her body launage still conveys meekness and submission rather than dominance and iron resolute strength.



Danny as she is now, i can't see her dominating the untaimed Drogon and riding off on him tbh





as for Malfoy-Joff :unsure: Felton is great, don't get me wrong. and he played a wonderful Draco .... but ..... Nol is right in that the voice would be off with Felton. Joffs voice has to have the pre-pubescent squeak to it and a higher tone. something Felton wouldn't be able to do imo. besides, i don't think Felton, as an actor, would be good enough to takcle as complex and disgusting a character as Joff is.


don't get me wrong, Draco was a prat; but thats because he wanted to be like his father (an even bigger prat) Joff OOTH is a product of his own invention and is really worse than even Lucius Malfoy dreamed of being.

Theres a reason I said It hsould have came out like 5 years ago. The 'malfoy' of today, could Definately not do it. But the 12-14 year old one? he might.

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...In the latest preview for episode 15, her line when asked "what do you want?", "I want the Iron Throne. It's mine."... She says it like a petulent wide-eyed little girl...

so in other words she nailed it


Daenerys as a character is nothing more than a spoiled little girl with dragons

dragons she doesn't even care about or utilize


she had a goal when Drogo died and her will was iron but as time went on she got soft and distracted

she is not the Targaryen Westeros needs

I'm not sure she'll ever even see Westeros the way things are going

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