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Game of Thrones Season 2


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I really dislike the scene with Melisandre seducing Stannis. Not in any way in line with how their relationship is portrayed in the books, and to me it goes very much against her character, making her more a manipulative Cersei-wannabee than mysterious priestess.


Other than that, good ep.

I've always seen her as manipulative myself

maybe that's just me though


Manipulative, yes. but not in that way. Especially not after what we see in ADWD.

you think she's above using sex to get what she wants?



iirc she came onto jon snow in DWD and he didn't take her up on the offer



The sex is not the point, the seduction part is. Melisandre is introduced as some mysterious priestess with possible supernatural abilities, yet when it comes to getting Stannis into bed, the same Stannis she has made believing he is some kind of myhtical saviour, she goes about it in a way that strongly reminds about Cersei, only even less subtle.

I would be less bothered if they had tried to play down her mystical side, but one of the first things we see her do is drinking poisoned wine without getting as much as a headache, so that does not seem to be the case.

so what you're saying is

in a series which seriously downplays magic

you expect to see magic seduction instead of actual seduction



doesn't bother me and that's all I can say I guess


Nope, that is not at all what I'm saying.

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Could anyone who is familiar with the books tell me at when the point in the show they are at now would correlate with the book. I picked it up for basically free at a buddies consignment store. Along with half the WoT series for five bucks.


as i remember the books, their jumping around alot in this season as far as time line wise. Season 1 is different, you could basically read along with the show. but this season, if you were to read SoS's you'd know things fromt eh show that don't happen till near the middle of the book. for instance, Danny's plot line doesn't really come back into play near the middle, whiel the stuff with Stannis and the Iron Islands happens in the first 100 pages. and the stuff abotu the incest and Joff finding out, that doesn't happen till near the end.



still, having read all 5 books and knowing how jumpy the timelines themselves are in the books, HBO is doign a really good job keeping the timelines goign and not making them overly confusing (which it can sometimes be in teh books, especially with DwD and FoCs)




good find on the ASoF&I and WoT books though :happy: and don't let what i said discourage you from reading ASoF&I, i high suggest you pick it up :laugh:

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Could anyone who is familiar with the books tell me at when the point in the show they are at now would correlate with the book. I picked it up for basically free at a buddies consignment store. Along with half the WoT series for five bucks.


as i remember the books, their jumping around alot in this season as far as time line wise. Season 1 is different, you could basically read along with the show. but this season, if you were to read SoS's you'd know things fromt eh show that don't happen till near the middle of the book. for instance, Danny's plot line doesn't really come back into play near the middle, whiel the stuff with Stannis and the Iron Islands happens in the first 100 pages. and the stuff abotu the incest and Joff finding out, that doesn't happen till near the end.



still, having read all 5 books and knowing how jumpy the timelines themselves are in the books, HBO is doign a really good job keeping the timelines goign and not making them overly confusing (which it can sometimes be in teh books, especially with DwD and FoCs)




good find on the ASoF&I and WoT books though :happy: and don't let what i said discourage you from reading ASoF&I, i high suggest you pick it up :laugh:


Okay, that clears things up quite a bit for me. Thank you very much. :]

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We'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out. The actor who plays Bran gets kudos from me for playing such a difficult part, physically. I imagine it must be hard to play someone paralyzed from the waist down.

I wonder if it's easier if you actually are


afaik he might be able to walk irl I have no idea

I know in BrBa he can't without crutches and I know he actually has CP so I'm assuming he can't...


Nope, that is not at all what I'm saying.

Then I'm afraid I'm just not getting it sorry


anyone else heard the good news?

the renewal? yep

third and fourth season confirmed

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So I was rewatching episode 1 again and I noticed something I missed the first time around

I wonder if maybe some of you guys missed it too

In the scene where Tyrion comes to the Small Council and Cersei asks him what he's doing there he replies


"It's been a remarkable journey. I pissed off the edge of The Wall. I slept in a Sky Cell. I fought with the Hill Tribes. So many adventures. So much to be thankful for."

as he's delivering that last line he's looking pointedly at Littlefinger, referring to the frame job with the dagger from last season that led to Tyrion being captured by Catelyn Stark

I totally missed the meaning in that the first time

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That was an awesome episode. Loved how he caught Pycell; very well done. Good casting for Margaery; awesome casting for Brienne! She's 6'3", and looks pretty much like I expected.


I didn't expect

Yoren to die this episode. Very well done, tho I was sad he got killed off so soon.


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They did some plot compressing for TV, it looks like... i.e.

Shae becoming Sansa's handmaiden, which didn't happen until after Tyrion and Sansa got married in ASoS as I recall



I think it worked pretty well, all told. They Tyrion scenes were brilliant. The Theon scenes were pretty excellent as well - a lot more emotional than I expected.

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In all the years I've been in the actual book discussion area, which is where I used to spend most of my time, I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk about bran and his wolfpossession/astralprojection/Dreams of the future and how similar that is to Perrin and say that G.R.R.M stole from RJ. I'm not saying that, I just don't see how I never saw stupid posters, who will remain unnamed, spouting it all over the place.

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They did some plot compressing for TV, it looks like... i.e.

Shae becoming Sansa's handmaiden, which didn't happen until after Tyrion and Sansa got married in ASoS as I recall

I think it worked pretty well, all told. They Tyrion scenes were brilliant. The Theon scenes were pretty excellent as well - a lot more emotional than I expected.


I knew they were going to compress some things, I think they did it rather well.

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SNL skit emp??



last weeks episode was outstanding!! i'm no longer complaining about Margeries air, i'm guessing it was either he shading or the angle in the picture i saw that made her hair look darker. it's still a shade darker than true Strawberry blond (i shoudl know, as in the summer i have that hair color) but it's in the right color family so not anythign to complain about.


Berny's hair on the other hand :mad: i get the length, having it short instead of a long braid makes sense considering Berny's character ... but wtf was up with the platnum blond o.0 is she tryign to be a flamming Malfoy or something :dry:



my other complaint was the Renly/Loras scene .... i think HBO is going a bit tooo overboard with the gay angle, especially knowing that



Renly only has an episode or two left anyways. *shrugs* i guess their just trying to milk that while they can, but still




i did like the added parts with Margery though, the play on the question surrounding her virginity, letting us readers know that she did infact know about Renly and Loras. i still think that their playing her up to be more manipulative than she is



we all know it's her grandmother pullign the strings in this family *nods* Margery was just a pawn in the game of chess




i do have one question though, for those of you who've read the series




didn't we find out through Jon that Caster was givnig his sons to the Walkers, or was that once they return back to Casters place after venturing into the wild?


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i have no real complaits about last nights episode


the only thing i'm still grumping abotu is the over play of Joff as a bad guy and the under play of Cercies hand in his evilness. they seem to be casting her as a woman without power that is just trying to survive the hand her son is dealign out, rather than being the manipulative SOB we all know she it.



the added scene with Joff, while epically good to his character, was not to canon. correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't it Cersie that foudn out abotu the Imps plans to "un-block" *snickers* Joff by sending him to one of Littlefingers houses and she put a stop to it?? imo, Joff would have been all too eager to ... erm ... take advantage of his uncles good will.



also, the scene with the Red Lady and the Doppleganger was outstanding!!!



Alas poor Renly, we knew you so little :laugh:




i was also hopeing that the cousin would say the infamous line "but i only spill my seed on her belly" when the Imp cornered him :laugh: but still, great job HBO and keep it up!!!!



edit - also. i sniffled and teared up when Littlefinger brought Cat the bones, though i didn't recall right off ittlefinger ever beign in that camp o.0



Rob, why did you have to fall for that commoner *sniffles* everytime i see him i get sad now.


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the added scene with Joff, while epically good to his character, was not to canon. correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't it Cersie that foudn out abotu the Imps plans to "un-block" *snickers* Joff by sending him to one of Littlefingers houses and she put a stop to it?? imo, Joff would have been all too eager to ... erm ... take advantage of his uncles good will.

I disagree with that last bit

Joffrey hates his uncle just as much as his mother does

he wants no gifts from "the imp"


also my problem with the scene isn't that it's not cannon but that it was unnecessary

we saw how sadistic and cruel Joffrey is earlier in the episode when he had Meryn (sp?) knock the wind out of Sansa and beat her with the flat of his blade

we didn't need to see him order Littlefingers whores to spank each other

it seemed like a timefiller and an excuse to show more nudity

not something I'm against, far from it!

but I feel like this was the worst episode of the season so far (not bad really, just the C- of the A+ bunch ya know?) and I wonder if it couldn't have been improved somehow by removing this scene and doing something else with that time

maybe a quick wolf dream for Bran?


i was also hopeing that the cousin would say the infamous line "but i only spill my seed on her belly" when the Imp cornered him :laugh: but still, great job HBO and keep it up!!!!


I was waiting for that too, disappointed it got cut



Rob, why did you have to fall for that commoner *sniffles* everytime i see him i get sad now.




I don't know who this chick is going to be for the TV show but in the books the girl he fell for was the daughter of a minor lord IIRC

she's no Magery Tyrell I'll grant you but she's not a commoner either


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