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First time reader..... hi all!


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My husband started listening to New Spring in the car on the way into work and got me hooked. So that was Aug 2011 and we are still listening. Great series so far and I'm amazed by how many people post here daily! I passed up my husband and I'm now on Crossroads of Twilight. It's a little hard to keep all of the stories straight (thanks for this site and others for helping me out) and the characters, but I'm hooked to the series.


We are all hooked!!! I felt the same way you do but when I did a re- read some things fell into place. I'm new to the books too. Who is your fave character so far??


That is exactly how I started, my hubby was listening to the audiobooks and I got hooked and listened to them all the way through w/o him lol! Ryrin is right about re-reading, I'm on my first re-read myself. My favorite character is Birgitte Silverbow, who is yours?


Hi and welcome to DM, Sunteeser!


Great to have you here.

Do you have a least favourite character or do you just love them all? :)


Feel free to ask if you have any questions. I hope you will like it here!!


Favorite character, I think it was Moraine, but now it is Matt - least favorite?hmmm probably Elaida


I hear Knife of Dreams is really good. I am trying to get through Crossroads of Twilight quickly because it is just not doing it for me.


Welcome Sunteeser! Glad you like our Mat! hes my fav too.


im trying to hook my 15 yr old daughter on the audio books but its a slow work in progress.


So have you joined any orgs yet? Got any questions about them?


Favorite character, I think it was Moraine, but now it is Matt - least favorite?hmmm probably Elaida


I hear Knife of Dreams is really good. I am trying to get through Crossroads of Twilight quickly because it is just not doing it for me.


I love Moiraine, Siuan and Gareth. Least favorite character of the light is Egwene.




Welcome Sunteeser! Glad you like our Mat! hes my fav too.


im trying to hook my 15 yr old daughter on the audio books but its a slow work in progress.


So have you joined any orgs yet? Got any questions about them?

Orgs - I have no idea what this is so I'm guessing I haven't joined. I guess my question would be what is an org?


That's the old-fashioned name for Social Groups (*pokes Dice*) ... he's an old-timer 'round these parts.


I joined a bit over a year ago but didn't really venture into the Social Groups until recently, and I regret missing out. There are great people to get to know and a lot of fun to be had in that section of the forums!


is poked



Social groups smocial group! they are and always will be ORGS! social organisations if u wanna be technical lol


Basically Sunteeser they are groups based on the various groups from the books. so theres the White Tower the mighty Black tower!! :laugh: the Kin the Aiel Shayol Ghul for the wicked among us the studious Ogier the fun and TQ loving Wolfkin and the fabulous Band of the Red Hand. they all have their own purpose or meaning For example the bands them is Music and the Military, the ogier books and knowledge and history and the BT is all about channelling Saidin and...even more so...SPAM!


People with interests in say wolves or the wolf bros from the books usually join the Wolfkin. You can be a member of more then one. I know someone who is a member...an ACTIVE meber in every one of them!


personally? I joined the Band first cause Mats my fav then the Wolfkin the Ogier and recently the Black tower.


So come and visit we dont bite except for the Shayol Ghulers and the Lighties at the BT.... and you might just find ureself a home! All you gotta do is click on Forums and then EXPLORE!!



Pokes Songstress...with the sharp end of his ashandarei


You have been infected with Lightie cooties, yes.





*licks Dice on the side of the face*


Have some more!


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