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It's Leap Day - February 29th

Ithillian Turambar

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Once every four years, women can propose to men on Leap Day - February 29th. Being already Married, I'm not likely to ever be able to do this and I'm not sure if I would want to ... I mean, who wants to marry someone you had to wait and wait for the one day in four years before a proposal occurred.


Any thoughts on this?


1. Women ... would you propose marriage to someone on Leap Day? If women do this this, do you think it is a romantical thing - or out of pure desparation?


2. Men ... Do you lock yourself in the bathroom or store cupboard today and refuse to look any woman in the eye, just in case? Or would you be thrilled if someone loved you enough to make this gesture?


3. What else do you think we should be able to do on Leap Day that we are not normally allowed to do?


*Proposes that Rey's dad is very smart to have got married on this day, so he would only have to remember it and buy presents once every four years*




I see where you got your scalpel sharp intellect from now :wink:


*rides in on a My Little Pony as requested*




You are not going to see me in pink clothes though.



Marriage - been there, done that, not doing it again.


And I don´t see why men have to propose. I proposed to my ex and apparently my daughter is going to propose to a boy in her class today. Yes, she is 7. :biggrin:


Nice pony! :biggrin:


I think proposals are different now anyways, generally both parties already know the answer to the question and have even been shopping together for the ring. I have been engaged ... a few times :unsure: and married once before this time - and in each of those it was almost like a ... so we should probably move onto the 'let's get married stage' which I agreed to before panicking and legging it lol. And when I did actually get married the first time, I was a bit jaded about the whole thing - so specifically said to him not to bother with officially proposing or buying a ring.


I'm now remarried and actually did get a surprise proposal out of nowhere, because we had both agreed we didn't need to be married. There was a silly disagreement, followed by a feeling that we had actually broken up and moment of blind panic, followed by the realisation of how bad that felt and a sudden kneeling BF saying he didn't ever want to go through that again and would I marry him.


Memories eh?



So, do you have anything you would like to propose GGM?


*Proposes that Rey's dad is very smart to have got married on this day, so he would only have to remember it and buy presents once every four years*




I see where you got your scalpel sharp intellect from now :wink:


He makes this joke every 4 years :biggrin:


I always thought it would be cool to be born on Leap Day, cause then you'd age 4 times slower than everyone else




It would take forever to get to the age where you could drive, drink and erm ... Do other stuff though, so I am not going to propose this happens lol.


*Proposes that Rey's dad is very smart to have got married on this day, so he would only have to remember it and buy presents once every four years*




I see where you got your scalpel sharp intellect from now :wink:


He makes this joke every 4 years :biggrin:


Proposes that she retract her previous proposal as Rey's Dad clearly suffers from a bad case of DadHumour. Unfortunately, by the time this condition is discovered it is usually incurable.





I love your pony!


As far as the whole marriage/proposals things, I'm not sure how I feel about that anymore. Maybe if I meet the right person, but not now.


I propose that you all do your duties to the M`Hael and suck up to me more than usual. I have had migraine three days in a row and feel sorry for myself. I need someone that gives me massage, someone to do my laundry, someone to wash the dish (spot already taken), someone that buys me food, someone that cooks for me (again, spot already taken), someone that reads for me... Maybe you should ask me tomorrow instead. :myrddraal:


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