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IWW Crossword Game


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Welcome one and all to the International Women's Week Crossword.


Everyone Welcome


I had planned on making a few changes to this crossword as I made a few mistakes in development but as I am handicapped without the internet at home, we will have to make do.


I apologise for this poorly designed format.


And an extra clue on 8 across (because I was a stupid male) there is a space between the two words, so feel free to leave a letter blank.


How to Play:


PM me your answers, it as simple as that and I'll announce the winners as they come in. I/We planned to have a sig made by the end of the event for the winners.




Don't forget to scroll to the bottom as there is a nice banner you can use to show your participation.





1. The most typically idealized woman is viewed to have what role?

3. Led the New Zealand suffrage movement, Kate who?

6. Famous for pioneering work on radioactivity - Madam

8. An adolescent sleuth that lives in River Heights (5,4)

12. Marc Antony and ....

13. Third Prime Minister of India given name.



1. Two straight lines

2. This will cause debate but Queen of Pop

4. Robert Jordan's wife.

5. Cryptic Clue: I am woman - surname

7. Female Prime Minister of Britain's Nick Name (3,4,4)

9. Cryptic Clue: I will survive - surname

10. Famous for her work with chimps Jane

11. First woman to fly the Atlantic, given name.


I probably should have been more specific with two straight lines so I'll add


Two straight lines of twelve (as the hint)


And PoetStorm - you'll kick yourself when you get 1. across. I was going to give a hint but that'd make it too easy.


And we have our first winner.

I'm just deciding whether to announce whom now or whether to announce all the winners collectively at the end.


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