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Randland fashion


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I have a question about the ladies garments in Randland... Do all dresses have long sleeves? As in all the way to the wrist and over, or do some be 3/4 sleeves?


With such a detailed writer, it bugs me that i can describe emboidery and buttons, but forget to mention sleeves. Im trying to plan several WoT-cosplays, and details like these are important!


I used several weeks wrapping my head around divided riding skirts, for instance *sigh*

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I like the look of this thread so im going to wade in.


Divided skirts are something that dont look that flash in my opinion. Historically they are basically a huge pair of pants that get wider towards the ankle (making them look like a skirt). The look of them isn't that great IMO so I would put a nice bit of fabric as a non closed skirt (divide going down the front but hiding the divide at the back) it would make the skirt look more skirt like while walking or standing.

It would look like this and have the skirt/pants things underneath


Anyway personally Id just not divide them for a Cosplay


As for the sleeves I think most would have been long sleeved since it would be (dare I say) indecent to show too much skin. I think 3/4 sleeves would be very prevalent but RJ wouldn't think to write about something like that. Im just glad he wrote about what he did. otherwise we wouldn't know half of what we do.


Yes that is how I have figured riding dresses out to be. It is still a bit complicated compared to a few passages in the text tho. First of all, we have seen women in trousers be drscribed as trousers; Brigitte wears trousers, Min wears breeches. And yet you have Faile's "narrow divided riding dresses" I guess you can say that she have extra fabric over, maybe even buttoned together in some fashion. But then you have something that is mentioned somewhere in book 3-5. I cannot remember exactly, but it when Elayne and Nynaeve is travelling together, that Elayve had converted their dressed to riding dresses. Unless their skirts had two layers of fabric, she has just made them into pants-suits sort of. Ah well. Im not gonna make a divided cosplay-costume, it has just bugged me for quite a long time.


Also, while I am on my clothing rant: It seems like women only have good, stout "farmer"-shoes, or silk slippers, to choose from in footwear. Or have I missed something? Just seems to me slippers are a bit unpractical on a horse and in general for travelling.


I love RJ for his details, but I am an extreme detail-freak and I want to know absolutley every tiny little detail :tongue: Im starting to feel like Nynaeve, being so obsessed with clothes :biggrin:


I think skirts have a few layers of cloth so it would be possible. But yea im not a fan of the style. Id maybe look into making the skirt just be open in a way. So you have the skirt fabric 1 and a half times wider than needed. but you sow it correct at the top, overlapping it. This would make it sit like a skirt but have a large range of movement (would couldn't convert a normal skirt too it though)


In the gathering storm Egwene and Suin meet in a cobblers shop in the dream world (cant spell it lol) and they have a wall of styles but it never talks about what. I do know they talk about heeled boots as well though and the "sandles" that everyone wears in Tanchico. So that's 4 lol


Yeah but it does seem that only pants-wearing characters (Brigitte, Min, the Quens guard) wears these heeled boots.


Grumble. Im considering just sticking to Aiel Wise One. Much easier costume! Or if I'd have the courage maybe a Sea folk woman *snickers*


that would cause a mild stir to say the lease. I recommend taking a Medieval dress design and adapting it to a Randland fashion. So choose one you like then work from there (something without a pile of embroidery would be easiest lol)


Oh I have to admit Im not gonna make them myself, I'll puzzle together bits and pieces, and have things custom mad on Etsy and such. Wise One-costume is really easy, I just need the money and Im good.


Don't ask why I am getting myself costumes though. I don't have anywhere to wear them. But it's nice to pretend that I will be able to go JordanCon or DragonCon next year :biggrin:


While I am here blabbering, have anyone seen a good and accurate drawing of Wise Ones? I have seen a few of aviendha, but it's usually not the full outfit. God, I can't wait until mor of the graphic novels are out, even though they are not completly accurate, they do help me wrap my mind around things.


I haven't seen the graphic novels. But if you do a search there are heaps of random pics dotted about the web. I haven't seen many I like but there might be something of interest to you


Have you seen this page? http://www.facebook.com/pages/In-Memory-of-Robert-Jordan/164127706972822

I really like the artist and how she is portraying everything. She is doing a pic of Avi now but maybe in the future she will do a wise one


Thanks for the link! I really like her style!


I haven't seen the full graphic novels, but I've seen pictures here and there. I know they aren't completly accurate... I've seen a page from New Spring, after Siuan and Moiraines testing, and all the Blue sisters are wearing exact same dresses :rolleyes:


hi thar!


This is something, I too have wondered about, and although the lack of detail sometimes bothers me (as I would be building my own cosplay).


For me, it depends on the type of person that the cosplay is on. For instance, if one was cosplaying Moiraine, I would say, absolutely, long sleeves all the way. A Little lace- just a TINY amount- falling over the hand, etc.


If, on the other hand, one were cosplaying an Ebou Dari woman or a Domani woman, I think short sleeves, are appropriate, depending on the sleeve style. Possibly even sleeveless.


On the third hand, if I was cosplaying Cadsuane, I would go with a dress like this:




except less fussy fabric, etc.


as for shoes, again, depends on character for me... I'd go with heeled boots that button for most of the ladies, although Min and Faile I would do leather equestrian boots. If I were you, like Piano says, I'd google search ladies fashion from medieval times through to renaissance, through to victorian age. see what things stick out to you as right, and go for it. You can't go wrong!


Thanks Charise Sedai! Buttoned heeled shoes, ankle length, is what I have been thinking would be good travel shoes.


It's funny for most of the girlies I have very set pictures in my head of what most of the girls wear (Elayne in Tudor-style, Nynaeve in dressed sot of like Eowyn in Lotr, Berelain's dressed remind me of Arwens, Egwene in quite "normal" medieval dresses, Gwynevere-style, Aviendha a mix between Nyn and Eg) but Moiraine I can never really wrap my head around, I think it is because I have seen so many very different artists views on her. But I usually picture her in dresses that have tight, long sleeves, with a looser outer sleeve. She seems always very decent.


I do completly agree with you on the style of dress on Cadsuane, I can completly see her in that in like a grey or green silk. Verin I think will have very simple clothing, actually a dress in Sims Medieval always makes me think of Verin:




You can't see it in the picture, but it's like an underdress, with the green overdress being laced all the way down on both sides. Very Verin.


Sims Medieval is generally a good inspiration for clothes. I've always pictures Sheriam in something like this:



I love this picture of Min and her clothes, wich I think someone here on DM has made? The face isn't right for me, but the clothes and hair is awesome.



I like that better then this look, but I think this is more of Mins "old" look, and the other is her new, more feminine look.



But to me, this is the ultimate Min, clothingwise:



I agree and disagree :P I mean... Light, knowing girls, I pity the man who has to deal wth 3 women all the time. I mean, triple pms?! :biggrin:


Theoretically sounds good... I love being married, but you neeed to remember a couple of things... Have you ever been married yet? If not, try keeping one wife happy for a while, and then imagine trying to do it for three at the same time!!! No thank you! One is plenty for me!


If you have, and are in the relationship as much as you should, I don't think this would sound as cool to you as you think originally... just saying!


(feel free to contradict me, I have been known to be wrong on occasion... lol!)


haha no im not married. But Ill take your word for it


Back on topic

I just read something in TOM and apparently it is a Saldean style to have the long medieval like sleeves.


Sometimes it's the wives that have to keep the husbands happy :tongue:.


(No, really.)


I never noticed that Player! Thanks for telling us - it'll come in handy on the rp side :smile:.


Rekinu yes Im married, and Im glad I don't have to share him with anyone, lol! Im needy enough on my own *giggle*


Piano: Oh like this kinda?:






This makes me think of Seanchan officers:




I can easily see a successfull merchant in something like this:




Red sister in winter:




This one makes me think of the Kin for some reason:




Lanfear much?




Totally Moiraine!




Men's boots:




Google, I vuw it!


Yes that's the impression I got. One day im gunna do sketches of all the clothing and cities of WOT. One day


I like those pics. I think they wouldn't have had under busts or corsets though. I have read no mention of them


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