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He have a smurf in the tower!


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channels water and puts out ithis shoes



takes the a'dam off and offers ithi a drink of water "sorry hun i didnt mean to hurt u!.....ithi...ithi!!! dont look at me like that!!!!





Welcome Shomo to the BT...


best not mention the Rugby yesterday then...haha!!!


I hope hang around and here are some proper tainted brownies, not those that Dice gave you...


Oh and please hang around.,..and to make sure you do..


*weaves and hangs Shomo on the wall hanging*


A new edition...oh I haven't done that in while...it feels good!


*Ithi considers using one of her new Delving weaves against Dicey, but then smiles and creates a new one, with air and fire and aims it at his feet.*


That's perfectly fine Dicey, we wouldn't be the Shadow if we weren't constantly trying to kill each other lol - perhaps it's best you concentrate your efforts on the Lighties though.


*slowly the weave begins to work, the shoes will become hotter by teeny tiny amounts, not really noticeable at first, and the air part of the weave has ensured he won't be able to take them off*




dices feet start smoking "hmmm" tries taking off shoes no can do "uh oh!" channels threads of air aand tries to sneak them inside the shoes to make a barrier...doesnt work



runs for the nearest water trough and throws himself in feet first


looks at despo through his wet hair " no probs despo i now have something to use on lighties!"



loved trepidatious by the way GREAT word!


Rey if it came down to a pure knife fight despo might get a nasty surprise lol


*watches how her minions performs evil experiments* :baalzamon:





Shomofo - where in Scotland do you live? I visited Scotland many years ago and there were so many beautiful places.


Ehm, don´t mind the spam. It is inevitable her in the BT. :biggrin:


dice looks around and sees no one watching.


quickly uses the first weave he ever learnt inverts it he calls it the super houdini weave.


Escapes his hot shoe shuffle. runs to where ithi cant get him anymore...a stedding


*Weaves a special A'dam out of spirit, air and water and slaps it round Dicey's neck, creating a beautiful matching bracelet for herself*


Not so fast my friend.


*Dicey stops dead and waits and Ithi approaches him and smiles*


Time for a few Channelling lessons I think ...




Yeah, I'm Shadow. We don't do nice.


*feels the slighest beginings of a whimper before Dicey manages to control it*


Now ... Let us begin. Please select the nearest Lightie and create a Fire Ball. Throw the Fire Ball at the Lightie. You will get extra IthiPoints for being creative




*is not keen on being dragged about*


OK lesson two I think. The Shadow is cool and has style. We don't rush and panic and drag folk about. Good job with Talya though, hopefully she won't even notice and it will land right on her bottom - and then she will have Holy Pants lol.


And don't worry about the Brownies, you have the Great Lord's protection.


Ok next, go find me a Lightie and do something amusing, but with style. I think Matty just made the terrible mistake of choosing the Light Faction. He probably should be taught a Lesson. :wink:


*Sends a general 'go torture Matty' command through the Link*


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