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Welcome Lenlo!


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I would love some! As for talking about myself weeell... I am currently a high-school Senior/college Freshman. I take half my courses at the local community college. I first tried to read Wheel of Time when I was 13 or 14, but I couldn't make it past Winters Heart at the time. I picked it up again early last year late year before that and finished the entire series.


I plan on going and becoming a Computer Engineer, but I haven't decided between hardware or software yet. My interests include reading, playing the piano, enjoying good games and programming when I have the time. I enjoy writing some short story's every now and then, but those are pretty rare now a days. All I can think of right now, but I may update this a bit more if I think of something.




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Lets see, Computer Engineering, as I define it, can be either the hardware such as circuit boards and such or it can be the actual programming of a computer using code, such as Java, C++, Python and such. I suppose the dictionary definition could be strictly hardware, but I don't define it that way.

Other things I like to read, well I love Piers Anthony and Tolkien is always a good read. Im rereading WoT for two reasons right now, 1)I need to catch up for the new book and 2) I have run out of things to read, so I am rereading things I enjoyed.


Favorite characters, that's a hard one. Of the three main ones I prefer Matrim the most, with Perrin as my second. For side character/supporting, Thom and Gareth Bryn are well up there. Among the forsaken and other darkfriends, Padan Fain has been my favorite since my first read. Im pretty sure he wont survive the final book, but I can always hope.


P.S. Yay brownies! I forgot to eat breakfast today, so these are gonna be good.

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I'm not allowed to read right now =O i need to sneak over to the library and pick up the book i'm on and secretly finish reading it.


I was going into comps but there is no job market for more comps people here =( but there is a HUGE market for security guards and corrections officers...So im going into that =( I hope later on in life i'll be able to resume my comps education.

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Right now the only music I havnt enjoyed, to any extent at all, is rap. I am just not a fan of rap. I do enjoy techno, neoclassical and classical though. And some of my favorite bands now a days use electric classical instruments, like a keyboard guitar thing or the electric violins.

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Welcome to the Black Tower! I´m M`Hael. If you have any questions just send me a PM. You will shortly get access to our private boards. Hardware - software, must be something of the Light because I don´t understand any of it. :baalzamon:

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