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Weekend Plans


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Yeah, it's nice sometimes to relax.  Last night we went to see Les Mis at the local college.   My son was in it.  Other than that, we did a whole lot of nothing.

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Ooh, neat Ryrin! What part is your son playing? *Looooove Les Mis* 


I spent the majority of the weekend helping my best friend and her daughter move their stuff from the old apartment to their new apartment. Hot, tiring work, but we got a lot of it done. Will probably be doing more of that today until we're finished. 

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That sounds awesome, Ryrin! I'm with Lady, I love Les Mis! Which part?? 


Relaxing was nice, but I have a bit of cabin fever and no funds. LOL That's a horrible collection to have. Pay Day is Friday and there's a lot of things to do this week to keep me out of (some) trouble. There may be more DM spamming, however... hehehe

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When I'm away from home, all I want is to be HOME. When I'm at home for more than a few days, I need to go breathe someone else's air. LOL Just the way of it, I guess. *shrugs*


Tomorrow is Peanut and Mama day again! i try to do this once a week while I'm home for the summer. Tomorrow, we're getting her hair cut, then going to see a $1 movie. After that, we're going to come home and pick some projects we can do from Pinterest! 


Then my new bed will be delivered between 4 and 8! YAY! :) 

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We have finished moving my friend in. Now I am in frenetic packing mode for this weekend: Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium! Looking forward to meeting heralds and scribes from all over the world. 


And now, a lovely picture of a medieval German monastery (since that is my first thought when it comes to illumination workshops): 


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I love it, Lady! I love the mix of gothic architecture on the bottom (pointed arches are a dead giveaway for anyone who doesn't know) and the traditional German gingerbreading along the top! :) 



Here's a pic of Neuschwanstein in Bavaria that I just love! 

(sorry it's huge, but it's so totally worth it!)


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I agree! hehehe Mist does awesome things for places. My favorite pictures of my favorite city (the one I live in, oddly enough!) are of the fog in the trees, like this:




This picture was taken out at Bethesda, which is a boy's home and school. Seriously beautiful place...

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I just realized we're posting places in the weekend thread. LOL oops



I went geocaching this morning and came up empty! BOO-HOO! I'll stop in a place down the street on my way to get the girls in a little while and see what I can find. There are two caches there! :) 

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I took the girls out to ride bikes today. Since it's over ninety degrees and the humidity is through the roof, I was dripping sweat off my chin within ten minutes. Lol we came in just before it started raining.


I've talked Dana into the beach tomorrow. :)

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You wouldn't be that mean, surely... *eyes Kynwric*


Sounds like fun, Ryrin! :) I'm trying to talk my husband into the beach this weekend before the tourists get here. 


 To you, no... because I like you... but a guy at the last job was bad OCD and when we worked together I would go and move things on his desk just a bit, he'd come back and have to re-straighten everything.


I mowed the lawn, all of it... my kid better be appreciative.

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I would hate you for a month. Seriously. My stapler has a place, people!  It's usually lost in the clutter that gets stacked on top of it, but move it from that place and I go freakin' nuts! 

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